ok leftists I need you to clear something up

I created a topic that you can't answer. with a response that makes sense and without lying.

You asked why Russia didn't mess with the 2020 election: they did.

You asked why they waited until after Trump left office to invade stuff: because Trump was doing Putin's work as his puppet.
Why wage a war against NATO when you already have the US president destroying it for you for free?
so you believe American troops should bear the burden of Europe? And those European countries should not have to pay their fair share for their own defense?

You asked why Russia didn't mess with the 2020 election: they did.

You asked why they waited until after Trump left office to invade stuff: because Trump was doing Putin's work as his puppet.
and your answer made no sense the pandemic doesn't stop cyberattacks hell it doesn't even stop a war.
who supposedly won or are you saying the election was rigged too much for Russian interference?
OR are you saying Russia helped biden to win?
Russians didn’t rig the election in 2016
What they did was hack the DNC server and spread disinformation about Hillary.
Trump happily used the information against Hillary
They also used an Army of trolls to infiltrate Facebook and other websites

They tried the same in 2020 but Trump was such a flawed candidate by then
Russians didn’t rig the election in 2016
What they did was hack the DNC server and spread disinformation about Hillary.
Trump happily used the information against Hillary
They also used an Army of trolls to infiltrate Facebook and other websites

They tried the same in 2020 but Trump was such a flawed candidate by then
show me where I said that Russia rigged the 2016 election?
How did trump try to destroy NATO by demanding they quit fee loading?
How did Trump try to destroy NATO?

He openly demeaned our NATO allies
He praised Putin
He failed to support Article 5
He questioned whether the US should continue with NATO

Trump delivered just what Putin wanted
A weakened western alliance and a fractured US Democracy

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