ok leftists I need you to clear something up

How did Trump try to destroy NATO?

He openly demeaned our NATO allies
He praised Putin
He failed to support Article 5
He questioned whether the US should continue with NATO

Trump delivered just what Putin wanted
A weakened western alliance and a fractured US Democracy
what President Trump actually did was tell them the free ride was over.
So he praised Putin you can disarm people when you say something nice about them.
Now if you consider that demeaning them so be it
He failed to support Art. 5
could you stop lying?
Trump was tired of endless wars, aren't you?
We aren't a democracy but any fractures of America's system was created by the American leftists
what President Trump actually did was tell them the free ride was over.
So he praised Putin you can disarm people when you say something nice about them.
Now if you consider that demeaning them so be it
He failed to support Art. 5
could you stop lying?
Trump was tired of endless wars, aren't you?
We aren't a democracy but any fractures of America's system was created by the American leftists
Free ride is a myth
NOBODY contributes to NATO. There is no annual NATO bill other than some trivial organizational fees

What countries do is maintain a military force that coordinates and trains with NATO forces
Free ride is a myth
NOBODY contributes to NATO. There is no annual NATO bill other than some trivial organizational fees

What countries do is maintain a military force that coordinates and trains with NATO forces
and they weren't contributing what they should have
Nah, you're just a GOPer so you don't like truth. Sorry for trying to help answer your questions.
no your response was incoherent to where someone with sense could actually make sense of the answer.

That's a head scratcher.
Yeah it's almost as if he lost the Popular vote to a old crappy woman, and won the Electoral vote by a hair.

Then when facing a man, he lost by 7 million votes lmfao.

Nah, couldn't be that he barely could beat an old lady.
The guy could barely beat a fucking geriatric woman.

When he faced a man he got stomped by 7 million votes. God the GOP are such losers.
On February 21, 2020, The Washington Post reported that, according to unnamed US officials, Russia was interfering in the Democratic primary in an effort to support the nomination of Senator Bernie Sanders.

Russian interference in the 2020 United States elections

#2) Is this a serious question? Trump was trying to destroy NATO, why would Putin invade anything when his puppet was doing his work for him?
Asking NATO members pay the share THEY AGREED TO is not "destroying NATO". Don't be dumb, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
Asking NATO members pay the share THEY AGREED TO is not "destroying NATO". Don't be dumb, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
He tried to destroy NATO as Putin's puppet. You only are justifying it because you voted for him. If you had a normal brain you'd understand what was going on.

You voted for Putin's puppet.
Yeah it's almost as if he lost the Popular vote to a old crappy woman, and won the Electoral vote by a hair.

Then when facing a man, he lost by 7 million votes lmfao.

Nah, couldn't be that he barely could beat an old lady.
but the popular vote doesn't win the election.
Our system is made up so smaller states still have a voice at the ballot
Once the exodus ends in blue states you'll be glad we still have the electorial college

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