OK, now I know.

With all the posts about how much the ACA was going to change our health care, I was looking forward to tonights meeting on health care for 2014 with some trepidition. So what changed?

No more traditional Kaiser. Now the deductable Kaiser. Pretty much the same, except the deductables are higher. Not backbreaking higher, the Stint in my wife's heart that cost me $250 then would cost me $750 in 2014. And the family max is in about the same ratio, a max of $6750. Everything else about the same, co-pay, ect. But the savings is enough for the company that they are paying 100% of the premium for 2014, for an inpockets savings for me of $83 per month.

This is close enough to the old plan that I have no bitchs at all. So much for all the predictions of health plan armegeddon from the 'Conservatives' on this board.

So it goes from 250 to 750 and you're OK with that?
I seem to remember obammy saying it would be cheaper.
You fools fall for this crap every time. Now not only are the costs higher,the quality will go down.
And to make matters even worse you just gave the federal government control of your life....literally.
To live in such fear of failure,that you welcome the yoke of government ...? There is something seriously wrong with you people.

Yes, the US's descent into Marxism has occurred much more rapidly than I thought it could. I fear my daughter is going to see some very sad things occur in her lifetime. I am setting her up so that if she needs she'll be able to escape from this country in a hurry if it comes to that.

I remember riding a train from St. Petersburg to Moscaw back after the wall had come down and I was talking with a Soviet (he still was) officer and him remarking "we had our
terror, yours is coming". I assured him he was wrong, but of course he was correct.

I don't pay anymore.

My wife doesn't pay anymore.

Of my children's plans for themselves and their children, three are 2 to 3% higher, and one is about 7% higher.

I don't believe you. Unless of course you are welfare recipients then yes, I can see that.

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