OK right wingers. I need you to treat me like a 6yr old!!(pt 1)

I'm wasn't talking about marriage. My statement was based on science and it is absolutely true. If I need to explain biology to you I can. However, I doubt you'd understand it.

It's not absolutely true you ignoramus. Gays can procreate just fine with women who agree to deliver them a child, they just can't procreate with each other.



My statement said two people of the same sex CANNOT procreate with each other. That is absolutely true.
Are you saying two men can create a child. My statement said they can't and you're saying that isn't true.
Just at shows how very little you know in your narrow world. Straight couples use AI and IVF more than gays do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:
The problem is many of those women (40%) are having bastard children they can't afford to feed. That means they aren't independent since they rely on someone else to do their job as a parent. So much for your opinion.

It has come to my attention that often conservatives A. pull numbers out of their ass. B. completely misinterpret them, even when not outright wishfully fabricating them.

I think this one is of the B variety - 40% of single MOTHERS maybe, not single women.

And my point was of independence specifically from a spouse they REALLY may not want to be with.

Having a child makes them a mother, retard. I see you play semantics to avoid that 40% of children born today to mothers are bastards.

You made no point.

Lol you fucking idiot do you really think that 40% of mothers...exactly like 40% of children who live without fathers in the picture?

Isn't amazing how everything is 40%? It's not amazing, you just don't know what the fuck the numbers you use ACTUALLY pertain to.

~25% of children live in single mother household. That's not playing "SEMANTICS", it's USING CORRECT WORDS THAT CORRECTLY REFLECT REALITY, something you really need to learn.
Pfffft, we've been getting married "in God's eyes" decades longer than in the "government's eyes". We've always had equal access to religious marriage.
A point I've made for decades. Homosexuals never needed the government to recognize their marriage. If it was truly about love - they wouldn't care who recognized it. It was always about the perks and benefits. We should have had an honest discussion around that as a nation.

Okay, let's have this "honest" discussion. Gays did not create civil marriage so it's not us that required these "perks and benefits".

It's always been about legal civil marriage, with or without the cash and prizes you straight folks decided to give yourselves. Go ahead and do your damndest to take them away. Gays would still want equal access to legal, civil marriage.

Did you only get married in a church, "Patriot"?
Just at shows how very little you know in your narrow world. Straight couples use AI and IVF more than gays do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:

Yet one parent has a pee pee and can teach the children about sports, mechanical knowledge guy stuff

And another parent has a vargina and can nurture the children and teach about cooking, cleaning and the rest.
Another example of liberalism destroying families. One can attempt to kid themselves all they want, but stoned people do not make good parents. Just in the past three years of the Obama Administration has seen a nearly 50% increase in adults using marijuana.

New numbers on percentage of U.S. adults who smoke marijuana

Your link does not provide any information on marijuana use and parenting, "patriot", why is that? Could it be because you don't know what you're talking about?
[Society has now been "destroyed" because I get to file joint taxes? What do you take for your hyperbole syndrome?
Well thank you for the rare moment of honesty. Gay marriage was never about marriage. It was always about what perks and benefits the homosexual community could get from the government. The irony is that in most cases, you actually get penalized for filing joint taxes. My wife and I have had to file separately 5 out of the past 6 years.

Wait...so you straight folks gave yourselves cash and prizes for being married...but you get upset because gay couples said "hey, we want that too"? Feel free to get rid of the goodies...gays will still want to get married.
Honestly - not at all. I have no problems with homosexuals wanting that as well (though I will say that government should stay the hell out of marriage as that is between two people, God, and the church). My problem all along is the problem I always have with the left - the lies. It was always about the benefits but they wouldn't admit it. They want to make it out to be some bullshit Hallmark sentimental nonsense and that was never the case.

The reason we have such a problem with debating in this country is not because of the "24x7 media" (which always gets blamed) but rather because liberals start with nothing but lies and build on it from there. I would have had infinite respect for liberals had they said "yes - I want homosexual marriage because of the benefits". At least we could have a real debate based on real merits.

Nope, it's not. It's about legal civil marriage. As long as it exists, with or without the cash and prizes, gays will want equal access to it. Go ahead and try to take away the goodies y'all gave yourselves. We'll still get legally married.

Under maritime admiralty law, when you pay for a license to do something that would otherwise be "illegal", you are making "da gubermint" a third party entity. We haven't been under "Common Law" since the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933.....we no longer have "rights" but rather "privileges" and when you give "da gubermint" the right to grant you privileges, they can also take them away at their whim and discretion. When and if I should ever "marry" again, I will simply go to a man of God, use him as my witness as I pledge my devotion to her. I do not need "da gubermint" to bless it and ask for their permission. My covenant is between me, her and God.....nothing else is required.....do you get it now????

I get that you purchase your tin foil in bulk, what more do I need to "get"?
OK. I need some one to explain exactly how liberal policies destroyed families.

I heard a claim that public assistance chase the male parent out of the home--how exactly?

I really need some clarity on this claim. Is there some special rule to receiving that penalizes families with both parents? Is there some other argument?

Serious replies, please

A 3 family (mom dad baby) household will not qualify for welfare as easily as a two person (mom baby) household .

There's a bit of a paradox, but it's understandable . The 3 person family should be able to find work . One stays wh baby while the other goes to work. The 2 person family doesn't have that option and will qualify for more help .
You know what REALLY changed the "good ol'" family dynamics?

Freedom and education. When women are independent, have good jobs, have control when they get pregnant, have that hand up available as last resort, it's that much less they are willing to put up with.

So yes in that sense liberal movement and policies did contribute AND THAT'S A GOOD THING.
Women have enjoyed education for some time now but families have recently taken a big hit. Many kids are shuttled from on home to another in joint custody. Many only have one parent. As society has shifted to the focus on self the dedication to family has taken a back seat. That has had some serious negative consequences. One must be living in a total ideological bubble to not know it.
Just at shows how very little you know in your narrow world. Straight couples use AI and IVF more than gays do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:

Yet one parent has a pee pee and can teach the children about sports, mechanical knowledge guy stuff

And another parent has a vargina and can nurture the children and teach about cooking, cleaning and the rest.

No specific "parts" are needed to teach any of those things.
The problem is many of those women (40%) are having bastard children they can't afford to feed. That means they aren't independent since they rely on someone else to do their job as a parent. So much for your opinion.

It has come to my attention that often conservatives A. pull numbers out of their ass. B. completely misinterpret them, even when not outright wishfully fabricating them.

I think this one is of the B variety - 40% of single MOTHERS maybe, not single women.

And my point was of independence specifically from a spouse they REALLY may not want to be with.

Having a child makes them a mother, retard. I see you play semantics to avoid that 40% of children born today to mothers are bastards.

You made no point.

Lol you fucking idiot do you really think that 40% of mothers...exactly like 40% of children who live without fathers in the picture?

Isn't amazing how everything is 40%? It's not amazing, you just don't know what the fuck the numbers you use ACTUALLY pertain to.

~25% of children live in single mother household. That's not playing "SEMANTICS", it's USING CORRECT WORDS THAT CORRECTLY REFLECT REALITY, something you really need to learn.

40% of the children born today are born bastards. That is a fact.

You can continue to play semantics and people will continue to consider you a moron. Your choice, son.
I'm wasn't talking about marriage. My statement was based on science and it is absolutely true. If I need to explain biology to you I can. However, I doubt you'd understand it.

It's not absolutely true you ignoramus. Gays can procreate just fine with women who agree to deliver them a child, they just can't procreate with each other.



My statement said two people of the same sex CANNOT procreate with each other. That is absolutely true.
Are you saying two men can create a child. My statement said they can't and you're saying that isn't true.

Just at shows how very little you know in your narrow world. Straight couples use AI and IVF more than gays do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:

Yet one parent has a pee pee and can teach the children about sports, mechanical knowledge guy stuff

And another parent has a vargina and can nurture the children and teach about cooking, cleaning and the rest.

No specific "parts" are needed to teach any of those things.

Says the idiot feminist lesbo . .
I'm wasn't talking about marriage. My statement was based on science and it is absolutely true. If I need to explain biology to you I can. However, I doubt you'd understand it.

It's not absolutely true you ignoramus. Gays can procreate just fine with women who agree to deliver them a child, they just can't procreate with each other.



My statement said two people of the same sex CANNOT procreate with each other. That is absolutely true.
Are you saying two men can create a child. My statement said they can't and you're saying that isn't true.


antontoo seems to disagree that it is a fact.

It goes back to a statement that same sex couples can have children. They cannot as a couple have children. Are you saying that two men can have a biological child together?
antontoo seems to disagree that it is a fact.

It goes back to a statement that same sex couples can have children. They cannot as a couple have children. Are you saying that two men can have a biological child together?

No you fucking dumb ass, I do not disgree that gays cannot procreate WITH EACH OTHER. And I even SPECIFICALLY SAID THAT THEY CANNOT.

What I DID say was that GAYS CAN PROCREATE, which THEY CAN.

Are you too fucking stupid to keep up with the basic difference here?
Just at shows how very little you know in your narrow world. Straight couples use AI and IVF more than gays do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:

Yet one parent has a pee pee and can teach the children about sports, mechanical knowledge guy stuff

And another parent has a vargina and can nurture the children and teach about cooking, cleaning and the rest.

No specific "parts" are needed to teach any of those things.

Says the idiot feminist lesbo . .

Says all the studies on the issue.
Just at shows how very little you know in your narrow world. Straight couples use AI and IVF more than gays do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:

Yet one parent has a pee pee and can teach the children about sports, mechanical knowledge guy stuff

And another parent has a vargina and can nurture the children and teach about cooking, cleaning and the rest.

No specific "parts" are needed to teach any of those things.

Says the idiot feminist lesbo . .

That's exactly why we have 6 million plus skilled labor jobs going unfilled , no dad's, single and dyke mothers don't comprehend those are $60,000 to $100 000 a year jobs and pushing their kids to be liberal art majors.
I'm wasn't talking about marriage. My statement was based on science and it is absolutely true. If I need to explain biology to you I can. However, I doubt you'd understand it.

It's not absolutely true you ignoramus. Gays can procreate just fine with women who agree to deliver them a child, they just can't procreate with each other.



My statement said two people of the same sex CANNOT procreate with each other. That is absolutely true.
Are you saying two men can create a child. My statement said they can't and you're saying that isn't true.


antontoo seems to disagree that it is a fact.

It goes back to a statement that same sex couples can have children. They cannot as a couple have children. Are you saying that two men can have a biological child together?

Yes, they can, using ART or adoption just like thousands and thousands of straight couples do.
What a bizarre response which has nothing to do with the issue. Both AI and IVF require sperm - something which two women cannot produce under any circumstances. Both AI and IVF require am egg - something which two men cannot produce under any circumstances. Since you cannot deny this - you turn the conversation into something else.

And some straight couples can't produce the egg or the sperm...so they use IVF and AI, just like gay couples. Are those infertile couples that use IVF and AI also not families? According to YOUR definition they are not...which shows us how bigoted and narrow your worldview is.

Three critical points to make here..

There is no "our" children in your situation. Maybe you gave birth to your children. Maybe your partner did. But one thing is certain - if a DNA test was run, one of you would not be the biological parent of those children.
So straight couples that adopt or use ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) are not the parents of their children? Come on "Patriot", you willing to say that out loud to the families all over the country that have adopted someone else's throw away children, "Patriot"?

Deferring to children in a debate is incredibly weak. There is a reason why children cannot enter into contracts. Why they cannot be held accountable in a court of law. And why they can't vote. Children don't always understand the full scope of something and there are maturity issues.

Our kids are teens and know their own minds. You're a pussy, Puppy, I know you wouldn't' have the balls to tell my kids that we aren't a family.

I've known enough people like you to know that I wouldn't be able to tell your children anything differently. Liberalism defies all logic, reason, science, facts, data, etc. It's irrational emotion and as such it relies on indoctrination. You could provide a liberal with indisputable evidence that would get a unanimous indictment in a court of law and a liberal will still deny it (and throw a fit in the process as the realization that reality contradicts their precious little ideology.

Awesome! Classic projection. You just described your bigoted self. You wouldn't want to hear about our family life, "Patriot" because it would destroy your misconceptions about gay families...and that would ruin your whole ideology and I don't think you could survive that. :lol:

Yet one parent has a pee pee and can teach the children about sports, mechanical knowledge guy stuff

And another parent has a vargina and can nurture the children and teach about cooking, cleaning and the rest.

No specific "parts" are needed to teach any of those things.

Says the idiot feminist lesbo . .

That's exactly why we have 6 million plus skilled labor jobs going unfilled , no dad's, single and dyke mothers don't comprehend those are $60,000 to $100 000 a year jobs and pushing their kids to be liberal art majors.

So gay parents are why there are 6 million skilled labor jobs going unfilled? :lol: Um, yeah okay...:cuckoo:

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