OK Scientists. Explain How Global Warming Is Causing Snowy/Blizzard Conditions In Northern States.

I think that was the honorable goal at first, but it didn't change public opinion fast enough so instead they hitched on to junk science/ hysteria/fear mongering and it has been bitting them in the ass for the past forty years.

Well, if they mean to Save the Earth, they are wasting a lot of time focusing on the wrong problem. I've thought a lot about this weird "global warming" thing, and I am satisfied I understand what is going on. The leftists simply cannot blame the actual blameables: the Chinese and Indonesians for their incredible smog. The huge floating plastic island growing bigger every day. The gross over-population in the whole continent of Africa so that they eat all the wild animals and flood into Europe and depend on grain supplies from abroad with deficit spending, which could stop at any time.

It does rich whites in America and Europe no good to blame those to blame for over-populating: they wouldn't notice anyway, or care if they did. So they blame George Bush (this whole thing started during George Bush's administration: it was Al Gore's revenge, for one thing). And now all Republicans. This makes no sense at all, but at least they get an audience: people take opinions on it and participate in threads like this, rather than blow it off and kill another okapi as no doubt they would do in poorer countries.

I really wish leftists WOULD promote population control. After all, that would fix their "problem," non-existent though it is --- fewer people, less CO2 and less carbon-burning and so on. Also it would help prevent all the Malthusian problems coming up because of gross over-population, the extinctions, the famines, the out-of-control migrations, the diseases, etc.
Those who want to proclaim climate change have only one motive -

to fundamentally alter the economic premises of society toward socialism and wealth redistribution.
Does anyone find it a bit suspicious that their plan to combat global warming is to raise taxes...yeah we get it.

Yes, their plan to fight every problem is the same: higher taxes, increased regulation.

Its an end to a means, since tax increases are highly unpopular they come up with schemes like global warming and ozone holes to promote tax increases.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Can you cite any scientific study on climate that ever came to the conclusion/prediction that snow would cease to exist by 2015?

3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

Do you know what year it is, dumbass?

Yes, it's 2015, long after the time when a series of terrible winters humiliated all the AGW con artists and their claims that winter was going to disappear.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Can you cite any scientific study on climate that ever came to the conclusion/prediction that snow would cease to exist by 2015?

3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

Do you know what year it is, dumbass?

Yes, it's 2015, long after the time when a series of terrible winters humiliated all the AGW con artists and their claims that winter was going to disappear.
>>> still waiting for an explanation of the november "Polar Vortex" like weather in the northern left corner of the 57 states. has anyone see the 7 day forecast?
Those who want to proclaim climate change have only one motive -

to fundamentally alter the economic premises of society toward socialism and wealth redistribution.

No we just want your children to have clean air, water, and land. And I for one don't care if the earth is getting warmer colder or staying the same.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Damn man, you are really that stupid. Congrats!
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"
Ok ... WHO farted?

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none of this frigid weather would be happening if cows just stopped farting !!!!
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"
NY Times 2012: Snow a thing of the past


hold the leftards to their words
After the Right changes their words.

weirdo it is not the skeptics

that have been amply changing the wording

concerning the man made global warming scare
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"
NY Times 2012: Snow a thing of the past


hold the leftards to their words
After the Right changes their words.

You mean like that reporter tried to do to Donald Trump?

there is a lot of it in lefty media

look how they altered zimmermans 9-1-1- call
It's a predicted eventuality, not something that will happen tomorrow. If you really understood science, you'd realize why there may be more snow as the climate warms. If the average winter temp warmed from 25 F to 28 F, for example, it would still snow, but the air at 28 F would hold more moisture, resulting in more snow.

"Helena Williams had a great day of skiing here at Mount Sunapee shortly after the resort opened at the end of November, but when she came back the next day, the temperatures had warmed and turned patches of the trails from white to brown.

“It’s worrisome for the start of the season,” said Ms. Williams, 18, a member of the ski team at nearby Colby-Sawyer College. “The winter is obviously having issues deciding whether it wants to be cold or warm.”

It's filed with the prediction the polar ice caps will be gone by 2013.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.
That's weather, and it is warmer. But the world CLIMATE has never been warmer in recorded history, nor the amount of CO2 etc. Dumbass dupes.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"
NY Times 2012: Snow a thing of the past


hold the leftards to their words
After the Right changes their words.

You mean like that reporter tried to do to Donald Trump?

there is a lot of it in lefty media

look how they altered zimmermans 9-1-1- call
BS, dupe.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.
That's weather, and it is warmer. But the world CLIMATE has never been warmer in recorded history, nor the amount of CO2 etc. Dumbass dupes.
Call me when palm trees and crocodiles return to Alaska.
OP- That's SNOW, not cold, dumbass dupe. GW means more erratic weather with crazy shytte. See the NYC hurricane and wind and rain/snow/drought etc. MORONS!
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.
That's weather, and it is warmer. But the world CLIMATE has never been warmer in recorded history, nor the amount of CO2 etc. Dumbass dupes.
Call me when palm trees and crocodiles return to Alaska.
Shove it, jackass dupe of greedy idiot GOP billionaires. MORON. ANYTHING to supposedly save you tax money. You'll be waiting a long time, Pub dupe.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.
That's weather, and it is warmer. But the world CLIMATE has never been warmer in recorded history, nor the amount of CO2 etc. Dumbass dupes.
Call me when palm trees and crocodiles return to Alaska.
Shove it, jackass dupe of greedy idiot GOP billionaires. MORON. ANYTHING to supposedly save you tax money. You'll be waiting a long time, Pub dupe.
Call me when Bill Gates and Al Gore stop taking their private 29 seat business jets and stop heating and cooling their 12,000 sq ft mansions.
OP- That's SNOW, not cold, dumbass dupe. GW means more erratic weather with crazy shytte. See the NYC hurricane and wind and rain/snow/drought etc. MORONS!
OP- That's SNOW, not cold, dumbass dupe. GW means more erratic weather with crazy shytte. See the NYC hurricane and wind and rain/snow/drought etc. MORONS!

OMG! A hurricane in NY! Leftards are so uneducated it is painful to witness.
NY hurricanes prior to the 1800's:
  • between 1278 and 1438 — A major hurricane struck the modern-day New York/New Jersey area, probably the strongest in recent millennia.[1]
  • August 25, 1635 — A hurricane that is reported to have tracked parallel to the East Coast impacts New England and New York, although it remains unknown if any damage occurred.[2]
  • September 8, 1667 — A 'severe storm' is reported in Manhattan and is reported to be a continuation of a powerful hurricane which affected the Mid-Atlantic.[2]
  • October 29, 1693 — The Great Storm of 1693 causes severe damage on Long Island, and is reported to create the Fire Island Cut as a result of the coast-changing storm surge and waves.[2][3]
  • September 23, 1785 — Several large ships crash into Governors Island as a result of powerful waves which are reported to have been generated by a tropical cyclone.[3]
  • August 19, 1788 — A hurricane strikes New York City or Long Island and is reported to have left the west side of the Battery "laid in ruins" after severe flooding occurs.[3]

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