OK Scientists. Explain How Global Warming Is Causing Snowy/Blizzard Conditions In Northern States.

:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.

In glowarm fantasyland, anything can cause the planet to warm. One day it can be cow farts, the next day....extreme cold.
When those hostile to the science of climate change point to snowy/blizzard conditions in northern states as 'proof' that the science is 'wrong,' they only exhibit their ignorance and stupidity.

Still ---- sooner or later it would be helpful to your global warming cause if something actually HAPPENED. Going on decade after decade with no change in the climate is not good for your argument.

The hockey-stick increase in human population since 1800 is of course bad for the world, but you chose the wrong way to show that: it's just not working and so most people don't believe it.

That doesn't mean that over population isn't a problem: many countries have tens of millions of people and no agriculture to speak of: Egypt, for instance. How long is that really a viable situation? The huge plastic islands floating in the Pacific, the blinding smog of Indonesia and China. The extinction of most large wild animals going on right now.

It's all a terrible problem: there needs to be 1/8 the human population we have now. (Achievable if every woman has no more than 1 child for three generations --- only.) However, pretending that the main problem is somehow a climate change that is not happening, that's not working. I'd say focus on another aspect of the problem.

I think that was the honorable goal at first, but it didn't change public opinion fast enough so instead they hitched on to junk science/ hysteria/fear mongering and it has been bitting them in the ass for the past forty years.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.

In glowarm fantasyland, anything can cause the planet to warm. One day it can be cow farts, the next day....extreme cold.

Or maybe its the Warming that MAKES it colder?

That too is part of the AGW Faith Based Cult belief system.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Can you cite any scientific study on climate that ever came to the conclusion/prediction that snow would cease to exist by 2015?
"OK Scientists. Explain How Global Warming Is Causing Snowy/Blizzard Conditions In Northern States."

Climate change manifest as extremes in weather conditions, both unusually hot and cold.

Actually, that's bullshit. History shows that the warmer the climate is the less it suffers from severe weather.

It does not mean a 'uniform' warming everywhere, including cold regions during winter; indeed, extremely cold winters with heavy snowfall is evidence of climate change.

You demonstrating your ignorance of your own propaganda. The warming should be the greatest in the polar regions and the lest in the tropical regions. That means smaller difference in temperature and less extreme wether.

Moreover, it's ignorant nonsense to focus solely on one region as being 'representative' of climate change – as it's the cumulative weather conditions worldwide that demonstrate the effects of climate change.

You mean, like, by using satellite data which shows the climate hasn't warmed since 1998?

When those hostile to the science of climate change point to snowy/blizzard conditions in northern states as 'proof' that the science is 'wrong,' they only exhibit their ignorance and stupidity.

And one needn't be a scientist to understand this fundamental principle.

No, actually they don't. Those who point to virtually every weather phenomenon and claim it's evidence of global warming are the ones who wallow in the same methodology used to support Voo-Doo, magic and witchcraft.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.

I think if global warming was true then winters would be getting warmer. You seem to imply that this is a typical winter that is not any warmer than another.

In glowarm fantasyland, anything can cause the planet to warm. One day it can be cow farts, the next day....extreme cold.

Or maybe its the Warming that MAKES it colder?

That too is part of the AGW Faith Based Cult belief system.

You're a quick study. Yep, thats one of the glowarmer commandments too.
Global cooling/global warming/climate change, it's all a Ponzi scheme to make lots and lots of money. The "green" lobbyists are everywhere in Washington...

This is the deniers stand... No evidence just rabbit out something...
Those who want to deny climate change have only one motive -

to weaken laws against pollution and to weaken policies designed to promote energy conservation. All in the name of profits at any expense.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"
It's not GlowBull Warming anymore.......it's called "Climate Change".

Any weather that seems out of the ordinary can be blamed on man-made climate change.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Can you cite any scientific study on climate that ever came to the conclusion/prediction that snow would cease to exist by 2015?

3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.
Those who want to deny climate change have only one motive -

to weaken laws against pollution and to weaken policies designed to promote energy conservation. All in the name of profits at any expense.

You mean to prevent Obama from destroying our entire coal fired power plant industry? Yes, I do want to prevent that because I don't want to pay $1000/mo for electricity.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Can you cite any scientific study on climate that ever came to the conclusion/prediction that snow would cease to exist by 2015?

3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

Do you know what year it is, dumbass?
Global cooling/global warming/climate change, it's all a Ponzi scheme to make lots and lots of money. The "green" lobbyists are everywhere in Washington...

This is the deniers stand... No evidence just rabbit out something...
And you just parrot out your progressive propaganda like a good little zombie.
GlowBull Warming is simply a scam designed to redistribute wealth and fleece what the UN calls "Income Concentrations" of it's cash.

Ideologues like Obama believe this is Social Justice. What it is is institutionalized racism and institutionalized theft.

Believing in GlowBull Climate change is popular among the smart and beautiful, and it allows people that normally are intelligent, to act like they are better than the people that seem to be skeptical about something that is based on shady hand-picked science. Man-made Climate Change is pretty much the same as 911 conspiracies. The only difference is it's supported by government....and if you want to be popular among elitists....you must spout the party line that you love the planet and thus are a good person. Oh, and you must hate Christians.
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:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

I always welcome this time of year as the scientifically illiterate among us retardedly hold up snowballs as proof that there is no warming.

Regardless of whatever trend is present whether cooling or warming, we still have seasons. The process that causes warming is in no way related to the change of seasons. A simple truth that our children understand but seems to have a significant portion of older folks confounded.

I'll let this sixth grader give you a refresher.

I would love for John Kerry to go to chicago this week, maybe at a Marriot, and fill one of the banquet halls, and explain how this early blizzard is a sign that Global Warming is here to stay.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Can you cite any scientific study on climate that ever came to the conclusion/prediction that snow would cease to exist by 2015?

3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

Max Planck rolling over in his grave at how the AGWCult has perverted science
so anyone wanna take a guess where al gore is this week? probably not either of the melting poles.

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