OK Scientists. Explain How Global Warming Is Causing Snowy/Blizzard Conditions In Northern States.

I thought you were a fan of the real science! What's BS about what I said? It's all basic physics.
Never been a Leftard scare rant to come true in history. Worldwide famine from overpopulation, HIV wiping out millions of heterosexuals, silicone breast implants, global cooling, then warming, now climate change, etc etc.

It's simply onto the next hysterical rant.
So ANY science is "Leftard", Rush? lol
You're so anti-science you tell people a hurricane in NY is your evidence.
One of many, LIAR. TEMPERATURES around the world are irrefutable. Duh. The most famous denier scientist finally looked, and said so.

More anti-science lies from the left. Temperature recordings are always questionable. Watt has an entire series dedicated to improperly located gages. I have equipment the NWS uses via the Internet and I can change the calibration any time with 3 strokes of the keyboard.

How not to measure temperature, part 51.
You're a brainwashed functional moron/waste of time and space, dupe of greedy idiot liar GOP billionaires.
Never been a Leftard scare rant to come true in history. Worldwide famine from overpopulation, HIV wiping out millions of heterosexuals, silicone breast implants, global cooling, then warming, now climate change, etc etc.

It's simply onto the next hysterical rant.
So ANY science is "Leftard", Rush? lol
You're so anti-science you tell people a hurricane in NY is your evidence.
One of many, LIAR. TEMPERATURES around the world are irrefutable. Duh. The most famous denier scientist finally looked, and said so.

More anti-science lies from the left. Temperature recordings are always questionable. Watt has an entire series dedicated to improperly located gages. I have equipment the NWS uses via the Internet and I can change the calibration any time with 3 strokes of the keyboard.

How not to measure temperature, part 51.
You're a brainwashed functional moron/waste of time and space, dupe of greedy idiot liar GOP billionaires.
Never been a Leftard scare rant to come true in history. Worldwide famine from overpopulation, HIV wiping out millions of heterosexuals, silicone breast implants, global cooling, then warming, now climate change, etc etc.

It's simply onto the next hysterical rant.
So ANY science is "Leftard", Rush? lol
You're so anti-science you tell people a hurricane in NY is your evidence.
One of many, LIAR. TEMPERATURES around the world are irrefutable. Duh. The most famous denier scientist finally looked, and said so.

More anti-science lies from the left. Temperature recordings are always questionable. Watt has an entire series dedicated to improperly located gages. I have equipment the NWS uses via the Internet and I can change the calibration any time with 3 strokes of the keyboard.

How not to measure temperature, part 51.
You're a brainwashed functional moron/waste of time and space, dupe of greedy idiot liar GOP billionaires.

"You're a brainwashed functional moron/waste of time and space, dupe of greedy idiot liar GOP billionaires."

Lefist version of science when cornered with facts.
Big Oil wants global warming to go away

What say you Republicans?

Science overwhelmingly supports the theory.....Big Oil says it is a myth
Why are you using fossil fuels right now then?

I hug trees and drive a Prius
And your Prius is powered by fossil fuels.
A power plant is a helluva lot better than your '76 Cordoba duh.
Fossil fuel power plant run by GOP billionaires.
Big Oil wants global warming to go away

What say you Republicans?

Science overwhelmingly supports the theory.....Big Oil says it is a myth
Why are you using fossil fuels right now then?

I hug trees and drive a Prius
And your Prius is powered by fossil fuels.

I coast downhill

You wouldn't gain anything from doing that if you truly drove a prius.
Those who want to deny climate change have only one motive -

to weaken laws against pollution and to weaken policies designed to promote energy conservation. All in the name of profits at any expense.

You mean to prevent Obama from destroying our entire coal fired power plant industry? Yes, I do want to prevent that because I don't want to pay $1000/mo for electricity.

You have not problem susidizing the coal industry to astronomical costs... Look at the healthcare costs of Coal...
Harvard Study: Coal Costs America $330-500 Billion Annually

Way to go... You can't give money away fast enough.
Those who want to deny climate change have only one motive -

to weaken laws against pollution and to weaken policies designed to promote energy conservation. All in the name of profits at any expense.

You mean to prevent Obama from destroying our entire coal fired power plant industry? Yes, I do want to prevent that because I don't want to pay $1000/mo for electricity.

You have not problem susidizing the coal industry to astronomical costs... Look at the healthcare costs of Coal...
Harvard Study: Coal Costs America $330-500 Billion Annually

Way to go... You can't give money away fast enough.

That's complete bullshit. No one has ever gotten sick from living near a coal fired power plant, especially in the last 30 years. I can't imagine a more leftwing organization than the "Harvard Medical School's Center for Health and the Global Environment." It's an environmental propaganda mill, not a medical organization.
oh, we are going to be at this for the next six months, trying to explain the next record winter, and how the warming of the globe is causing the record freezing weather in Europe.
Brainwashed pollution lover lol^^

You're the who swallows obvious leftwing environmental propaganda.
NBC News: Our top story tonight, another blizzard from hell reaks havoc throughout the northern plains and the rust belt, some temperatures dipping to a record low of 45 degrees below 0 in some states, and in the meantime, Al Gore is on vacation in sunny florida where its a comfortable 83 degrees.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"


I guess you didn't get the memo.

This is "Climate Change" season.

Ya see, it turned out that the idiots chose the wrong name for their Chicken Little Circus, because... as you accurately pointed out, both hemispheres go through an annual cooling period and people; for some reason, just can't get behind a cult named GLOBAL WARMING, while they're freezing their asses off, when the earth's axis turns their respective side of the planet away from the sun.

So they simply change what they call their little scam, to something which doesn't remind people of what they claimed.
Bet you this guy wishes global warming was real


A man walks down a snowy street in Jackson, Mich. on Nov. 21, 2015
Lets just wait another 4 weeks when the real warming weather hits all 58 states

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