OK Scientists. Explain How Global Warming Is Causing Snowy/Blizzard Conditions In Northern States.

I suppose that Global Warming is causing all of the cold weather in space? especially Uranus when its 300 degrees below 0 in the summer?
Snow Melting 16 Days Earlier in Wyoming Mountains

The spring snowmelt now comes more than two weeks earlier than it did in the 1970s in Wyoming's Wind River Range, a new study finds.

The trend is part of a larger snow shortfall across the WesternUnited States documented by many researchers. Several independent studies have found the spring snowmelt starts up to 20 days earlier in the West than in the past because there's less snow falling each winter and warmer spring weather means the snow that does fall melts earlier. The double whammy is hurting water resources in states, such as Wyoming, that rely on snowmelt.

"Earlier snowmelt impacts the water resources of most of the state of Wyoming, which has been undergoing a drought since 1999," Dorothy Hall, lead author of the study and a senior research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in a statement.

And that kind of flap-yap is all you have.
Yet the statement does not delve into WHY the snow allegedly melts 14 days earlier.....Does the snow start falling earlier at the onset of Winter? OH wait a minute, the study was not interested in when the normal snowfall patterns began. Just when the snow melted.....
Big Oil wants global warming to go away

What say you Republicans?

Science overwhelmingly supports the theory.....Big Oil says it is a myth
Why are you using fossil fuels right now then?

I hug trees and drive a Prius
And your Prius is powered by fossil fuels.
A power plant is a helluva lot better than your '76 Cordoba duh.
oh, we are going to be at this for the next six months, trying to explain the next record winter, and how the warming of the globe is causing the record freezing weather in Europe.

Explain to us why it's cold in winter professor.
Really, Rexx? Did you happen to look at Seattle's temperatures last winter, spring, and summer?
And that is the be all of it all to you. "Lets raise taxes, create new taxes and new regulations..Because we have have been told that something awful might happen 50 to 100 years from now"....Yeah right.
Have you wondered why this climate shit has gone virtually nowhere since it was invented?
Just relax another ice age is coming the science is settled on that.

No, the science says we've cancelled the next ice age with our human-caused warming, unless we reverse course. But then, it's not like you'd know any actual science, being how your cult doesn't see fit to spoonfeed it to you.

Your home in Portland will be wiped off the map by glaciers, I guess that kind of sucks.

You and your fellow cultists have been predicting this imminent ice age for decades now. Where is it? The world keeps warming strongly, in spite of your constant alarmist predictions. Given how you and your cult have been so completely wrong for so many years, why should the world stop laughing at you?
Don't forget that when you plug in your Prius, the electricity your Prius sucks off the grid was most likely created by fossil fuel.
It isn't all the same. Depending how the electricity is generated, it's usually more efficient than burning gasoline or diesel fuel.
I suppose that Global Warming is causing all of the cold weather in space? especially Uranus when its 300 degrees below 0 in the summer?
Cool it, dude. Nobody wants to hear about ur anus.
Don't forget that when you plug in your Prius, the electricity your Prius sucks off the grid was most likely created by fossil fuel.
It isn't all the same. Depending how the electricity is generated, it's usually more efficient than burning gasoline or diesel fuel.

If a hoity-toity Prius driver had any ethical integrity, he would question before plugging in his Prius: Was the juice here produced by the Sun or the wind?

If he abided by the answer, his Prius would be nothing but a useless piece of politically correct junk.
Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.

You can't have snow if we are in global warming. Your "science" is bogus. Have a seat with the Flat Earthers.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"
It starts with evaporation. Another "wild" liberal theory.
Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.

You can't have snow if we are in global warming. Your "science" is bogus. Seat a seat with the Flat Earthers.
You can't have snow if we are in global warming? Huh? Is that a new "scientific rule"?
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.
According to the please tax me to death climate change freakazoids, were not supposed to have winter anymore.
And its not winter yet. The Autumnal season has roughly 30 days remaining.
Ya know, this is the same reaction Al Gore spat out when one the funniest God Damned things happened. He went to some silly global warming conference in of all places, South Africa. While the inventor of the internet was there, Johannesburg had a measurable snowfall for the fist time in three decades. Boy was HE pissed off.

I would say that was KARMA.

But, then, if karma was real every politician would nave leprosy.
If a hoity-toity Prius driver had any ethical integrity, he would question before plugging in his Prius: Was the juice here produced by the Sun or the wind? If he abided by the answer, his Prius would be nothing but a useless piece of politically correct junk.
If you had a valid point, you wouldn't have to use words like "hoity-toity". :laugh2: It's not just sun or wind; it could be gas vs coal. Either way Prius drivers don't normally act the way you say. That's just an example of right wing PC thinking.
Just relax another ice age is coming the science is settled on that.

No, the science says we've cancelled the next ice age with our human-caused warming, unless we reverse course. But then, it's not like you'd know any actual science, being how your cult doesn't see fit to spoonfeed it to you.

Your home in Portland will be wiped off the map by glaciers, I guess that kind of sucks.

You and your fellow cultists have been predicting this imminent ice age for decades now. Where is it? The world keeps warming strongly, in spite of your constant alarmist predictions. Given how you and your cult have been so completely wrong for so many years, why should the world stop laughing at you?

Ahahaha are you seriously questioning the science behind ice ages? :laugh::laugh::laugh: There went any shred of credibility you had. lmao
You can't have snow if we are in global warming. Your "science" is bogus. Seat a seat with the Flat Earthers.
You can't have snow if we are in global warming? Huh? Is that a new "scientific rule"?
The denialists know they've already lost the scientific debate. Their only recourse is to use ridicule to try and enlist those even dumber than they are. It's all political on their side and one of their main tricks is to deflect the debate by accusing the AGW side of political motives.
Ahahaha are you seriously questioning the science behind ice ages? :laugh::laugh::laugh: There went any shred of credibility you had. lmao

There's that Dunning-Kruger Syndrome again. Profoundly stupid people like Blues here are much too stupid to ever understand how stupid they are. On the contrary, they actually think they're smart, so they smear their excrement on the wall and point to it like it's a Picasso.

Back in the real world, the science backs me up.

Next ice age on ice? : Nature News
Mankind could lock the world into an irreversible greenhouse effect, banishing future ice ages, warn two Belgian scientists. Global warming caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases could tip the Earth into a completely new climate state in which cycles of freezing and thawing are switched off, they suggest

Blues, this would be where you squeal and run again, like you always do.

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