OK Scientists. Explain How Global Warming Is Causing Snowy/Blizzard Conditions In Northern States.

Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.

But... There's no such thing as GLOBAL WARMING. And "Change" is what the climate DOES.

So it's only the most pitiful of fools who become anxious over the singular consistency of the climate.
A teachable moment on how the Right lie.

The article does not say "snow is a thing of the past" it says that the snow season will not be long enough to sustain a profitable ski industry.

From your link:

Under certain warming forecasts, more than half of the 103 ski resorts in the Northeast will not be able to maintain a 100-day season by 2039, according to a study to be published next year by Daniel Scott, director of the Interdisciplinary Center on Climate Change at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.
The article rants on about a lack of snow in 2012 and insinuates the trend is now with zero snow in just 25 years. Well, Al said the polar ice caps would be gone in 2013, how'd that work out?

BTW, what were you doing on my Palomar Mountain?
I just googled a ton of stuff that says global warming will make snow and cold winters go away.

Promises, promises. But it just keeps on being as cold as ever in winter. I do think that sooner or later these global warming types need to produce some actual TEMPERATURE CHANGES, instead of an endless stream of promises they never keep.
Brainwashed pollution lover lol^^

You're the who swallows obvious leftwing environmental propaganda.
NBC News: Our top story tonight, another blizzard from hell reaks havoc throughout the northern plains and the rust belt, some temperatures dipping to a record low of 45 degrees below 0 in some states, and in the meantime, Al Gore is on vacation in sunny florida where its a comfortable 83 degrees.
and al gore is on vacation with the 250 or so million "Oil Dollars" he took from the east.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

It's called winter and it happens every year idiot.
According to the please tax me to death climate change freakazoids, were not supposed to have winter anymore.
And its not winter yet. The Autumnal season has roughly 30 days remaining.
Ya know, this is the same reaction Al Gore spat out when one the funniest God Damned things happened. He went to some silly global warming conference in of all places, South Africa. While the inventor of the internet was there, Johannesburg had a measurable snowfall for the fist time in three decades. Boy was HE pissed off.
i just looked at the 10 day forecast for England,,,,cold and shitty every day !!! who knew that global warming caused this.
:disagree::hellno: Well, so what is Happening in South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana today is a result of Global Warming? Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow and our children living on the coastlines would be dealing with flooding all the time being the north pole has melted?
It's only November 22, but it looks more like a typical January in the rust belt. Well, there u go. Lets hear your "Global Warming Explanations"

Get This: Warming Planet Means More Snow: NPR
Of course. NPR is not an unbiased source. In fact NPR has a far left wing agenda.
In any event. these enviro nazis are so desperate to make their climate change claims a part of the national conversation, they blame EVERYTHING on global warming/climate change.
You people are an absolute mess.
every night or so, i look at various 10 day forecasts, i looked at England, Chicago, and just now Seattle,. 40 for a high? about 30 at night? this is global warming? I would have to guess that anyone who has to live in freezing weather 6 months a year must be 1/3rd Bear.
Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.
There is no such thing as a global warming/climate change denier.
There is no credible evidence that human activity can in any way affect the Earth's climate cycles.
Therefore, it is your side that is the denier of scientific facts already established. IN fact the best the so called climate experts can produce is a prediction of what might or could happen. Not what is going to happen. It is well established that the Earth's climate is in a constant state of flux.
Climate change is nothing more than a political agenda.
When people are paid a lot of money to produce a desired result the payee wants to see, by God that result is going to get produced. These people owe their nice homes, expensive cars and vacations to the Obama admin and the wealthy benefactors that donate to the same.
Really, Rexx? Did you happen to look at Seattle's temperatures last winter, spring, and summer?
Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.
There is no such thing as a global warming/climate change denier.
There is no credible evidence that human activity can in any way affect the Earth's climate cycles.
Therefore, it is your side that is the denier of scientific facts already established. IN fact the best the so called climate experts can produce is a prediction of what might or could happen. Not what is going to happen. It is well established that the Earth's climate is in a constant state of flux.
Climate change is nothing more than a political agenda.
When people are paid a lot of money to produce a desired result the payee wants to see, by God that result is going to get produced. These people owe their nice homes, expensive cars and vacations to the Obama admin and the wealthy benefactors that donate to the same.
And your degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Physics was earned where and when? So, you are saying that these people are being paid all over the world? That there is a international grand conspiracy among all the scientists in the various nations and cultures just to fool poor little you? And you would like some money to help pay for your tinfoil hats?
A teachable moment on how the Right lie.

The article does not say "snow is a thing of the past" it says that the snow season will not be long enough to sustain a profitable ski industry.

From your link:

Under certain warming forecasts, more than half of the 103 ski resorts in the Northeast will not be able to maintain a 100-day season by 2039, according to a study to be published next year by Daniel Scott, director of the Interdisciplinary Center on Climate Change at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.
What kind of a stupid prediction is THAT?.....Oh, so in 2039 the snow days are just going to magically reduce themselves to less than 100 days?
Hey look genius, 40 years ago the scientific community was convinced that in 50 years ( 10 years from now)we'd be going through a cooling period. And that was being caused by.....wait for it....Too much CO2 released into the atmosphere which was causing the air to cool and moisten creating more cloud cover which blocks direct sunlight..
Now scientists are trying to convince us that the same CO2 is causing the Earth to warm.....
Make up your mind. Find an agenda and stick with it so we can make fun of you.
Snow Melting 16 Days Earlier in Wyoming Mountains

The spring snowmelt now comes more than two weeks earlier than it did in the 1970s in Wyoming's Wind River Range, a new study finds.

The trend is part of a larger snow shortfall across the WesternUnited States documented by many researchers. Several independent studies have found the spring snowmelt starts up to 20 days earlier in the West than in the past because there's less snow falling each winter and warmer spring weather means the snow that does fall melts earlier. The double whammy is hurting water resources in states, such as Wyoming, that rely on snowmelt.

"Earlier snowmelt impacts the water resources of most of the state of Wyoming, which has been undergoing a drought since 1999," Dorothy Hall, lead author of the study and a senior research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in a statement.

And that kind of flap-yap is all you have.
Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.
There is no such thing as a global warming/climate change denier.
There is no credible evidence that human activity can in any way affect the Earth's climate cycles.
Therefore, it is your side that is the denier of scientific facts already established. IN fact the best the so called climate experts can produce is a prediction of what might or could happen. Not what is going to happen. It is well established that the Earth's climate is in a constant state of flux.
Climate change is nothing more than a political agenda.
When people are paid a lot of money to produce a desired result the payee wants to see, by God that result is going to get produced. These people owe their nice homes, expensive cars and vacations to the Obama admin and the wealthy benefactors that donate to the same.
And your degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Physics was earned where and when? So, you are saying that these people are being paid all over the world? That there is a international grand conspiracy among all the scientists in the various nations and cultures just to fool poor little you? And you would like some money to help pay for your tinfoil hats?
I did not quote and figures or made any conclusions regarding scientific data so your little shot about....what did you call it.....Degree in meteorology or AS is a bunch of bull shit.
And who said anything about "all over the world"?.....
The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
Not to mention the East Anglia email scandal where it was revealed climate data was actually fudged by scientists eager to please those who hired them. They know that the "correct" results will mean continued funding.
Wasn't one of the predictions of Global Warming that our children would never see snow

Of course not. See, there's your problem. You're just brainlessly parroting the fabricated stories that your masters told you to repeat.

Now, people of normal intelligence understand that snow in late November is common in the northern USA, and thus they laugh at anyone bleating the standard "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" denier cult mantra.
There is no such thing as a global warming/climate change denier.
There is no credible evidence that human activity can in any way affect the Earth's climate cycles.
Therefore, it is your side that is the denier of scientific facts already established. IN fact the best the so called climate experts can produce is a prediction of what might or could happen. Not what is going to happen. It is well established that the Earth's climate is in a constant state of flux.
Climate change is nothing more than a political agenda.
When people are paid a lot of money to produce a desired result the payee wants to see, by God that result is going to get produced. These people owe their nice homes, expensive cars and vacations to the Obama admin and the wealthy benefactors that donate to the same.
And your degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Physics was earned where and when? So, you are saying that these people are being paid all over the world? That there is a international grand conspiracy among all the scientists in the various nations and cultures just to fool poor little you? And you would like some money to help pay for your tinfoil hats?

Just relax another ice age is coming the science is settled on that. Your home in Portland will be wiped off the map by glaciers, I guess that kind of sucks.

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