Ok... so why is AlGore so concerned?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Gore’s shiny new product, as detailed in the November issue of The Atlantic, is created by a company called Generation Investment Management. It puts $12 billion worth of client money to work in ethical ways, and has managed to generate handsome returns

So how will it be affected by this news???

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STUDY: Satellites Show No Acceleration In Global Warming For 23 Years
Gore’s shiny new product, as detailed in the November issue of The Atlantic, is created by a company called Generation Investment Management. It puts $12 billion worth of client money to work in ethical ways, and has managed to generate handsome returns. So how will it be affected by this news??? STUDY: Satellites Show No Acceleration In Global Warming For 23 Years
No acceleration doesn't mean no rise. Nice try but some of us have a solid grasp of science and the English language.
So basically when they remove the natural effects on the climate, the earth is still warming. So the prediction of catastrophic consequences late this century and into the next still holds. The alarmists and worst case scenarios are still frauds?
So basically when they remove the natural effects on the climate, the earth is still warming. So the prediction of catastrophic consequences late this century and into the next still holds. The alarmists and worst case scenarios are still frauds?
So when is the world going to end by Global Warming, Al Jazeera Gore said in 10 years and that was in 2006, guess what we are still here. Now he says 100 years, are you going to be around when he is proved wrong again? Dumbasses like you want to give up your money so shits like Al, Bill and Barrack can reap big time PROFITS off the Carbon Credit Exchange, go for it, just leave me alone..
So basically when they remove the natural effects on the climate, the earth is still warming. So the prediction of catastrophic consequences late this century and into the next still holds. The alarmists and worst case scenarios are still frauds?
So when is the world going to end by Global Warming, Al Jazeera Gore said in 10 years and that was in 2006, guess what we are still here. Now he says 100 years, are you going to be around when he is proved wrong again? Dumbasses like you want to give up your money so shits like Al, Bill and Barrack can reap big time PROFITS off the Carbon Credit Exchange, go for it, just leave me alone.
What about what climatologists are saying? Those who understand the question; talk about it. Those don't; talk about Gore.
This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming".

Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.

This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming".

Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.

The Climategate Whitewash Continues
Last November there was a world-wide outcry when a trove of emails were released suggesting some of the world's leading climate scientists engaged in professional misconduct, data manipulation and jiggering of both the scientific literature and climatic data to paint what scientist Keith Briffa called "a nice, tidy story" of climate history. The scandal became known as Climategate.
If the sea levels are going to rise at an alarming rate, why do the RICH fucking liberals buy property right on the beach? dumbass...
Gore’s shiny new product, as detailed in the November issue of The Atlantic, is created by a company called Generation Investment Management. It puts $12 billion worth of client money to work in ethical ways, and has managed to generate handsome returns. So how will it be affected by this news??? STUDY: Satellites Show No Acceleration In Global Warming For 23 Years
No acceleration doesn't mean no rise. Nice try but some of us have a solid grasp of science and the English language.
But shouldnt it be rising at an accelerated rate. going by all the doomsdayers anyways?
Gore’s shiny new product, as detailed in the November issue of The Atlantic, is created by a company called Generation Investment Management. It puts $12 billion worth of client money to work in ethical ways, and has managed to generate handsome returns. So how will it be affected by this news??? STUDY: Satellites Show No Acceleration In Global Warming For 23 Years
No acceleration doesn't mean no rise. Nice try but some of us have a solid grasp of science and the English language.
But shouldnt it be rising at an accelerated rate. going by all the doomsdayers anyways?
You would think TN that with the accelerated rate of CO2 that the increase of cars in the world, that the temperatures around the world we be well above average or even setting new hot temps. But they aren't, and when I ask why, they show some bullshit chart with a "PREDICTION" of doom and gloom. Liberals are like...Oh by the way, there was a prediction that in 2012 the Earth was going to end....

So basically when they remove the natural effects on the climate, the earth is still warming. So the prediction of catastrophic consequences late this century and into the next still holds. The alarmists and worst case scenarios are still frauds?
So when is the world going to end by Global Warming, Al Jazeera Gore said in 10 years and that was in 2006, guess what we are still here. Now he says 100 years, are you going to be around when he is proved wrong again? Dumbasses like you want to give up your money so shits like Al, Bill and Barrack can reap big time PROFITS off the Carbon Credit Exchange, go for it, just leave me alone..

The majority of the prediction have always said late this century and in to the next. People like you just parrot the cherry picked saying from alarmists like Man-Bear-Pig,who always cite worst case scenarios. I think a warmer earth might be a good thing so fuck off jackass.
So basically when they remove the natural effects on the climate, the earth is still warming. So the prediction of catastrophic consequences late this century and into the next still holds. The alarmists and worst case scenarios are still frauds?
So when is the world going to end by Global Warming, Al Jazeera Gore said in 10 years and that was in 2006, guess what we are still here. Now he says 100 years, are you going to be around when he is proved wrong again? Dumbasses like you want to give up your money so shits like Al, Bill and Barrack can reap big time PROFITS off the Carbon Credit Exchange, go for it, just leave me alone..

The majority of the prediction have always said late this century and in to the next. People like you just parrot the cherry picked saying from alarmists like Man-Bear-Pig,who always cite worst case scenarios. I think a warmer earth might be a good thing so fuck off jackass.
Are you going to be around in 2100? How convenient for the global alarmist that if we are in an ice age, they wont be around to be punished.
This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming". Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.
To be fair the article did say "no acceleration". The question is are they trying to fool us into thinking that means "no warming" or are they too stupid to know the difference. :dunno:
No acceleration doesn't mean no rise. Nice try but some of us have a solid grasp of science and the English language.
But shouldn't it be rising at an accelerated rate. going by all the doomsdayers anyways?
I don't follow the doomsayers OR the naysayers. I let the facts speak for themselves and, as long as GHGs keep going up, warming is inevitable. THAT'S the science.
This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming". Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.
To be fair the article did say "no acceleration". The question is are they trying to fool us into thinking that means "no warming" or are they too stupid to know the difference. :dunno:
Just this morning the outside temperature was 32 degrees, well below the average of the area. Now since we all know<SARCASM> that the Earth is warming up year after year, why isn't the temperature outside well above the 32 degrees? You keep saying that it is science that is behind global warming, but since I was a straight A student in science in school, something just doesn't add up. Now call me a name again and put up another bogus chart...
So basically when they remove the natural effects on the climate, the earth is still warming. So the prediction of catastrophic consequences late this century and into the next still holds. The alarmists and worst case scenarios are still frauds?
So when is the world going to end by Global Warming, Al Jazeera Gore said in 10 years and that was in 2006, guess what we are still here. Now he says 100 years, are you going to be around when he is proved wrong again? Dumbasses like you want to give up your money so shits like Al, Bill and Barrack can reap big time PROFITS off the Carbon Credit Exchange, go for it, just leave me alone..

The majority of the prediction have always said late this century and in to the next. People like you just parrot the cherry picked saying from alarmists like Man-Bear-Pig,who always cite worst case scenarios. I think a warmer earth might be a good thing so fuck off jackass.
Are you going to be around in 2100? How convenient for the global alarmist that if we are in an ice age, they wont be around to be punished.

Here let me give you a clue. They're odds makers.....kind like bookies!

Likelihood Statements

The terminology here for likelihood statements generally follows the conventions used in the IPCC assessments, i.e., for the assessed likelihood of an outcome or result:

  • Very Likely: > 90%,
  • Likely: > 66%
  • More Likely Than Not (or Better Than Even Odds) > 50%
Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming". Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.
To be fair the article did say "no acceleration". The question is are they trying to fool us into thinking that means "no warming" or are they too stupid to know the difference. :dunno:

Remember the data you show depended on the following up to 1970s
This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming". Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.
To be fair the article did say "no acceleration". The question is are they trying to fool us into thinking that means "no warming" or are they too stupid to know the difference. :dunno:
Just this morning the outside temperature was 32 degrees, well below the average of the area. Now since we all know<SARCASM> that the Earth is warming up year after year, why isn't the temperature outside well above the 32 degrees? You keep saying that it is science that is behind global warming, but since I was a straight A student in science in school, something just doesn't add up. Now call me a name again and put up another bogus chart...

Yeah it was kinda cool here in Houston this morning so I guess no global warming today, but I just went outside and it's above average now, so global warming is back on, I guess.
This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming". Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.
To be fair the article did say "no acceleration". The question is are they trying to fool us into thinking that means "no warming" or are they too stupid to know the difference. :dunno:

Remember the data you show depended on the following up to 1970s
View attachment 163596
My goodness, ever hear of satellites? University of Alabama, Hadley satellite record of troposphere temperatures.


This is what the bitter denier cult kook losers here are calling "no warming". Deniers really are the stupidest human beings on planet earth. All the data says they're wrong, so they just make crazy stories up.
To be fair the article did say "no acceleration". The question is are they trying to fool us into thinking that means "no warming" or are they too stupid to know the difference. :dunno:

Remember the data you show depended on the following up to 1970s
View attachment 163596
My goodness, ever hear of satellites? University of Alabama, Hadley satellite record of troposphere temperatures.


See what I mean,. totally ignores the facts that the all mighty East Anglia Research center was fudging the data, just like the above chart, then when caught, cooked the books. Geezus H Christo man, you just cant get more stupid than a worthless liberal.. Today this morning the temperature is below 32 degrees and I am NOT on a mountain top, where is that cold coming from? Why the fuck cant you liberals tell me where it is coming from? The melting polar ice caps?(Above 32 degrees)? Simple fucking science..

A new study by the man who wanted to end the Dept of Energy, Rick Perry and these two deniers,

University of Alabama-Huntsville climate scientists John Christy and Richard McNider (from art)


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