OK…..Soccer is just plain Stupid

I used to play soccer, good exercise but boring and at times pointless. Denmark and another team just played to a 0-0 tie. That to me is pointless and boring.
Hard to believe that billions of people all over the world go insane and sometimes riot over a kids game that has less action than watching paint dry. ... :cuckoo:

And what's wrong with watching paint dry? ... try better paint, an expensive enamel on aluminum plating is one of the most exciting dries I think ... this week I'll be using latex over an acrylic binder on wood and we'll see if that's a good set up for watching ...

The Americans are playing Argentina on Saturday ... sit and watch ... focus, concentrate, follow all the action, even the boring parts ... if you still don't like watching soccer, then you join the other billions of people who think it's a silly game as well ...
There is a reason that it us the worlds favourite sport. And gridiron is only played in a few american backwaters.

This fat fucker sits on his arse for a few hours and waddles on the pitch every 20 minutes.

He trains at Burger King and would have a heart attack if he had to play proper footbsll. Or even rugby.
i bet that fat fuck would beat you in a 50 yard dash....
Where do I sign up? I'm 42, my cartilage in my right knee is 6 different pieces but I'm confident I can beat a guy weighing 375 pounds and a bmi of 35. Pretty sure he'll beat me on the line of scrimmage though 😉
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'Cause they're wimps. Look at how they're always rolling around on the ground in dramatic fashion everytime they slip and fall.
Been playing 36 seasons. Broke my nose twice, my finger once, my big toe once, my foot once, tore my acl, was concussed 3 times, shattered the cartelidge in my right knee. Not to mention muscle tears, overextentions and countless other minor injuries. And that's nothing to the damage I inflicted over the years. Feel free to play me in this wimpy sport.
Been playing 36 seasons. Broke my nose twice, my finger once, my big toe once, my foot once, tore my acl, was concussed 3 times, shattered the cartelidge in my right knee. Not to mention muscle tears, overextentions and countless other minor injuries. And that's nothing to the damage I inflicted over the years. Feel free to play me in this wimpy sport.
I'd hoped it was obvious I was being sarcastic.
As bad as Soccer is, it pales by comparison to their Soccer Federation FIFA

The games in Qatar are embarrassing enough
But the blatant bribe taking by FIFA to give Qatar the games and pander to their excesses is a humiliation for the sport
As bad as Soccer is, it pales by comparison to their Soccer Federation FIFA

The games in Qatar are embarrassing enough
But the blatant bribe taking by FIFA to give Qatar the games and pander to their excesses is a humiliation for the sport
This I completely agree with.
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As bad as Soccer is, it pales by comparison to their Soccer Federation FIFA

The games in Qatar are embarrassing enough
But the blatant bribe taking by FIFA to give Qatar the games and pander to their excesses is a humiliation for the sport

Did you watch John Oliver's take-down of FIFA and Qatar? Fucking epic.

Anyone watching the games or advocating watching the games should be ashamed.
Did you watch John Oliver's take-down of FIFA and Qatar? Fucking epic.

Anyone watching the games or advocating watching the games should be ashamed.

It is amazing watching FIFA side with the country that paid them bribes over the counties participating in World Cup

It is amazing watching FIFA side with the country that paid them bribes over the counties participating in World Cup


Yes, FIFA has no shame.

I will continue to limit my intake of soccer to Welcome to Wrexham and Ted Lasso...
And for those of you who didn't see it...

I know, almost 25 minutes and a lot of probably don't like the guy... but I assure you every second of the 25 minutes is worth the watch:

Been playing 36 seasons. Broke my nose twice, my finger once, my big toe once, my foot once, tore my acl, was concussed 3 times, shattered the cartelidge in my right knee. Not to mention muscle tears, overextentions and countless other minor injuries. And that's nothing to the damage I inflicted over the years. Feel free to play me in this wimpy sport.

It's a pussy sport if you can last 36 seasons ... mid-50's ? ... that's past menopause ... except for Tom Brady, folks don't play gridiron football past their 40th birthday unless they play a pussy position ... like place-kicker ... back when I was a kid, football players only average a 45 year life span ... they didn't even live long enough to play 36 seasons ...

How many teeth you still got? ...


Again ... stop the diving and I'm your best fan forever ...

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