OK Tea Party....Time to belly up to the bar

You're a lazy debater. Or you just don't know how to debate.

You claimed that the accomplishments I listed were propaganda. List which accomplishment is propaganda, and why.

Use your own words. Don't just post a link.

Fail, I questioned your ability to separate propaganda from reality. You presumed I was limited to what was on your list. Who profits on all of the Credit Card loans along with the bank? Who is the Banks silent partner? Who benefits when you get insurance coverage but your claim or procedure is denied. Do you really believe that the Government just mandates stuff in your interest and it's done. Think smoke screen, or bait and switch. Government pretty much gets funded or profits on every side of the equation, every time money changes hands, fast or slow. So it really isn't about the money, but about the control. Tell me, when you shop, do you wait for the sales to end? No You purchase when it is more to your advantage not less. The same holds for business spending, both business and Government profit from both volume and keeping the lines of supply running, government getting a cut in one form or another, every step of the way. Yet, it is never enough, and Government workers are never over paid, no matter whether their job is relevant or not. School Tuitions. How much do you think those tuitions would drop if there was a 50% drop in enrollment? What's the interest on that Federal Student loan? Does the Fed risk that you won't pay, like a financial Institution? No, they will track you to your grave? How come the interest on your student loan is not greed? It is Profit, right? Why is the interest so high. Hmmmm...... Socialism is not compatible with Federalism. That is what I have against your reasoning. Everything of value has to come from someone or something. Somebody paid the true cost.

Are you under the impression that a run-on paragragh is a coherent answer?

I listed accomplishments under Obama.

You claimed those accomplishments are propaganda.

I challenged you to list which of those accomplishments are propaganda.

You punted.

Would you care to try again, or do you just wish to forget that you ever said anything?
There is no "our own oil". Even when it comes from America's ground. All oil goes on the world market. That's just a fact.

It's frustrating to try to discuss politics with people who don't understand the issues.

LOL! Good one. It's still our oil, or you are implying that anyone can just show up and claim it, just drill where and when they want? Someone or some entity owns it from the instant it comes out of the ground. Some people don't understand anything huh, like the connection with surplus and worth. How about the refineries, the relationship there with reserve and price, all of the different rules governing refinement. It's wasteful.

What does it matter? Even if we drill in Texas, the oil goes on the world market. We cannot and have never said "this is American oil that will stay in America". It doesn't. That's why the arguments for opening ANWR are dumb. It won't help us get off of foreign drilled oil, because we cannot keep that Alaskan oil within the U.S.

So my only concerns about the Chinese drilling in the Gulf is the safety of the rigs, not the oil that is produced.

What does it matter at this point whether it stays here or comes back here? It is sold in the global market, so what? Drilling will increase availability, and availability insures fair pricing, it insures against price gouging and fake shortages. Safety is alway's an issue with me, we are in agreement. Criminal Negligence should have heavy consequences. That holds true for producers and regulators too. We are in total agreement there.
You're a lazy debater. Or you just don't know how to debate.

You claimed that the accomplishments I listed were propaganda. List which accomplishment is propaganda, and why.

Use your own words. Don't just post a link.

Fail, I questioned your ability to separate propaganda from reality. You presumed I was limited to what was on your list. Who profits on all of the Credit Card loans along with the bank? Who is the Banks silent partner? Who benefits when you get insurance coverage but your claim or procedure is denied. Do you really believe that the Government just mandates stuff in your interest and it's done. Think smoke screen, or bait and switch. Government pretty much gets funded or profits on every side of the equation, every time money changes hands, fast or slow. So it really isn't about the money, but about the control. Tell me, when you shop, do you wait for the sales to end? No You purchase when it is more to your advantage not less. The same holds for business spending, both business and Government profit from both volume and keeping the lines of supply running, government getting a cut in one form or another, every step of the way. Yet, it is never enough, and Government workers are never over paid, no matter whether their job is relevant or not. School Tuitions. How much do you think those tuitions would drop if there was a 50% drop in enrollment? What's the interest on that Federal Student loan? Does the Fed risk that you won't pay, like a financial Institution? No, they will track you to your grave? How come the interest on your student loan is not greed? It is Profit, right? Why is the interest so high. Hmmmm...... Socialism is not compatible with Federalism. That is what I have against your reasoning. Everything of value has to come from someone or something. Somebody paid the true cost.

Are you under the impression that a run-on paragragh is a coherent answer?

I listed accomplishments under Obama.

You claimed those accomplishments are propaganda.

I challenged you to list which of those accomplishments are propaganda.

You punted.

Would you care to try again, or do you just wish to forget that you ever said anything?

What you call accomplishments I don't. There may be mixed blessings, true enough, but at what cost? My first concern when fixes are established is whether or not they are in deed compatible with our form of Government, our Economic System, or do they undermine or conflict with Fundamental Principle. Where there is conflict, there is compound damage, something has to give. When Government Weight and Over Regulation cause added burden, adding to the cost of service, and then Government partially relieves that burden, even temporarily, what is really gained? I fully support Government being the Referee, the key to me, is a light touch. We lost that long ago. For Government to create problems, and then take credit for half assed fixes, is disingenuous. There are other options, both more and less effective, more and less expensive. When Centralized Government abandons Federalism and Federalist Principles, it does abandon reason and flexibility. All the eggs end up in one basket. Sink or swim, all other options are removed. You like to make fun of mt writing style, that is your problem, not mine. Get over yourself, it is unbecoming. There is nothing coherent about Statism, other than the end result is just another brand of Tyranny, no more, no less.
The problem is that they have spread Defense $$$ to all 50 states and none of them want it to end. Just another form of welfare.
And that's why DoD's needs are more important than Congress'.
No doubt. Now tell that to Congress. Tell, say, Orin Hatch that we don't need that facility/base/manufacturer/etc. in Utah any longer. Do you think he's going to say "sure - whatever is best for our military and our country"?

It doesn't matter what he say's, when it separates from reason.
Stop being so paranoid. No one is going to cut social security or medicare. What will happen and needs to , is to extend Bush' tax cuts, freeze spending, defund Obamacare and other wasteful programs like NPR.

Freeze spending where? And what do we do with the additional uninsured that will result? Non-military discretionary is about $610 Billion. If you wipe out the entire government, less mandatory programs and military, you can cut the deficit in half, while only raising unemployment a few points resulting in deeper depression.

Please, tell us where you want to make the cuts. That's why this conversation sounds like a broken record. We never get to the answer.

Pick up a recent issue of Esquire; they have a panel that balances the budget using means that sound very pragmatic; but in the context of politics; probably not realistic. Some good stuff. Raising the retirement age to 70 was one of the ideas; revamping the military--something that we could do tomorrow was another. Of course balancing the budget is just a small step toward getting out of debt. It would take several years under the most apolitical of environments.

No need to pick up the magazine. There is a link.

Balance the Budget Findings - How to Balance the Federal Budget - Esquire

And they recommend that the current Health Care Reform Package remain as is..
Freeze spending where? And what do we do with the additional uninsured that will result? Non-military discretionary is about $610 Billion. If you wipe out the entire government, less mandatory programs and military, you can cut the deficit in half, while only raising unemployment a few points resulting in deeper depression.

Please, tell us where you want to make the cuts. That's why this conversation sounds like a broken record. We never get to the answer.

Pick up a recent issue of Esquire; they have a panel that balances the budget using means that sound very pragmatic; but in the context of politics; probably not realistic. Some good stuff. Raising the retirement age to 70 was one of the ideas; revamping the military--something that we could do tomorrow was another. Of course balancing the budget is just a small step toward getting out of debt. It would take several years under the most apolitical of environments.

No need to pick up the magazine. There is a link.

Balance the Budget Findings - How to Balance the Federal Budget - Esquire

And they recommend that the current Health Care Reform Package remain as is..

Does the Tea Party read Esquire???
Pick up a recent issue of Esquire; they have a panel that balances the budget using means that sound very pragmatic; but in the context of politics; probably not realistic. Some good stuff. Raising the retirement age to 70 was one of the ideas; revamping the military--something that we could do tomorrow was another. Of course balancing the budget is just a small step toward getting out of debt. It would take several years under the most apolitical of environments.

No need to pick up the magazine. There is a link.

Balance the Budget Findings - How to Balance the Federal Budget - Esquire

And they recommend that the current Health Care Reform Package remain as is..

Does the Tea Party read Esquire???


Might be a good way to sort of talk them down.
As opposed to Obama. :lol:

Obama's been opposed at every turn, never given a chance to do what he set out to. The Republicans have been disgraceful in their treatment of the man. Maybe it's not a colour thing, but they have let their hatred of Obama cloud any co-operation that could have been achieved. For instance, the vile lies about healthcare which led to the public option fiasco.
I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

We told you the same thing about Obama. The only difference, time will show that we were right and you are wrong.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

Liberty is the answer to the problems facing America today.
It's astounding the number of people who want to turn over their liberties to government. Freedom frightens them. They want to be subjects, not citizens.
Keep in mind that the Tea Party has only been in existence for two years. As they arrive in Washington, I expect they will act like two year olds and scream and throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

Like a two year old they will have to learn how to get along with others or be sent to the corner
That's exactly what Obama's done. Tuesday, he was sent to the corner.
Hmm that's weird, my other employees don't talk to me that way. But I digress.
You think you're in my chain of command? Well, that's amusing. You are, but not directly. If you're considering the idea of ordering me to agree with you, go ahead, but you'll only be disappointed. :lol:
Why do you do this to me Dave? You lead into into a discussion with some civility, like we can actually have a healthy debate, then you get frustrated and say something like "Some of us don't need nannies."
No frustration. The policies and programs you support show you want the government to run individual lives.

Don't like it being pointed out bluntly? Then come down on the side of individual liberty. Simple, huh? :)
The problem is that they have spread Defense $$$ to all 50 states and none of them want it to end. Just another form of welfare.
And that's why DoD's needs are more important than Congress'.
No doubt. Now tell that to Congress. Tell, say, Orin Hatch that we don't need that facility/base/manufacturer/etc. in Utah any longer. Do you think he's going to say "sure - whatever is best for our military and our country"?
If DoD decides we don't need the base or the equipment produced by the factory in Utah, then Hatch had best go along with it. DoD knows how better to manage our nation's defense than any Congressman.
As opposed to Obama. :lol:

Obama's been opposed at every turn, never given a chance to do what he set out to. The Republicans have been disgraceful in their treatment of the man. Maybe it's not a colour thing, but they have let their hatred of Obama cloud any co-operation that could have been achieved. For instance, the vile lies about healthcare which led to the public option fiasco.
As opposed to Obama. :lol:

Obama's been opposed at every turn, never given a chance to do what he set out to. The Republicans have been disgraceful in their treatment of the man. Maybe it's not a colour thing, but they have let their hatred of Obama cloud any co-operation that could have been achieved. For instance, the vile lies about healthcare which led to the public option fiasco.

And what will you say when none or most of what you say NEEDS to happen doesn't happen??

Furthermore, several on the right are against socialism and SS and medicare are socialist programs that many believe either need to be done away with, stripped away to almost nothing or privatized into nonexistence. So how can you honestly claim that "NO ONE" is going to cut them when a large portion of republicans are against such socialist big government programs??

It will happen.

Let's see a Republican concensus that they want to cut SS and/or medicare. It should be easy since you claim a large portion of them do.

LOL Thanks for the baseless and sunbstanceless prediction nostradumbass but I did ask a question however, I see that you avoided it. Imagine that.

Furthermore, it is a simple conclusion to make when the tea party movement was all about antisocialism which spread throughout the party, especially when you consider that the SS and medicare are socialist programs. How can you be both for and against socialism??

In other words your conclusion is based assumptions and you have no legitimate source to back up your claims. I get it. :cuckoo:
The HC bill does not provide taxpayer funded insurance. It is responsible for 0.0% of the current deficit. If your argument is that it will result in deficit in the future, speculate away. But so far you have not addressed the current deficit, not one bit.

Any other suggestions?

I didn't bring up the "uninsured" you did.

Get your head out of your ass and pay attention!

According to the CBO. Obamacare will add 109 Billion to the deficit over ten years.

So defunding Obamacare and then repealing it, we will avoid adding 109 billion to the deficit. You people are stupid.

Lucky for me I got work to do.


I'm sorry, but where the hell exactly did I bring up the uninsured?

Edit: OHHH I see... No that original post should have read "Unemployed," not "Uninsured."

You are one stupid fuck, you couldn't remember what you typed so you had to go back and reread it. And now you claim you misspoke! What an idiot!
oh look!

17 pages of posts and how did rightwinger do getting reasonable and rational answers to the simplest of questions "What are you going to cut?"?

I'll let someone else do the math but here are some things I would cut if I had the ability to do so:

Any air wing of the military that isn't carrier based or part of the air force. We do not need 5 different air wings in the military. Theres some tweaking in that (helicopters for one) but does every branch of the service need to have every toy it can afford? No.

End all funding (temporarily) for the NEA, CPB and other grants for the arts. The private sector will take over most of this. Trust me, I can't imagine my weekends without NPR and I could likely go toe to toe with anybody when it comes to Prairie Home Companion trivia.
It is one of the best things that Americans receive for their tax monies...but it's something we shouldn't be spending money on when we're this far in the hole.

Bring the troops home from over-seas except in super-hot spots like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Korea. Lease bases to local military with the stipulation that at the drop of the hat, we can take them back over. Outsource the upkeep where possible for the bases to keep them ready. Once the troops are home, raise the standards of the military (strength and conditioning standards) to remove the weakest memebers. Sorry ladies but I'm talking about women primarily. Keep the smartest and most qualified persons--regardless of gender.

Close most air force bases and expand the ones that are kept. Build logical new bases in the two or three areas that would need it after consolidation. Consolidate space launch capabilities into those bases; KSC is old and needs to be shuttered as well.

Remove 10 percent of Interstate roadways based on usage and thereby reduce costs for upkeep

Discontinue Saturday mail delivery and all weekend mail deliveries

Shut down one of the federal mints.

Reduce federal funding for health education services. Local health authorities do most of the heavy lifting in that area anyway.

Reduce WIC to age 4 except for the most extreme cases.

End unemployment benefits after twelve weeks except in the most extreme cases (such as a large employer shutting down and causing a spike in unemployment claims--30,000 people for example--can't all find jobs at Dairy Queen). Perhaps put extensions into a lottery system by which only a few applicants get extended.

Start a program for the 13th week by where community services are provided under the auspices of the current community service infastructure. This will help rehabilitate the infastructure.

This one isn't a cut but it is something that needs to be done; give POTUS the line item veto.
Pick up a recent issue of Esquire; they have a panel that balances the budget using means that sound very pragmatic; but in the context of politics; probably not realistic. Some good stuff. Raising the retirement age to 70 was one of the ideas; revamping the military--something that we could do tomorrow was another. Of course balancing the budget is just a small step toward getting out of debt. It would take several years under the most apolitical of environments.

No need to pick up the magazine. There is a link.

Balance the Budget Findings - How to Balance the Federal Budget - Esquire

And they recommend that the current Health Care Reform Package remain as is..

Does the Tea Party read Esquire???
Does the tea party read?
And that's why DoD's needs are more important than Congress'.
No doubt. Now tell that to Congress. Tell, say, Orin Hatch that we don't need that facility/base/manufacturer/etc. in Utah any longer. Do you think he's going to say "sure - whatever is best for our military and our country"?
If DoD decides we don't need the base or the equipment produced by the factory in Utah, then Hatch had best go along with it. DoD knows how better to manage our nation's defense than any Congressman.

I think we agree. But how do you force Hatch to "go along with it"? There is just as much arrogance on the Right as on the Left when it comes to Congressional Lifers. For every Rangel there is a Hatch. For every Dingel there is a McCain. For every Feinstein there is an Inhofe.

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