OK Tea Party....Time to belly up to the bar

Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

Liberty is the answer to the problems facing America today.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Why do you throw social security and medicare out there like that?

you do realize those are 2 programs that you actually PAY INTO your entire life then get the money back.

Anyway they get things done by not comprimising on those principles. Even if things dont go the way they want as long as they stick to the principles of lower taxes and smaller government in their votes and any proposed legislation they will be safe for re-election next time. If they dont they will be gone.[/QUOTE]

You have been involved in the Tea Party since the beginning and I believe you are sincere in your views towards government and spending. I have tried to be civil in this discussion and have asked a simple question of the Tea Party....

Now that you are elected you can no longer talk about "principles of lower taxes and smaller government" you need to talk specifics. This thread is 18 pages and only daveman and Zander have talked specifics.

If you want smaller government you need to be honest with people and tell them what part of government will get smaller and what the impact of that cut will be. I don't think it is asking too much.

If you want to talk lower taxes. Start with the Bush tax cuts and show how you will make up for the $4 trillion in lost revenue. Cutting earmarks and National Public Radio will not do it
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

Liberty is the answer to the problems facing America today.

You forgot truth, justice and the American way
Revere posts

It's not the "same old city." Obama has made it bigger and more powerful than every before.
and gets thanks from the peanut gallery @ USMB

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Cali-Boil posts

"Yes, We Can". I believe that summed up Obama's campaign. Never did answer the 'can what?' thing... but we know now... and we just told him 'no, you can't'.

Live with it.

and gets thanks from the USMB Fool Pool

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Poor Intense posts

Me Personally. I'd work on fair labor laws. Union's out of Government completely.

Government Salaries and hours worked per week is questionable. Extended vacation time. Waste Waste Waste.

:lol: what percentage of what fraction of the budget would those cuts (using 'cuts' loosely -- labor laws? :cuckoo:)?

but Intense gets credit for the effort.

Just keep giving Raises and Jobs to those that think like you, but with all of you having your heads so far up your asses, who drives the car? You wonder why you are in a ditch? Bush, at least had 911 as a real reason to spend. That reason also included rebuilding the Military that Clinton cut to shit to bribe votes. The one thing Your Crowd shines in Dante is incompetence. No matter how bad things get, when your crowd fucks with it, it goes from bad to worse. Don't get me wrong, Piss ant, I blame RINO's too, spending like Democrats, or drunken Sailors, trying to buy popularity, just like you. Bottom line, there is no excuse for what you do. I know it's all you have, a talent to bitch and complain, but that is where it ends. You sure can't govern. You don't understand Federalism, or the right to voice, when it opposes you. Government Program after Program, designed to make us all dependent on Government. The Marxist way. Who are you trying to fool, There is no substitute for Value for Value. Put Something in Take Something out. What you are about in the end is your control over others. You can't stand people having interests that don't concern you. ow would I save Spending, I would probably start out by doing the opposite of how you do what you do. Where you find excuses to continue doing harmful acts, I would seek to streamline and find more efficient ways to fulfill the necessary role of Government function. I would dismantle agencies that have overstepped their role, and reform them, bringing them into compliance with their purpose for being. Unions out the fucking door. They are a disease. Oversight and transparency yes, redundancy, no. Value for Value. You can't handle the truth Dante, because there is nothing in it for you. It's actually not about you, but the false values that have been programed into you. We got the House, You still control the Presidency and the Senate. The Question is What are you going to do?
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

They are the People. They, We actually did pretty good. Win some, lose some, the whole effect was energizing. The people are not like Politicians, we aren't gonna be resting. We are big on Reform. Enumerated Powers, Government being accountable to the People, Government by the consent of the Governed, reading Bills and Discussing and amending them before signing them. It's a different age now, more and more, we have real time access to the truth. Tats part of the difference.
Why do you throw social security and medicare out there like that?

you do realize those are 2 programs that you actually PAY INTO your entire life then get the money back.

Anyway they get things done by not comprimising on those principles. Even if things dont go the way they want as long as they stick to the principles of lower taxes and smaller government in their votes and any proposed legislation they will be safe for re-election next time. If they dont they will be gone.[/QUOTE]

You have been involved in the Tea Party since the beginning and I believe you are sincere in your views towards government and spending. I have tried to be civil in this discussion and have asked a simple question of the Tea Party....

Now that you are elected you can no longer talk about "principles of lower taxes and smaller government" you need to talk specifics. This thread is 18 pages and only daveman and Zander have talked specifics.

If you want smaller government you need to be honest with people and tell them what part of government will get smaller and what the impact of that cut will be. I don't think it is asking too much.

If you want to talk lower taxes. Start with the Bush tax cuts and show how you will make up for the $4 trillion in lost revenue. Cutting earmarks and National Public Radio will not do it

The Bush tax cuts are only a problem in the context of the Obama spending increases.

You have been involved in the Tea Party since the beginning and I believe you are sincere in your views towards government and spending. I have tried to be civil in this discussion and have asked a simple question of the Tea Party....

Now that you are elected you can no longer talk about "principles of lower taxes and smaller government" you need to talk specifics. This thread is 18 pages and only daveman and Zander have talked specifics.

If you want smaller government you need to be honest with people and tell them what part of government will get smaller and what the impact of that cut will be. I don't think it is asking too much.

If you want to talk lower taxes. Start with the Bush tax cuts and show how you will make up for the $4 trillion in lost revenue. Cutting earmarks and National Public Radio will not do it

The Bush tax cuts are only a problem in the context of the Obama spending increases.

Then how did Bush run up $5 trillion in debt?
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

Keep in mind that the Tea Party has only been in existence for two years. As they arrive in Washington, I expect they will act like two year olds and scream and throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

Like a two year old they will have to learn how to get along with others or be sent to the corner
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

Keep in mind that the Tea Party has only been in existence for two years. As they arrive in Washington, I expect they will act like two year olds and scream and throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

Like a two year old they will have to learn how to get along with others or be sent to the corner

Funny. You want to simultaneously claim they will be destructive, and then claim they really won't get what they want, depending on what works for your argument at the time.
Some of us don't need nannies.

Very mature! Yet you, like everyone else, count on government commons every day.

edit: If I'm remembering correctly, aren't you a public servant yourself? YOU'RE WELCOME.
Ahhh, another mindless leftist claiming military service is support of socialism.

What a tool.

There's only two things wrong with that singularly stupid point of view: I earn my pay and benefits, and defense spending is mandated by the Constitution.

Hmm that's weird, my other employees don't talk to me that way. But I digress.

Why do you do this to me Dave? You lead into into a discussion with some civility, like we can actually have a healthy debate, then you get frustrated and say something like "Some of us don't need nannies."
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Why do you throw social security and medicare out there like that?

you do realize those are 2 programs that you actually PAY INTO your entire life then get the money back.

Anyway they get things done by not comprimising on those principles. Even if things dont go the way they want as long as they stick to the principles of lower taxes and smaller government in their votes and any proposed legislation they will be safe for re-election next time. If they dont they will be gone.

I included Social Security and Medicare because both need serious refinancing to remain viable. They both still involve money coming out of our pockets.
While we are balancing the budget we also need to.....whats the word?........Man-up....... and fix Social Security

Raising the retirement age for those under 50 to 70 is a good start.

You don't get your money back from Social Security or Medicare. Your money is gone. It went to pay for current retirees. You have to rely on contributions from your childrens and grandchildrens generation

Raising the retirement age is probably necessary, but I'd eliminate the upper limit for paying in first, and make Schedule E income subject to payroll tax.
The Constitution spells out providing for the national defense.

The other crap is expendable.

That's too complicated for RW. Can you break it down better.

Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?

Some good news came out of the election results:

"A fiscally responsible thing happened on the way to the November 2 election: Rep. Eric Cantor (R.-Va.) announced on behalf of the House Republican Leadership an internal party rule mandating that Republicans will not earmark in the next Congress. This is excellent news for the Tea Party movement and it fills in a missing element of the 'Pledge to America.'
See: Tea Party’s First Victim: Earmarks

According to one source, earmarks added $15.9 billion to Federal spending in FY 2010

I think that the politics here could get pretty messy.
Suppose the Senators of a particular state are Democrats, but the newly elected Congressman in a district in the Senators' state is a Republican. If the Democrat Senators support continuing funding for an earmark for a project in the district with a Republican Congressman, will the Congressman refuse out of principle to support the earmark funding, even though his refusal will result in depriving his own constituents of federal dollars? If he does refuse to support the earmark, the Democrats will make good use of this fact in an effort to defeat him in the election 2 years from now!
That's too complicated for RW. Can you break it down better.

Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?

Some good news came out of the election results:

"A fiscally responsible thing happened on the way to the November 2 election: Rep. Eric Cantor (R.-Va.) announced on behalf of the House Republican Leadership an internal party rule mandating that Republicans will not earmark in the next Congress. This is excellent news for the Tea Party movement and it fills in a missing element of the 'Pledge to America.'
See: Tea Party’s First Victim: Earmarks

According to one source, earmarks added $15.9 billion to Federal spending in FY 2010

I think that the politics here could get pretty messy.
Suppose the Senators of a particular state are Democrats, but the newly elected Congressman in a district in the Senators' state is a Republican. If the Democrat Senators support continuing funding for an earmark for a project in the district with a Republican Congressman, will the Congressman refuse out of principle to support the earmark funding, even though his refusal will result in depriving his own constituents of federal dollars? If he does refuse to support the earmark, the Democrats will make good use of this fact in an effort to defeat him in the election 2 years from now!

I will believe it when I see it. Prepare for hidden earmarks just like we have hidden campaign contributions
Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?

Some good news came out of the election results:

"A fiscally responsible thing happened on the way to the November 2 election: Rep. Eric Cantor (R.-Va.) announced on behalf of the House Republican Leadership an internal party rule mandating that Republicans will not earmark in the next Congress. This is excellent news for the Tea Party movement and it fills in a missing element of the 'Pledge to America.'
See: Tea Party’s First Victim: Earmarks

According to one source, earmarks added $15.9 billion to Federal spending in FY 2010

I think that the politics here could get pretty messy.
Suppose the Senators of a particular state are Democrats, but the newly elected Congressman in a district in the Senators' state is a Republican. If the Democrat Senators support continuing funding for an earmark for a project in the district with a Republican Congressman, will the Congressman refuse out of principle to support the earmark funding, even though his refusal will result in depriving his own constituents of federal dollars? If he does refuse to support the earmark, the Democrats will make good use of this fact in an effort to defeat him in the election 2 years from now!

I will believe it when I see it. Prepare for hidden earmarks just like we have hidden campaign contributions

Nah, you'll cry about it when you see it. Your little pet projects will be torpedoed.
I think the Tea party are going to be a disaster in Washington. They have no idea what they are doing and have managed to fool a lot of people into believing they have the answers to the problems facing America today. They don't , and people are gonna find that out soon enough.

Keep in mind that the Tea Party has only been in existence for two years. As they arrive in Washington, I expect they will act like two year olds and scream and throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

Like a two year old they will have to learn how to get along with others or be sent to the corner

Funny. You want to simultaneously claim they will be destructive, and then claim they really won't get what they want, depending on what works for your argument at the time.

The Tea Party candidates have already made it clear they are unwilling to compromise, unwilling to consider the opinions of others, unwilling to seek common ground.

Like the two year olds they are, they will find that threats and temper tantrums will not help you get your way
oh look!

17 pages of posts and how did rightwinger do getting reasonable and rational answers to the simplest of questions "What are you going to cut?"?

Look ...You can cut money from all these government agencies; they are all full of waste stupid bureaucratic positions EVERY DEPT IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN BE CUT!! The problem with you libs is every time someone throws up and idea on what can be cut, you start with you're stupid sob stories. We can't...these people will be hurt....how will we do that those people will be hurt. that’s the problem with a massive federal government they are too much involved in every aspect of our life, Some people will be hurt in the short run, mainly government workers but in the long run we can avoid bankruptcy Government as to be reformed

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That was just a start, as I said. There are more liberal programs I'd cut.

But to please the liberals, I would change defense acquisition. Far too much waste. I would have Congress listen more to DoD when deciding defense appropriations than to Congressmen with defense contractors in their home states. If the USAF says they don't need any more C-17s, don't make them to buy any more. That forces the AF to hire more people to fly and maintain them, taking money from other programs.

The problem is that they have spread Defense $$$ to all 50 states and none of them want it to end. Just another form of welfare.
And that's why DoD's needs are more important than Congress'.
No doubt. Now tell that to Congress. Tell, say, Orin Hatch that we don't need that facility/base/manufacturer/etc. in Utah any longer. Do you think he's going to say "sure - whatever is best for our military and our country"?
Give it a couple of weeks and we will be buying our own oil from china. Everyone else around the world is into drilling, at least where it's feasible to drill. I have no problem with responsible drilling. Government is supposed to regulate, monitor, and help insure against accidents. That does make sense. What doesn't make sense is paying for something that you you don't receive, other than in the form of illusion. Inspections that never happened, things like that.

There is no "our own oil". Even when it comes from America's ground. All oil goes on the world market. That's just a fact.

It's frustrating to try to discuss politics with people who don't understand the issues.

LOL! Good one. It's still our oil, or you are implying that anyone can just show up and claim it, just drill where and when they want? Someone or some entity owns it from the instant it comes out of the ground. Some people don't understand anything huh, like the connection with surplus and worth. How about the refineries, the relationship there with reserve and price, all of the different rules governing refinement. It's wasteful.

What does it matter? Even if we drill in Texas, the oil goes on the world market. We cannot and have never said "this is American oil that will stay in America". It doesn't. That's why the arguments for opening ANWR are dumb. It won't help us get off of foreign drilled oil, because we cannot keep that Alaskan oil within the U.S.

So my only concerns about the Chinese drilling in the Gulf is the safety of the rigs, not the oil that is produced.

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