Okay, so republicans think the MSM has a liberal bias. They never seem to explain why


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?
The MSM is biased against the right wing, the dirty fuckers.
I don't feel like explaining.
AND this idea of FOX being righty , i don't swallow that although its correct to say that FOX is LESS liberal than the others on some issues . Listen to liberal 'sheep smith' some time , same for 'oreily' on certain issues like guns . As to WHY is the media liberal , media is influenced through their schooling and their associates , bosses , paychecks , awards , bonuses and job advancement Billy .
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?
FOXNews channel is full of progressives
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

It reminds me of this stat, from bostonmagazine-

How Liberal Professors Are Ruining College
In New England, they outnumber conservatives 28 to 1. Why that’s bad for everyone.
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there is ANY credibility to ANY story that suggests Trump colluded with Russia during the campaign? If your answer is no, you are being just as narrow minded and disingenuous as you claim the media is being.
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there is ANY credibility to ANY story that suggests Trump colluded with Russia during the campaign? If your answer is no, you are being just as narrow minded and disingenuous as you claim the media is being.

Considering liberals and the media has been throwing shit on the wall for months to see what will stick your rationale if awfully weak.
i guess that i am narrow minded as i think that your posted question in in post number 9 is silly [i gave you a funny award] . Anyway , many open minded people that can't make a common sense judgement is because they are so open minded that their brains have fallen out Billy !!
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there is ANY credibility to ANY story that suggests Trump colluded with Russia during the campaign? If your answer is no, you are being just as narrow minded and disingenuous as you claim the media is being.

Innuendo, accusations and assumptions are not the basis for a news story, they are what conspiracy theories are made of. People and the media should just STFU until evidence is provided, then it will be real news. The news is supposed to report the who, what, when and where of a story, when they have that, get back to me. I don't want to hear maybe someone, did something, sometime or somewhere. Like Joe Friday said, just the facts mam, just the FACTS.

The way the media is taking all these unsubstantiated leaks and sensationalizing them is starting to border on sedition, I frankly have had enough of it. They have taken on themselves to try to bring this president down, if you think that is good for the country, you're more fucked up than they are.

AND this idea of FOX being righty , i don't swallow that although its correct to say that FOX is LESS liberal than the others on some issues . Listen to liberal 'sheep smith' some time , same for 'oreily' on certain issues like guns . As to WHY is the media liberal , media is influenced through their schooling and their associates , bosses , paychecks , awards , bonuses and job advancement Billy .

Again, totally false.

There is a slight liberal bias in some media, but nothing like right wingers complain.

The jury is still out on Fox now that Ailes and O'Reilly are gone. They used to be positively rabid in their conservatism, pushing the false narrative on Benghazi, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Fox also has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts. They lie - a lot. This is something I hope changes under the new regime.

When Bush was President there was no criticism of him ever that I can remember and conversely, they had nothing good to say about Obama.

I found MSNBC to have balanced news coverage, but highly biased commentators. They also lie a lot. Not quite as much as Fox, but the difference is small.

CNN is just dreadful most of the time. Their 24/7 coverage of the lost Malaysian airliner, was a joke but like a terrier with a rat, they wouldn't let it go.

I like PBS.
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias?

Because the vast majority of reporters are liberal.
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there is ANY credibility to ANY story that suggests Trump colluded with Russia during the campaign? If your answer is no, you are being just as narrow minded and disingenuous as you claim the media is being.

Innuendo, accusations and assumptions are not the basis for a news story, they are what conspiracy theories are made of. People and the media should just STFU until evidence is provided, then it will be real news. The news is supposed to report the who, what, when and where of a story, when they have that, get back to me. I don't want to hear maybe someone, did something, sometime or somewhere. Like Joe Friday said, just the facts mam, just the FACTS.

The way the media is taking all these unsubstantiated leaks and sensationalizing them is starting to border on sedition, I frankly have had enough of it. They have taken on themselves to try to bring this president down, if you think that is good for the country, you're more fucked up than they are.

You are in complete denial.
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there is ANY credibility to ANY story that suggests Trump colluded with Russia during the campaign? If your answer is no, you are being just as narrow minded and disingenuous as you claim the media is being.
Considering that the story was created by the DNC....

Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias?

Because the vast majority of reporters are liberal.
But why?
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Maybe because they run demonstrably false stories, like Comey was fired after asking for more resources for the Russian investigation. The Deputy Director testified that additional resources were not requested. The you have the story of the Assistant AG threatening to resign over the Comey firing story, WRONG again. He said that never happened. And those are just two of the more recent ones.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there is ANY credibility to ANY story that suggests Trump colluded with Russia during the campaign? If your answer is no, you are being just as narrow minded and disingenuous as you claim the media is being.

Ok, just let me ask you this question: do you think there was ANY crime commited during the campaign?
Quite frankly, I don't believe the MSM has much of a liberal bias. I personally am no fan of the MSM because corporations control their narrative.

Sure, MSNBC has a clear liberal bias and corporate-puppet CNN did favor Hillary in the election out of common sense, but beyond those exceptions, I don't see how the rest as having a liberal bias. Republicans seem convinced any TV network besides the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News has a liberal bias, but they have never explained why.

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias? What agenda does it have? What does it accomplish for them to have such a bias? Are you sure you don't think all of those networks have a liberal bias because FOX is the only network that so easily coddles your bullshit pre-conceived notions about politics? Is the cognitive dissonance too painful for you whenever a non-FOX pundit contradicts your simple worldview with facts?

Rightwingers: why does the MSM have a liberal bias?

Because the vast majority of reporters are liberal.
But why?

They want to change the world.
Conservatives prefer to get real jobs.

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