Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online


A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
So, North Carolina doesn't require ID, they require a signature

O'Keefe walks in and pronounces that he doesn't have an ID. They tell him he doesn't need one...he needs a signature
O'Keefe runs away without signing and then edits everything to make it look like he was handed a ballot
O'Keefe is looking for that fast track to fame and fortune...3 card monte style..
The Adlai E. Marcos Style Of Politics - Chicago Tribune
They are ignoring my post #84-

Ever heard of Democrat Adlai Stevenson, III?
By insisting as a minority of one that he really won the 1982 gubernatorial election, Stevenson is keeping up with Marcos, who says the same thing about this year`s Philippine presidential election. According to the Illinois Board of Elections, Gov. James Thompson edged Stevenson by 5,000 votes. But such massive vote fraud was exposed in Chicago following the election that federal law enforcement officials have estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots probably were cast for Stevenson.

Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

A 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a leading advocate for voting rights at the New York University School of Law, quantified the problem in stark terms.

"It is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning," the report calculated, "than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud."

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion, Vote Buying & Selling, Tampering With Voting Machines

ome of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.

The jury convicted all eight people on trial, including former Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle, 66, and former school Superintendent Douglas C. Adams, 58, on a charge that they engaged in organized criminal acts to rig elections.

After a seven-week trial, jurors deliberated about nine hours before convicting the defendants on all the charges they faced, which included vote-buying, mail fraud, extortion and money laundering.

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion Vote Buying Selling Tampering With Voting Machines - Democratic Underground
People who make ATM machines like .... Diebold?

You remember Diebold -- the company whose CEO vowed to do everything he could to get George Bush elected?

whatever, pogo..you pick the company, then. All I want is ironclad honesty regardless of party...you see party above all..we'll never agree.

*I* see "party above all"?? ME??


That's just bizarre dood. You couldn't pay me to join a political party. You completely whiffed on my point.

Do you think voter fraud has ever occurred in the u.s.?
Do you think it somehow just suddenly stops when democrats are in office?
Would you approve of some form of secure, uniform voter ID?

Would you kindly answer those brief questions?
I don't need soliloquies or for you to editorialize or expound... Yes or no would do.

Funny, for a guy who tried to completely deflect my point and change the subject altogether...

But here ya go:
Do you think voter fraud has ever occurred in the u.s.? Of course. And everywhere else. Irrelevant.
Do you think it somehow just suddenly stops when democrats are in office? Of course not. Why would it? Did you mean when Republicans are in office? Doesn't matter, the question is silly.
Would you approve of some form of secure, uniform voter ID? Maybe, as long as it doesn't disenfranchise anybody.

Now here's the question still sitting on your desk:
Would you trust your vote to the product of a faceless corporation whose CEO not only raises six-figure dollar amounts for a specific candidate but publicly posts that he is ''committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to" that candidate? Or any candidate? Why would you do that?

Would you use an ATM machine made by that company if he'd said he's "committed to taking your money"?

I dunno about you but I don't trust ANY voting machine. I do it by absentee or by mail whenever possible.

thanks for answering my questions, pogo.

We agree on these points, it seems;

voter fraud occurs.
everyone knows it does. no one denies that.
Neither of us wants it to continue.

a good start, no?

How does GOP voter suppression plans, like voter ID laws stop it?

In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,”
New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
The Adlai E. Marcos Style Of Politics - Chicago Tribune

Ever heard od Democrat Adlai Stevenson, III?
By insisting as a minority of one that he really won the 1982 gubernatorial election, Stevenson is keeping up with Marcos, who says the same thing about this year`s Philippine presidential election. According to the Illinois Board of Elections, Gov. James Thompson edged Stevenson by 5,000 votes. But such massive vote fraud was exposed in Chicago following the election that federal law enforcement officials have estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots probably were cast for Stevenson.

Just give us a percentage. Either by state or nationally.
Do it.

I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online
You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

Oh those R's have been busy. 2016 won't be the same old.

So you admit this voter ID stuff is all about GOP partisan voter suppression.

We know that already.
They're suppressing GOP partisan voters?

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

You need to go back 60+ years? lol

GOP outcries over the phantom menace of voter fraud escalated after 2008, when Obama's candidacy attracted historic numbers of first-time voters.

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone
Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

They're suppressing GOP partisan voters?

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

Well, of course.... anything a television celebrity says is important!

A 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a leading advocate for voting rights at the New York University School of Law, quantified the problem in stark terms.

"It is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning," the report calculated, "than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation

Let's see...The "Brennan Center for Justice a leading advocate for voting rights"....LMAO..Oh..I get it..
blah...blah...I don't care what proclamations they make..their agenda is obvious

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud."

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion, Vote Buying & Selling, Tampering With Voting Machines

ome of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.

The jury convicted all eight people on trial, including former Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle, 66, and former school Superintendent Douglas C. Adams, 58, on a charge that they engaged in organized criminal acts to rig elections.

After a seven-week trial, jurors deliberated about nine hours before convicting the defendants on all the charges they faced, which included vote-buying, mail fraud, extortion and money laundering.

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion Vote Buying Selling Tampering With Voting Machines - Democratic Underground

LMAO..so you think that's the only instances of voter fraud that have ever happened in america?

Ok..I can't..won't..even try to argue with logic like that.

Voter fraud has occurred throughout american history.Be serious.

What is your motive for NOT wanting a system to produce an honest vote? That's as stupid as leaving our borders wide open..
Only someone with deep anti american hatred could be in favor of dishonest elections and open borders.
Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.
It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

Well, of course.... anything a television celebrity says is important!

A 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a leading advocate for voting rights at the New York University School of Law, quantified the problem in stark terms.

"It is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning," the report calculated, "than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation

Let's see...The "Brennan Center for Justice a leading advocate for voting rights"....LMAO..Oh..I get it..
blah...blah...I don't care what proclamations they make..their agenda is obvious

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud."

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion, Vote Buying & Selling, Tampering With Voting Machines

ome of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.

The jury convicted all eight people on trial, including former Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle, 66, and former school Superintendent Douglas C. Adams, 58, on a charge that they engaged in organized criminal acts to rig elections.

After a seven-week trial, jurors deliberated about nine hours before convicting the defendants on all the charges they faced, which included vote-buying, mail fraud, extortion and money laundering.

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion Vote Buying Selling Tampering With Voting Machines - Democratic Underground

LMAO..so you think that's the only instances of voter fraud that have ever happened in america?

Ok..I can't..won't..even try to argue with logic like that.

Voter fraud has occurred throughout american history.Be serious.

What is your motive for NOT wanting a system to produce an honest vote? That's as stupid as leaving our borders wide open..
Only someone with deep anti american hatred could be in favor of dishonest elections and open borders.

Republican Lawyers Group's Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims

A Republican National Lawyers Association effort to discredit the NAACP backfires by showing voter fraud - impersonating other voters - barely occurs.

Viewing the data for the period 2000-2010, the report by its own account shows there is no link between voter fraud in states and the need for stricter voter ID laws.

A closer scrutiny of the RNLA data shows voter fraud has no correlation to needing strict voter ID laws.

In the states with higher convictions of improper voting, most involved voters improperly filling out registration forms, vote buying or a person with a felony conviction attempting to vote.

Vote buying occurs when a voter is paid or offered money for their vote.

Neither of these issues would be prevented by state photo ID requirement.

While the RNLA data shows 17 cases of non-citizen voting convictions over 10 years in Florida and one in both Alaska and Illinois, this hardly justifies the requirement of proof of citizenship requirement.

Republican Lawyers Group s Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims Alternet
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

Well, of course.... anything a television celebrity says is important!

A 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a leading advocate for voting rights at the New York University School of Law, quantified the problem in stark terms.

"It is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning," the report calculated, "than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation

Let's see...The "Brennan Center for Justice a leading advocate for voting rights"....LMAO..Oh..I get it..
blah...blah...I don't care what proclamations they make..their agenda is obvious

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud."

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion, Vote Buying & Selling, Tampering With Voting Machines

ome of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.

The jury convicted all eight people on trial, including former Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle, 66, and former school Superintendent Douglas C. Adams, 58, on a charge that they engaged in organized criminal acts to rig elections.

After a seven-week trial, jurors deliberated about nine hours before convicting the defendants on all the charges they faced, which included vote-buying, mail fraud, extortion and money laundering.

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion Vote Buying Selling Tampering With Voting Machines - Democratic Underground

LMAO..so you think that's the only instances of voter fraud that have ever happened in america?

Ok..I can't..won't..even try to argue with logic like that.

Voter fraud has occurred throughout american history.Be serious.

What is your motive for NOT wanting a system to produce an honest vote? That's as stupid as leaving our borders wide open..
Only someone with deep anti american hatred could be in favor of dishonest elections and open borders.

Republican Lawyers Group's Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims

A Republican National Lawyers Association effort to discredit the NAACP backfires by showing voter fraud - impersonating other voters - barely occurs.

Viewing the data for the period 2000-2010, the report by its own account shows there is no link between voter fraud in states and the need for stricter voter ID laws.

A closer scrutiny of the RNLA data shows voter fraud has no correlation to needing strict voter ID laws.

In the states with higher convictions of improper voting, most involved voters improperly filling out registration forms, vote buying or a person with a felony conviction attempting to vote.

Vote buying occurs when a voter is paid or offered money for their vote.

Neither of these issues would be prevented by state photo ID requirement.

While the RNLA data shows 17 cases of non-citizen voting convictions over 10 years in Florida and one in both Alaska and Illinois, this hardly justifies the requirement of proof of citizenship requirement.

Republican Lawyers Group s Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims Alternet
I'm done with this democrat paid spam bot... putting him on ignore.
Why did you bring about the evil republicans. My comment was it was the right wingers/ teaparty that claim voter fraud.
Show me the figures it does exist as rampant as they claim..
Simple request.

Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.
Why did you bring about the evil republicans. My comment was it was the right wingers/ teaparty that claim voter fraud.
Show me the figures it does exist as rampant as they claim..
Simple request.

Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

Oh..word games..ok...
What are the numbers they claim?
Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???
Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

After you, ace.
You contend that voter fraud doesn't occur.
Prove it, then.
There is ample evidence that it can and has in the past.
You say it can't now. Prove it.

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?

Damn! It is your group claiming it does exist.
Ever try to prove a negative!
Jump in with both feet and help yourself and your grip!!!:321:

Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?
Voter fraud has happened in other elections due to lax and sloppy procedures and outright criminal malfeasance. These are facts throughout american history. Everyone knows this. c'mon, man.

You are now saying none of that is possible. I want you to prove that claim.
I maintain that humans will try any trick they can legal or not to achieve a goal they desire and ANY method you can devise to maintain the integrity of the voting system is worth it.

FFS I say let the people who make the ATM machines make voting machines and hire them to monitor elections.
ATM's RARELY EVER make mistakes and when they DO there is always a record of EXACTLY what happened and when...

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.
The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.
Well, good..voter ID will prevent all those evil republicans from committing fraud on the system...You should be behind a plan like that, right? Easy voter ID will encourage people to flock to the polls to oust the evil republicans.

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

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