Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol

PLEASE explain how voter ID laws stop that???

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

List of GOP Election Frauds

FLORIDA - Florida GOP Election Fraud scandal spreads to ten counties

FLORIDA - “Glitch” wipes out 1,000 early votes in black FL neighborhood

INDIANA - GOP Election Fraud In Indiana’s La Porte County

OHIO - GOP Election Fraud In Ohio’s Ottawa County

OHIO - True The Vote Forged Signatures To Get Observers At Ohio Polls

OREGON - Clackamas County Oregon GOP ballot officials fill in GOP on blank ballots

More below.

This article lists 10 GOP Election Fraud Schemes:

GOP's 10 Election Fraud Schemes To-Date

And this:

ELECTION FRAUD: It's the Voting Machines, Not the Voters

REQUEST FOR UN OBSERVERS ACLU: GOP Election Fraud So Bad We Need UN Observers

RON PAUL'S ACCUSATIONS - These are followed by a host of Ron Paul GOP Election fraud articles who have, apparently chronicled what they consider election fraud during the GOP primaries that were skewed to give the nomination to Mitt Romney.

This link lists out the Ron Paul purported GOP Election Frauds: Election Fraud and Manipulation in the U.S.

Back to the other stories of GOP Election Fraud, 2012:

RNC & NATHAN SPROUL - Republican National Committee Drops Firm Over Voter Fraud Allegations

Study of Anomalies in large counties - PDF file - - 2008/2012 Election Anomalies, Results, Analysis and Concerns Francois Choquette, James Johnson

RNC & NATIAN SPROUL STILL GOING - GOP Election Fraud Still Going Strong!

PETITION - Stop GOP Election Fraud 2012
MICHIGAN - Republican U.S. House Staffers Indicted for Felony Election Fraud as GOP Fraud Epidemic Continues

MAINE - Democrats Pile on Maine GOP ELECTION Fraud – Maine “winner” to be Overturned?

WISCONSIN - - GOP election fraud in Wisconsin

MICHIGAN - INGHAM COUNTY, MICHIGAN - one-woman grand jury to investigate House Speaker Jase Bolger and party-switching state Rep. Roy Schmidt's foiled election-rigging scheme, court officials announced Tuesday.

VIRGINIA - State Senator McEachin calls for Federal Investigation of GOP election fraud

OHIO - Tagg Romney Invested in Ohio Electronic Voting Machines

Oh...well..it makes verification and voting itself easier..no standing in lines while registrars search through paper files to verify voters and crosscheck signatures...

with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds. They could even use the card in a reader to vote. That way it's recorded that it has already been used and that's that.

now what, ace?


Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol


whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.
Oh something the GOP has NOT introduced? Sorry, Drivers licenses don't do that. Next Bubba?

What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol


whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.
It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.
What? I'm not talking about drivers licenses....

...maybe you hadn't heard?...not everyone has a drivers license.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol


whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:
We all know that Voter Fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive. Illegals, non-living and multiple voters easily account for 30-50% of Democrat voter "turn out" which is why they fight against Voter ID
The Brennan Center is full of crap. They have become closely aligned with Soro's.
It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

A 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a leading advocate for voting rights at the New York University School of Law, quantified the problem in stark terms.

"It is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning," the report calculated, "than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud."

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion, Vote Buying & Selling, Tampering With Voting Machines

ome of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.

The jury convicted all eight people on trial, including former Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle, 66, and former school Superintendent Douglas C. Adams, 58, on a charge that they engaged in organized criminal acts to rig elections.

After a seven-week trial, jurors deliberated about nine hours before convicting the defendants on all the charges they faced, which included vote-buying, mail fraud, extortion and money laundering.

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion Vote Buying Selling Tampering With Voting Machines - Democratic Underground

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online

I know. I just thought I'd put up a flamer of a thread. :lmao:

I'm being a smart ass for heaven's sake ok? I'm thinking about becoming an rdean or lakhota mirror image.

You DON'T need it, TD. There's no requirement for ID to vote in North Carolina. Yet.

Wanna see?

(Q) What identification do I need to vote?

(A) You do not need any identification to vote on Election Day. -- NC voter guide <<

Maybe you should stick to places you know, like Canada. Eh?

I know more of America than most do Pogo. My dad was a trucker who made sure I toured at least the whole east coast.

I hitch hiked the west. I know America very well. And hey when your name is Boone and you live in Tennessee? You get a lot of perks.

Most Americans posting on this board have no idea what America is. What greatness she is. This girl does.
Last edited:
First, your math is really lacking, maybe you need to go back to school. Secondly, nothing has been done of any consequence in states that do not require proof of who you are, since these major election frauds were discovered, to stop it from happening again. Third, I don't want fraud occurring from anyone in elections, left, right up, down, in between, whatever! I want my vote to count. Period. We are becoming a laughing stock in our elections, when once we were the shining beacon in which other new republics and democracies aspired to.

And last, Rolling Stone, really? Now I know why you think the way you do.
The Adlai E. Marcos Style Of Politics - Chicago Tribune

Ever heard od Democrat Adlai Stevenson, III?
By insisting as a minority of one that he really won the 1982 gubernatorial election, Stevenson is keeping up with Marcos, who says the same thing about this year`s Philippine presidential election. According to the Illinois Board of Elections, Gov. James Thompson edged Stevenson by 5,000 votes. But such massive vote fraud was exposed in Chicago following the election that federal law enforcement officials have estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots probably were cast for Stevenson.

Just give us a percentage. Either by state or nationally.
Do it.

I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online
You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

So you admit this voter ID stuff is all about GOP partisan voter suppression.

We know that already.
They're suppressing GOP partisan voters?

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

You need to go back 60+ years? lol

GOP outcries over the phantom menace of voter fraud escalated after 2008, when Obama's candidacy attracted historic numbers of first-time voters.

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone
We all know that Voter Fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive. Illegals, non-living and multiple voters easily account for 30-50% of Democrat voter "turn out" which is why they fight against Voter ID

Burns my ass that I can't give you an agree along with a thank you sir.

CF you are always spot on.
The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?
They hand out texas student id cards to illegal immigrants, so no, voter id is not voter suppression.
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.
It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

REALITY: Brennan Center: Even Crediting Dornan's Allegations To The Full Extent, The Overall Noncitizen Voting Rate Would Have Been 0.017%."

From the Brennan Center:

In California in 1996, 924 noncitizens allegedly voted in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, including 624 allegedly ineligible voters identified by the Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives investigating the Dornan/Sanchez election. The allegations were based largely on attempts to match immigration lists to voter rolls, but only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. Most of the identified voters were processed by one nonprofit group registering individuals proceeding through the naturalization process; many were registered immediately after passing an INS citizenship interview, and after receiving a letter indicating that they had become naturalized. At least 372 of the voters were apparently officially sworn in before Election Day. There are no reports of which we are aware that any noncitizens registered or voted knowing that they were ineligible. Even assuming there were no matching errors, and leaving aside the critical question of intent, if all 552 remaining individuals were in fact noncitizens when they cast their votes, the overall noncitizen voting rate would have been 0.017%.

No, you are talking about something that like the voter ID laws take care of, is imaginary!

"with a secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

WHERE IS THIS? You mean like the Texas gun card is OK but College ID isn't? lol

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol


whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:

So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol
First, your math is really lacking, maybe you need to go back to school. Secondly, nothing has been done of any consequence in states that do not require proof of who you are, since these major election frauds were discovered, to stop it from happening again. Third, I don't want fraud occurring from anyone in elections, left, right up, down, in between, whatever! I want my vote to count. Period. We are becoming a laughing stock in our elections, when once we were the shining beacon in which other new republics and democracies aspired to.

And last, Rolling Stone, really? Now I know why you think the way you do.
The Adlai E. Marcos Style Of Politics - Chicago Tribune

Ever heard od Democrat Adlai Stevenson, III?
By insisting as a minority of one that he really won the 1982 gubernatorial election, Stevenson is keeping up with Marcos, who says the same thing about this year`s Philippine presidential election. According to the Illinois Board of Elections, Gov. James Thompson edged Stevenson by 5,000 votes. But such massive vote fraud was exposed in Chicago following the election that federal law enforcement officials have estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots probably were cast for Stevenson.

Just give us a percentage. Either by state or nationally.
Do it.

I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online
You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

They're suppressing GOP partisan voters?

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

You need to go back 60+ years? lol

GOP outcries over the phantom menace of voter fraud escalated after 2008, when Obama's candidacy attracted historic numbers of first-time voters.

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

So NO you can't refute Dubya's DOJ had a 5 year UNPRECEDENTED investigation on voter fraud, 300+ million votes and prosecuted ZERO for voter impersonation, the ONLY fraud GOP suppression ID's laws stop!
I would imagine a number of students are not US citizens, therefore, good.
The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?

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