Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:

So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol

settle down, son...relax..The DNC is undoubtedly proud of your partisan efforts here but relax...breathe...

So , NO you can't. Thanks for playing Bubba

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

It'll come s0n.......when hundreds of thousands are voting 3, 4 5 times nobody cares about the lame excuses lefties give for minorities not to be able to obtain id........a total ruse. Anybody who really believes that is a mental case.
I especially liked how the demorats got 100-105% voter turn out in some districts.
I don't know. Why not ask this woman?
Former Councilwoman Found Guilty of Voter Fraud Again WBBJTV West Tennessee s News Channel Local News
or this guy?
Milwaukee man guilty of voting twice in same election

The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?
They hand out texas student id cards to illegal immigrants, so no, voter id is not voter suppression.

Why would someone risk a felony to vote again? lol

Roxanne Rubin, Nevada Republican, Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

Rubin said that she was trying to show how easy it would be to commit voter fraud with just a signature. "This has always been an issue with me. I just feel the system is flawed," she told the AP Thursday. "If we’re showing ID for everything else, why wouldn’t we show our ID in order to vote?”

Rubin, like many Republicans, claim that the threat from voter fraud -- which is close to non-existent -- is why voter ID laws need to be in place. But Nevada has no voter ID law -- other than for first-time voters who didn't show ID when they registered to vote -- and she was caught anyway.

Roxanne Rubin Nevada Republican Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

I don't give a damn. What you don't want to admit to, is that the chances of discovery are probably slimmer than your fake percentsge. The number of votes in each example I gave are enough to have changed a number of elections at the state level. Even more at local levels. Sorry, I don't want even one candidate taking office that did not win it, by legitimate votes.
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.
It is the same thing as going on a witness stand and swearing to tell the truth. You can still lie, but you are committing a crime
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

REALITY: Brennan Center: Even Crediting Dornan's Allegations To The Full Extent, The Overall Noncitizen Voting Rate Would Have Been 0.017%."

From the Brennan Center:

In California in 1996, 924 noncitizens allegedly voted in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, including 624 allegedly ineligible voters identified by the Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives investigating the Dornan/Sanchez election. The allegations were based largely on attempts to match immigration lists to voter rolls, but only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. Most of the identified voters were processed by one nonprofit group registering individuals proceeding through the naturalization process; many were registered immediately after passing an INS citizenship interview, and after receiving a letter indicating that they had become naturalized. At least 372 of the voters were apparently officially sworn in before Election Day. There are no reports of which we are aware that any noncitizens registered or voted knowing that they were ineligible. Even assuming there were no matching errors, and leaving aside the critical question of intent, if all 552 remaining individuals were in fact noncitizens when they cast their votes, the overall noncitizen voting rate would have been 0.017%.

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:

So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol

settle down, son...relax..The DNC is undoubtedly proud of your partisan efforts here but relax...breathe...

So , NO you can't. Thanks for playing Bubba

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

It'll come s0n.......when hundreds of thousands are voting 3, 4 5 times nobody cares about the lame excuses lefties give for minorities not to be able to obtain id........a total ruse. Anybody who really believes that is a mental case.
I especially liked how the demorats got 100-105% voter turn out in some districts.

Lie. Shocking

snopes.com 2012 Voter Fraud
How about that time a comedian running as a democrat senator won his election by having someone drive up with a trunk full of nothing but democrat votes.
I don't give a damn. What you don't want to admit to, is that the chances of discovery are probably slimmer than your fake percentsge. The number of votes in each example I gave are enough to have changed a number of elections at the state level. Even more at local levels. Sorry, I don't want even one candidate taking office that did not win it, by legitimate votes.
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.
yet people go up there and lie every single day...

In fact, the only people in the world who don't lie are people who want to vote for democrats (as many times as possible), apparently.

LMAO..you guys are funny!

Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

REALITY: Brennan Center: Even Crediting Dornan's Allegations To The Full Extent, The Overall Noncitizen Voting Rate Would Have Been 0.017%."

From the Brennan Center:

In California in 1996, 924 noncitizens allegedly voted in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, including 624 allegedly ineligible voters identified by the Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives investigating the Dornan/Sanchez election. The allegations were based largely on attempts to match immigration lists to voter rolls, but only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. Most of the identified voters were processed by one nonprofit group registering individuals proceeding through the naturalization process; many were registered immediately after passing an INS citizenship interview, and after receiving a letter indicating that they had become naturalized. At least 372 of the voters were apparently officially sworn in before Election Day. There are no reports of which we are aware that any noncitizens registered or voted knowing that they were ineligible. Even assuming there were no matching errors, and leaving aside the critical question of intent, if all 552 remaining individuals were in fact noncitizens when they cast their votes, the overall noncitizen voting rate would have been 0.017%.


So you go with a LIE over using your brain. Got it

WHY WOULD SOMEONE risk a felony to vote again????? lol
And your point is? Seems to me you would agree that you don't want Republicans cheating either. I know I don't and have stated such. Have you?
I don't know. Why not ask this woman?
Former Councilwoman Found Guilty of Voter Fraud Again WBBJTV West Tennessee s News Channel Local News
or this guy?
Milwaukee man guilty of voting twice in same election

The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?
They hand out texas student id cards to illegal immigrants, so no, voter id is not voter suppression.

Why would someone risk a felony to vote again? lol

Roxanne Rubin, Nevada Republican, Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

Rubin said that she was trying to show how easy it would be to commit voter fraud with just a signature. "This has always been an issue with me. I just feel the system is flawed," she told the AP Thursday. "If we’re showing ID for everything else, why wouldn’t we show our ID in order to vote?”

Rubin, like many Republicans, claim that the threat from voter fraud -- which is close to non-existent -- is why voter ID laws need to be in place. But Nevada has no voter ID law -- other than for first-time voters who didn't show ID when they registered to vote -- and she was caught anyway.

Roxanne Rubin Nevada Republican Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud
So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol

settle down, son...relax..The DNC is undoubtedly proud of your partisan efforts here but relax...breathe...

So , NO you can't. Thanks for playing Bubba

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

It'll come s0n.......when hundreds of thousands are voting 3, 4 5 times nobody cares about the lame excuses lefties give for minorities not to be able to obtain id........a total ruse. Anybody who really believes that is a mental case.
I especially liked how the demorats got 100-105% voter turn out in some districts.

Lie. Shocking

snopes.com 2012 Voter Fraud

Well yabut, its a lie they like.

That makes it true.

Its just one of those RW things.

1) Go to DMV
2) Order pic ID
3) Pay small surcharge
4) Show up at polls and vote.
5) Happy Now:banana:

Could not be easier........you'd think these people were being asked to lug a large bird bath across the state!!! Only phonies would advocate for being against voter id laws. Total gayness.:gay:

People could only be against this if they wanted to ensure the election is rigged.
I would imagine a number of students are not US citizens, therefore, good.
The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?

If they're not US citizens they would not be registered to vote in Texas would they?
Yeah but what happened was demorats were handing out voter registrations to illegal immigrant students. Supposedly there was some sort of "confusion" where democrats thought Obama letting the illegals stay meant they got to vote.
What lie? Your question was answered by proving that some don't either give a damn, or just think they won't get caught BECAUSE THEY DO IT!
I don't give a damn. What you don't want to admit to, is that the chances of discovery are probably slimmer than your fake percentsge. The number of votes in each example I gave are enough to have changed a number of elections at the state level. Even more at local levels. Sorry, I don't want even one candidate taking office that did not win it, by legitimate votes.
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.
Thank you for a strictly partisan rant totally unrelated to this thread

I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

REALITY: Brennan Center: Even Crediting Dornan's Allegations To The Full Extent, The Overall Noncitizen Voting Rate Would Have Been 0.017%."

From the Brennan Center:

In California in 1996, 924 noncitizens allegedly voted in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, including 624 allegedly ineligible voters identified by the Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives investigating the Dornan/Sanchez election. The allegations were based largely on attempts to match immigration lists to voter rolls, but only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. Most of the identified voters were processed by one nonprofit group registering individuals proceeding through the naturalization process; many were registered immediately after passing an INS citizenship interview, and after receiving a letter indicating that they had become naturalized. At least 372 of the voters were apparently officially sworn in before Election Day. There are no reports of which we are aware that any noncitizens registered or voted knowing that they were ineligible. Even assuming there were no matching errors, and leaving aside the critical question of intent, if all 552 remaining individuals were in fact noncitizens when they cast their votes, the overall noncitizen voting rate would have been 0.017%.


So you go with a LIE over using your brain. Got it

WHY WOULD SOMEONE risk a felony to vote again????? lol
And your point is? Seems to me you would agree that you don't want Republicans cheating either. I know I don't and have stated such. Have you?
I don't know. Why not ask this woman?
Former Councilwoman Found Guilty of Voter Fraud Again WBBJTV West Tennessee s News Channel Local News
or this guy?
Milwaukee man guilty of voting twice in same election

The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?
They hand out texas student id cards to illegal immigrants, so no, voter id is not voter suppression.

Why would someone risk a felony to vote again? lol

Roxanne Rubin, Nevada Republican, Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

Rubin said that she was trying to show how easy it would be to commit voter fraud with just a signature. "This has always been an issue with me. I just feel the system is flawed," she told the AP Thursday. "If we’re showing ID for everything else, why wouldn’t we show our ID in order to vote?”

Rubin, like many Republicans, claim that the threat from voter fraud -- which is close to non-existent -- is why voter ID laws need to be in place. But Nevada has no voter ID law -- other than for first-time voters who didn't show ID when they registered to vote -- and she was caught anyway.

Roxanne Rubin Nevada Republican Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

The IMAGINARY voter fraud right wingers whine about? Sorry, it's NOT real. IF there is REAL fraud stop it,. but don't use the imaginary fraud to suppress otes, the right wings goal

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

What lie? Your question was answered by proving that some don't either give a damn, or just think they won't get caught BECAUSE THEY DO IT!
I don't give a damn. What you don't want to admit to, is that the chances of discovery are probably slimmer than your fake percentsge. The number of votes in each example I gave are enough to have changed a number of elections at the state level. Even more at local levels. Sorry, I don't want even one candidate taking office that did not win it, by legitimate votes.
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.
I'm an anarchist. I know both parties are corrupt.
I laugh at all of you.
The fact remains that voter fraud has always occurred in america but the left are the ones intent on denying it.

REALITY: Brennan Center: Even Crediting Dornan's Allegations To The Full Extent, The Overall Noncitizen Voting Rate Would Have Been 0.017%."

From the Brennan Center:

In California in 1996, 924 noncitizens allegedly voted in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, including 624 allegedly ineligible voters identified by the Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives investigating the Dornan/Sanchez election. The allegations were based largely on attempts to match immigration lists to voter rolls, but only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. Most of the identified voters were processed by one nonprofit group registering individuals proceeding through the naturalization process; many were registered immediately after passing an INS citizenship interview, and after receiving a letter indicating that they had become naturalized. At least 372 of the voters were apparently officially sworn in before Election Day. There are no reports of which we are aware that any noncitizens registered or voted knowing that they were ineligible. Even assuming there were no matching errors, and leaving aside the critical question of intent, if all 552 remaining individuals were in fact noncitizens when they cast their votes, the overall noncitizen voting rate would have been 0.017%.


So you go with a LIE over using your brain. Got it

WHY WOULD SOMEONE risk a felony to vote again????? lol

YOU LIE. Shocking you being a right winger and all

LMAO..they're practically frothing at the mouth in their frenzy.
The fear and desperation is comical.

What lie? Your question was answered by proving that some don't either give a damn, or just think they won't get caught BECAUSE THEY DO IT!
I don't give a damn. What you don't want to admit to, is that the chances of discovery are probably slimmer than your fake percentsge. The number of votes in each example I gave are enough to have changed a number of elections at the state level. Even more at local levels. Sorry, I don't want even one candidate taking office that did not win it, by legitimate votes.
Bob Dornan, the outspoken and noteworthy Clinton opponent, was narrowly defeated by Loretta Sanchez in California's 46th District. After the election, it was discovered that supporters of Sanchez had allegedly illegally registered non-citizens to vote for Sanchez.

A congressional investigation was launched, uncovering startling information. One of Sanchez's staffers admitted in sworn testimony that the Sanchez campaign encouraged illegal voter registration. The radical Hispanic organization Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was investigated by the county and state for election fraud. Hermandad had registered 721 non-citizens, 442 of whom voted in the election. The head of Hermandad was convinced he would "be indicted on hundreds of felonies." More corruption was discovered when Sanchez's husband was caught and arrested for stealing Dornan signs.
Racism or election fraud - March 3 1998
This happened in 1996 in CA, in Orange county.

REALITY: Brennan Center: Even Crediting Dornan's Allegations To The Full Extent, The Overall Noncitizen Voting Rate Would Have Been 0.017%."

From the Brennan Center:

In California in 1996, 924 noncitizens allegedly voted in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, including 624 allegedly ineligible voters identified by the Task Force of the U.S. House of Representatives investigating the Dornan/Sanchez election. The allegations were based largely on attempts to match immigration lists to voter rolls, but only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. Most of the identified voters were processed by one nonprofit group registering individuals proceeding through the naturalization process; many were registered immediately after passing an INS citizenship interview, and after receiving a letter indicating that they had become naturalized. At least 372 of the voters were apparently officially sworn in before Election Day. There are no reports of which we are aware that any noncitizens registered or voted knowing that they were ineligible. Even assuming there were no matching errors, and leaving aside the critical question of intent, if all 552 remaining individuals were in fact noncitizens when they cast their votes, the overall noncitizen voting rate would have been 0.017%.


So you go with a LIE over using your brain. Got it

WHY WOULD SOMEONE risk a felony to vote again????? lol

YOU LIE. Shocking you being a right winger and all


LMMFAO..look at the "source" in the bottom left corner.

too damned funny...what a clown!
O'Keefe: I am John Doe
Pollster: Welcome Mr Doe, just sign here and you can vote
O'Keefe: Runs away

Democracy in action
Of course he didn't sign anything...if he signed he'd be breaking the law.

This stuff is simple...why play word games? you aren't fooling anyone.

Imagine that?

If you sign illegally, you are breaking the law and face prison. No wonder O'Keefe wouldn't sign illegally....as would anyone else

Why should it even get to the point of a signature? You just don't give a shit.
1) Go to DMV
2) Order pic ID
3) Pay small surcharge
4) Show up at polls and vote.
5) Happy Now:banana:

Could not be easier........you'd think these people were being asked to lug a large bird bath across the state!!! Only phonies would advocate for being against voter id laws. Total gayness.:gay:

People could only be against this if they wanted to ensure the election is rigged.



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