Okla Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples

The feds will step in and do the paper work then bill the state.

If the state refuses to pay, the feds will withhold $$$ the state wants.
This is a good move by Oklahoma's governor. I like it and it is a step in the right direction in order to end spousal benefits for married gays. One man.............one woman! That is how marriage should be defined. It is the quintessential tradition that built this nation and made it a superpower to be proud of. Right now, there is nothing to be proud of when married gays are fleecing the system collecting benefits in order to further their nefarious gay agenda. But for now, heterosexual couples in Oklahoma who are married might have to suffer for a little while in order to prevent married same sex couples from getting spousal benefits until this situation is made right like it used to be. A little sacrifice will be worth it in order to return to those roots of one man and one woman defining traditional marriage.

Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples [UPDATED] | ThinkProgress

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) announced earlier this month that state-owned National Guard facilities will no longer allow any married couples to apply for spousal benefits, regardless of whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex. The Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense of Marriage Act means that service members with same-sex spouses are now eligible for federal benefits. Fallin’s unusual tactic is designed to avoid having to recognize those couples, which she asserts would violate Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman:

FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.
Asking the mods to merge our threads on the same topic.
Gotta love them Baptists.
When growing up in OKC the baptist would not allow dancing at school proms, burn books and records they considered evil and protested concerts.
FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.
Gotta love them Baptists.
When growing up in OKC the baptist would not allow dancing at school proms, burn books and records they considered evil and protested concerts.

Does that explain why you turned out like this?
FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.

Yeah, enforcing the law is a waste of time.
feds will figure a way to get around it

Utah tried to block it here for IRS filing and is failing at it
FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.

Yeah, enforcing the law is a waste of time.

Never said anything about the law. I just said that in general there are people that spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street can't have basic marriage benefits.

I've seen people get active in politics for the first time in their life just to block proposals to allow same sex marriage (proposals that would have no effect on their life if they were to be passed).
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1. There are actually gays who would choose to live in Oklahoma?
2. Just like cons to throw the baby out with the bath water. Can't stand for a few folks to get some benefits, so they fuck it up for everybody.
FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.
I disagree. Gays should not be allowed to be married. Marriage was meant for one man and one woman in order to procreate and build a family foundation. That's how you nation build and establish your identity.
Gotta love them Baptists.
When growing up in OKC the baptist would not allow dancing at school proms, burn books and records they considered evil and protested concerts.

Does that explain why you turned out like this?

Cause I refused to join them? My grandmother was the music director at Exchange Ave. baptist church in OKC. I went to church three days a week,was in the choir, toured doing shows around the state, yet they were moderate baptists and did no preaching at street corners.
So I ended up the way I am, yet you only think you know the real me, since you are a troll.
This is a good move by Oklahoma's governor. I like it and it is a step in the right direction in order to end spousal benefits for married gays. One man.............one woman! That is how marriage should be defined. It is the quintessential tradition that built this nation and made it a superpower to be proud of. Right now, there is nothing to be proud of when married gays are fleecing the system collecting benefits in order to further their nefarious gay agenda. But for now, heterosexual couples in Oklahoma who are married might have to suffer for a little while in order to prevent married same sex couples from getting spousal benefits until this situation is made right like it used to be. A little sacrifice will be worth it in order to return to those roots of one man and one woman defining traditional marriage.

Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples [UPDATED] | ThinkProgress

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) announced earlier this month that state-owned National Guard facilities will no longer allow any married couples to apply for spousal benefits, regardless of whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex. The Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense of Marriage Act means that service members with same-sex spouses are now eligible for federal benefits. Fallin’s unusual tactic is designed to avoid having to recognize those couples, which she asserts would violate Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman:

FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

"Okla Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples"

I think you missed the whole issue.

#1 - The members of the Oklahoma National Guard qualify for a FEDERAL ID card which provides them was some limited benefits (or full benefits) depending on if they have been called into federal service or have remained solely under the State.

#2 - The Oklahoma Governor cannot "drop" FEDERAL benefits, both heterosexual and homosexual Guardsmen in a legal Civil Marriage as recognized by DOD are still eligible to receive the same federal benefits they were eligible for before.

#3 - The only difference is that now heterosexual couples and homosexual couples (that qualify as legally married by jurisdiction where they entered into that marriage) have to drive to one of the five federal installations to receive their ID.​


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