Okla Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples

FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.
I disagree. Gays should not be allowed to be married. Marriage was meant for one man and one woman in order to procreate and build a family foundation. That's how you nation build and establish your identity.

Steve, that is your opinion. OK.
FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.
I disagree. Gays should not be allowed to be married. Marriage was meant for one man and one woman in order to procreate and build a family foundation. That's how you nation build and establish your identity.

So infertile people should never marry?
Seniors that marry must have children?
I disagree. Gays should not be allowed to be married. Marriage was meant for one man and one woman in order to procreate and build a family foundation. That's how you nation build and establish your identity.

But there will always be gays, they will always form couples, and they will always raise children by either adoption or other means. They're always going to be there, and no law is going to change this. It's not like if we continue to deny the passage of same-sex marriage gay people will stop existing.

A gay person is a gay person who is going to be attracted to the same-sex no matter what you do.

What harm is it going to do to society if we simply say "yes you can get married"?
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Marriage is an act/bond of love and companionship.
No where is there a law that says one must procreate when getting married.
Procreation occurs without marriage, has since man has been on Earth.
FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.

Yeah, enforcing the law is a waste of time.

The law is that these people are legally Civilly Married based on the jurisdiction where the marriage was performed and that is recognized by the federal government and they are eligible for ID cards showing they qualify.

If OK wants to crap all over their service men and women by not issuing them an ID Card, that's fine. The Governors actions crap on all Guardsman/Guardswomen just to stick it to the gays. I'm sure that will be a real popular decision to the voting Guardsmen when the have to possibly take a day off work to drive hundreds of miles to a federal installation to get an ID card for their federally legal spouse.

This is a good move by Oklahoma's governor. I like it and it is a step in the right direction in order to end spousal benefits for married gays. One man.............one woman! That is how marriage should be defined. It is the quintessential tradition that built this nation and made it a superpower to be proud of. Right now, there is nothing to be proud of when married gays are fleecing the system collecting benefits in order to further their nefarious gay agenda. But for now, heterosexual couples in Oklahoma who are married might have to suffer for a little while in order to prevent married same sex couples from getting spousal benefits until this situation is made right like it used to be. A little sacrifice will be worth it in order to return to those roots of one man and one woman defining traditional marriage.

Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples [UPDATED] | ThinkProgress

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) announced earlier this month that state-owned National Guard facilities will no longer allow any married couples to apply for spousal benefits, regardless of whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex. The Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense of Marriage Act means that service members with same-sex spouses are now eligible for federal benefits. Fallin’s unusual tactic is designed to avoid having to recognize those couples, which she asserts would violate Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman:

FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

"Okla Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples"

I think you missed the whole issue.

#1 - The members of the Oklahoma National Guard qualify for a FEDERAL ID card which provides them was some limited benefits (or full benefits) depending on if they have been called into federal service or have remained solely under the State.

#2 - The Oklahoma Governor cannot "drop" FEDERAL benefits, both heterosexual and homosexual Guardsmen in a legal Civil Marriage as recognized by DOD are still eligible to receive the same federal benefits they were eligible for before.

#3 - The only difference is that now heterosexual couples and homosexual couples (that qualify as legally married by jurisdiction where they entered into that marriage) have to drive to one of the five federal installations to receive their ID.​


The only time that federal rules are allowed is:

Active duty, TDY over 180 days.

I was in the OKANG(800 Maint. Spt. BN./ 27E20), in Norman OK. I wish we would have had even commissary privies.
This is like that town that filled in the public swimming pool rather than allow black kids to swim in it.
This is a good move by Oklahoma's governor. I like it and it is a step in the right direction in order to end spousal benefits for married gays. One man.............one woman! That is how marriage should be defined. It is the quintessential tradition that built this nation and made it a superpower to be proud of. Right now, there is nothing to be proud of when married gays are fleecing the system collecting benefits in order to further their nefarious gay agenda. But for now, heterosexual couples in Oklahoma who are married might have to suffer for a little while in order to prevent married same sex couples from getting spousal benefits until this situation is made right like it used to be. A little sacrifice will be worth it in order to return to those roots of one man and one woman defining traditional marriage.

Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples [UPDATED] | ThinkProgress

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) announced earlier this month that state-owned National Guard facilities will no longer allow any married couples to apply for spousal benefits, regardless of whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex. The Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense of Marriage Act means that service members with same-sex spouses are now eligible for federal benefits. Fallin’s unusual tactic is designed to avoid having to recognize those couples, which she asserts would violate Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman:

FALLIN: Oklahoma law is clear. The state of Oklahoma does not recognize same-sex marriages, nor does it confer marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

"Okla Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples"

I think you missed the whole issue.

#1 - The members of the Oklahoma National Guard qualify for a FEDERAL ID card which provides them was some limited benefits (or full benefits) depending on if they have been called into federal service or have remained solely under the State.

#2 - The Oklahoma Governor cannot "drop" FEDERAL benefits, both heterosexual and homosexual Guardsmen in a legal Civil Marriage as recognized by DOD are still eligible to receive the same federal benefits they were eligible for before.

#3 - The only difference is that now heterosexual couples and homosexual couples (that qualify as legally married by jurisdiction where they entered into that marriage) have to drive to one of the five federal installations to receive their ID.​


The only time that federal rules are allowed is:

Active duty, TDY over 180 days.

I was in the OKANG(800 *aint. Spt BN), in Norman OK. I wish we would have had even commissary privies.

Guardsman can use Commissary and Exchanges, there is no requirement for 180 days for that. They can also use some of the MWR facilities for family services.

It used to be, many years ago, that Guard/Reserve only could access based facilities and the benefits derived from them when they were either (a) on drill orders, or (b) had been called to duty for an extended period.

At the time the ID Card is issued, family members can also be registered in the DEERS system so that in the event of an emergency call up with a short notice deployment the dependents are already in the system. (Not that they will be able to use medical facilities, but they will be in the system which can then be activated by orders.)

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Man, people sure spend a whole lot of time worrying about making sure the two gay guys down the street who they never interact with can't enjoy some basic marriage benefits.

Lol, seems like a waste of time for everyone.

Yeah, enforcing the law is a waste of time.

The Governors actions crap on all Guardsman/Guardswomen just to stick it to the gays. I'm sure that will be a real popular decision to the voting Guardsmen when the have to possibly take a day off work to drive hundreds of miles to a federal installation to get an ID card for their federally legal spouse.

As I stated, the American traditional heterosexual married couples are going to have to sacrifice their benefits for the greater good of preventing married gays from fleecing the system that has been subverted by them for political correctness purposes. The governor is doing Gods will.
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Yeah, enforcing the law is a waste of time.

The Governors actions crap on all Guardsman/Guardswomen just to stick it to the gays. I'm sure that will be a real popular decision to the voting Guardsmen when the have to possibly take a day off work to drive hundreds of miles to a federal installation to get an ID card for their federally legal spouse.

As I stated, the American traditional heterosexual married couples are going to have to sacrifice their benefits for the greater good of preventing married gays from fleecing the system that has been subverted by them for political correctness purposes. The governor is doing Gods will.

Marriage is an artificial construct.
I worked and gave money to the effort to include in the Oklahoma Constitution the passage that reads that a marriage is and shall always be defined as between one man and one woman. I believe that the state of Oklahoma will continue to uphold and enforce that law. I have made it clear to every state official, elected and otherwise, that I wish it to remain so.

Now before (probably too late) everyone left of center begins screaming 'homophobe' at the top of their voice, if you have read any of the posts I have made concerning this subject, you will know that I did not reach that position lightly nor do I take the position now with a motive of 'punishing' someone for a perceived transgression. But I believed then and now that it is the correct position to take.

If you have the desire to know why, then simply ask. Try it without the personal attacks and you will get a respectful answer. But to dismiss such stances with the pointing of a boney finger and the screaching of labels will get you the same thing in return. There are good reasons for such positions. Just like there are excellent reasons to oppose Obama's positions.
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I worked and gave money to the effort to include in the Oklahoma Constitution the passage that reads that a marriage is and shall always be defined as between one man and one woman. I believe that the state of Oklahoma will continue to uphold and enforce that law. I have made it clear to every state official, elected and otherwise, that I wish it to remain so.

Now before (probably too late) everyone left of center begins screaming 'homophobe' at the top of their voice, if you have read any of the posts I have made concerning this subject, you will know that I did not reach that position lightly nor do I take the position now with a motive of 'punishing' someone for a perceived transgression. But I believed then and now that it is the correct position to take.

If you have the desire to know why, then simply ask. Try it without the personal attacks and you will get a respectful answer. But to dismiss such stances with the pointing of a boney finger and the screaching of labels will get you the same thing.

The Governor's spiteful little dick move just managed to piss off a bunch of Army wives. She just inconvienced the hell out of all of them.
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The Governors actions crap on all Guardsman/Guardswomen just to stick it to the gays. I'm sure that will be a real popular decision to the voting Guardsmen when the have to possibly take a day off work to drive hundreds of miles to a federal installation to get an ID card for their federally legal spouse.

As I stated, the American traditional heterosexual married couples are going to have to sacrifice their benefits for the greater good of preventing married gays from fleecing the system that has been subverted by them for political correctness purposes. The governor is doing Gods will.

Marriage is an artificial construct.

So is homosexuality.
When a National Guardsmen's wife needs an ID, things just got harder for them to get one.

What's Oklahoma's Voter ID law? This could end up being hilarious in the "unintended consequences" category.
Yeah, enforcing the law is a waste of time.

The Governors actions crap on all Guardsman/Guardswomen just to stick it to the gays. I'm sure that will be a real popular decision to the voting Guardsmen when the have to possibly take a day off work to drive hundreds of miles to a federal installation to get an ID card for their federally legal spouse.

As I stated, the American traditional heterosexual married couples are going to have to sacrifice their benefits for the greater good of preventing married gays from fleecing the system that has been subverted by them for political correctness purposes. The governor is doing Gods will.

A federal lawsuit will be filed charging OK is violating 14th Amendment rights, which it is.

Utah will face the same thing on IRS filings.

This is over.
The Governor's spiteful little dick move just managed to piss off a bunch of Army wives. She just inconvienced the hell out of all of them.

Thats why they're staging mass protests?
Oh wait.

Who appointed you spokesman for Army wives?

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