Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

Clearly. Any university who gets grants or aid from the government is bound to the same Constitution the government itself is.

You can get kicked out of the Army for the same thing and they are a branch of the government

Free speech does not mean no consequences

Whats wrong with calling a black.. ******... when said ******* call each other that, and also call us crackers?

I can wait


Because blacks are allowed to call each other n*gger and whites aren't

Easy isn't it?

So the word is, or is not, an insult depending on who says it??????? are you fricken crazy?

Chris Rock explained it best.....

Two fat girls are allowed to joke about how fat they are .......If a skinny girl does it, its just plain mean
Two poor people are allowed to joke about how poor they are....If a rich person does it, its just plain mean

so you support a double standard in all things, got it. The word ni66er is either an insult or it isn't.
They were drunk frats singin' a racist ditty... SO WHAT?

They're no more or less racist than obama, his old lady, holder, waters, lee or the dishonorable 'reverend' wright... racist TO THE BONE each and every ONE OF 'EM!
Yet in 7 years he hasn't done shit for the black community. In fact with all the killings it feels like the early 60s all over again.

We shall overcome

Oh he's done a lot, he's divided America along racial, financial, and ethnic lines, and reaped the rewards. His administration regularly incites and enables blacks to riot, burn cities, and shoot police officers. If you looked at him during his Selma speech, he looked like a man in his element. The element being "now that you were stupid enough to elect me as president, I'm going to make this racist, capitalistic, oppressive, imperialistic country called America pay for its sins".
Free speech does not in fact protect you from the consequences of that speech. The chant was racist, extremely racist. These were stupid kids who should be docked hours or something, not completely expelled from the University.
So I suspect the next time one of these Muslim assholes starts blaberring anti Semetic shit like "the Jews control the media, congress, banks, blah blah blah...and are to blame for 9-11 and all wars...." on a university campus, they will also get expelled?

Of course that has been happening all over US campuses and universities and the faculty actually enables them. And the Jews that go to those campuses have to put up with getting harassed by those Islamic Nazis, in a "continuously hostile educational environment".
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Now that this thread has run its course I have an observation, most people posting are hypocrites.

The side supporting the school forgets that they did not support a business that did exactly as the school did. I can certainly see where they don't agree with the baker or the florist that stands on their principle but none the less what they were doing is no less then what the school was doing. On the other hand those who supported the kids chanting racism and thus were denied service are the same ones that said the baker and the florist had the right to refuse services.

Talk about wanting both ways.

Seems to me that if services can be denied because of rhetoric then certainly services should be allowed to be denied if such services goes against sincerely held beliefs. But I doubt either side will see the hypocrisy in their positions.

Oooohhhh! Look! The dumbass thinks he's caught everyone in his web!!

You think that OU should be allowed to deny admission to the *******, don't you? And....the local Wal Mart should be able to tell a pair of dudes holding hands to leave the store, right?

You are a nut. So you siding with the school here doesn't carry any weight. Your motivation is fucked up.
Dear LoneLaugher of course you cannot compare
a public university having an anti-discrimination policy
with a business that doesn't have an anti-gay policy.

However, you can compare LOOSELY how one group wants to
sue the university to force it to defend the free speech of students that is against their social beliefs,
while opposing lawsuits against businesses for not accommodating gay weddings that are against their beliefs;
and another group supports the school in rejecting students whose behavior they disagree with
as offensive, while condemning businesses for rejecting customers with gay weddings
they don't believe in being forced to attend or photograph because it's against their beliefs.

The businesses I mentioned do have a policy and that policy was not supporting practices to which goes against their religious beliefs. In the OU case where did anyone get discriminated against? There is no grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. In the case of OU the kids were offensive that is for sure but speech sometimes is offensive, that offensive language was why they were expelled. IF that is the right of OU then it is equally the right of the baker to refuse to support a ceremony he finds offensive. Whether or not I agree with him or the students or OU.

Dear Freewill
Given these literalist liberals, like the ones who couldn't compare "substantive due process" in Roe V Wade and freedom of choice with abortion laws to "due process" issues with health care mandates,
I am just telling you that *I CAN SEE* your point, and get the SPIRIT of what you are saying.
But for those who don't get the SPIRIT OF THE LAW, they nitpick over the letter!

And YES it is hypocritical and dangerous, because as you state, the "anti-discrimination policy" WASN'T LITERALLY shown to be violated -- they went with "spirit of the law" when it comes to "anti-racism or anti-gay bigots" but don't follow "spirit of the law" arguments when it comes to "due process" and other Constitutional principles.

You are right on point.

As for the policies, even I know the businesses do NOT have a WRITTEN policy that they "don't tolerate or serve same sex couples, marriages or weddings" because they would likely be sued or boycotted.
The University can cite some WRITTEN policy about either anti-discrimination or against harassment and "not creating a hostile environment."

BTW I DO believe Businesses SHOULD have all customers and clients sign an agreement in order to do business, that is similar to an arbitration disclaimer, but agree to "resolve any disputes by MEDIATION and CONSENSUS between parties to avoid any legal costs or actions" and if they cannot agree to this, then they don't do business together. I believe that would prevent lawsuits but not state any policy that is discriminatory.
Businesses have the right to defend themselves from lawsuits especially from litigious clients or anyone "looking" to fake a claim like an injury or other cause for litigation, so why not write up an agreement that parties will settle by mediation out of court? That is indirectly a Christian concept anyway.

For this University issue, if the students agree to settle it as they did, I respect that. As rightwinger pointed out there were very real damages to the image and relations of the University and the Fraternity, so this could have been seen as an "easy out" to avoid further lawsuits or embarrassment to any parties.

It is a Christian concept to "give them what they ask for" and cut your losses and leave when asked to leave.
Do not argue, but settle quickly because restoring peaceful relations are more important that winning a case.
If this works, I respect that, and believe they can STILL pursue other corrections BUT PRIVATELY outside the public eye and the hoopla in the media this stirred up. Issues like this are best settled behind the scenes.
Oh he's done a lot, he's divided America along racial, financial, and ethnic lines, and reaped the rewards

Not really, what his presidency has shown is that there are still many underlying racial problem in this country.
One of the two University of Oklahoma students expelled for their role in leading a racist chant has issued an apology, The Dallas Morning News reported.

"I am deeply sorry for what I did Saturday night. It was wrong and reckless. I made a horrible mistake by joining into the singing and encouraging others to do the same," Parker Rice said in a statement printed by the newspaper.

"At this point, all I can do is be thoughtful and prayerful about my next steps, but I am also concerned about the fraternity friends still on campus. Apparently, they are feeling unsafe and some have been harassed by others. Hopefully, the university will protect them," Rice reportedly said in his apology.

Report University of Oklahoma student apologizes for racist chant - CNN.com
So I suspect the next time one of these Muslim assholes starts blaberring anti Semetic shit like "the Jews control the media, congress, banks, blah blah blah...and are to blame for 9-11 and all wars...." on a university campus, they will also get expelled?

Of course that has been happening all over US campuses and universities and the faculty actually enables them. And the Jews that go to those campuses have to put up with getting harassed by those Islamic Nazis, in a "continuously hostile educational environment".

Dear Roudy It depends if people forgive the offenses or not.
This is a spiritual choice. No govt I know can mandate what people have to forgive or not.

That's why the gay marriage issue is contested.
Atheists aren't required to forgive Crosses and prayers that they don't believe in.
They don't have to PROVE "how they were imposed upon or how this is FORCING anything on them."

But the entire public is required to forgive other people's beliefs about homosexuality
and gay marriage they don't believe in or which violate their beliefs "because it isn't forcing anything on anyone."

It is a mess. In the case of the OU chants, at least all parties seem to AGREE on the fastest way to settle this to quiet down the mess. So as long as they AGREE, that's what's important.

I would argue that all such issues should be settled by CONSENSUS.
Oh he's done a lot, he's divided America along racial, financial, and ethnic lines, and reaped the rewards

Not really, what his presidency has shown is that there are still many underlying racial problem in this country.
Ironically, that's probably made it even harder for a gop candidate, even one who is a decent person like a Kasich or Paul Ryan, to even get a hearing from non-white voters.
I believe a university has the right to evaluate ones character as a criteria for admission....and expulsion.

I may be wrong, but when I was recruited, I was first interviewed by the coaches....but then I had to be interviewed by an admissions committee who were interested to get to know me as a person. Not simply grades and field talent.
Oh he's done a lot, he's divided America along racial, financial, and ethnic lines, and reaped the rewards

Not really, what his presidency has shown is that there are still many underlying racial problem in this country.
But I thought now that Americans were stupid enough to vote for an unqualified, anti capitalistic, anti American black man just because he's black to prove that they're not racist, Obama's presidency would be new era of healing and coexistence between blacks and whites. Instead, he's made it his mission to incite race riots, bash cops, and inject himself into criminal cases. Keep pouring gasoline on the fire, Holder.
The left needs to legitimize their beliefs even if they are unfounded. Create adversity, fear, or the presence there of and you will retain control.
So I suspect the next time one of these Muslim assholes starts blaberring anti Semetic shit like "the Jews control the media, congress, banks, blah blah blah...and are to blame for 9-11 and all wars...." on a university campus, they will also get expelled?

Of course that has been happening all over US campuses and universities and the faculty actually enables them. And the Jews that go to those campuses have to put up with getting harassed by those Islamic Nazis, in a "continuously hostile educational environment".

Dear Roudy It depends if people forgive the offenses or not.
This is a spiritual choice. No govt I know can mandate what people have to forgive or not.

That's why the gay marriage issue is contested.
Atheists aren't required to forgive Crosses and prayers that they don't believe in.
They don't have to PROVE "how they were imposed upon or how this is FORCING anything on them."

But the entire public is required to forgive other people's beliefs about homosexuality
and gay marriage they don't believe in or which violate their beliefs "because it isn't forcing anything on anyone."

It is a mess. In the case of the OU chants, at least all parties seem to AGREE on the fastest way to settle this to quiet down the mess. So as long as they AGREE, that's what's important.

I would argue that all such issues should be settled by CONSENSUS.

What I'm saying is these stupid racist college kids didn't acually threaten a black person, nor did they sing the song around blacks. They were just college kids being high and drunk and doing idiotic things college kids normally do. Now if they were chanting this on campus, or carrying signs around other blacks, then I'd be all for their expulsion. Unfortunately, other groups actually promite hatred and bigotry ON CAMPUS, yet they get a pass. Actually universities and their faculty promote the bigotry, because they agree with it.

What's going to happen now in the age of youtube? College kids having to shut their mouth and not talk to anybody, or provide opinions on anything, lest it be interpreted as "bigotted", and just go from class to class like robots. Leftists are fascists. They preach "tolerance" but have no tolerance for opinions that differ from others.
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I believe a university has the right to evaluate ones character as a criteria for admission....and expulsion.

I may be wrong, but when I was recruited, I was first interviewed by the coaches....but then I had to be interviewed by an admissions committee who were interested to get to know me as a person. Not simply grades and field talent.

That is correct, as a criteria for admission, but once you're admitted, they can't reevaluate and expel you because they're discovering you don't like a certain race or religion. You have to clearly violate their code of conduct, and if it's a public university they're limited.
I believe a university has the right to evaluate ones character as a criteria for admission....and expulsion.

I may be wrong, but when I was recruited, I was first interviewed by the coaches....but then I had to be interviewed by an admissions committee who were interested to get to know me as a person. Not simply grades and field talent.

That is correct, as a criteria for admission, but once you're admitted, they can't reevaluate and expel you because they're discovering you don't like a certain race or religion. You have to clearly violate their code of conduct, and if it's a public university they're limited.
If universities expelled every student who violated the code of conduct by making lewd jokes, etc etc etc they would be empty of students.
I believe a university has the right to evaluate ones character as a criteria for admission....and expulsion.

I may be wrong, but when I was recruited, I was first interviewed by the coaches....but then I had to be interviewed by an admissions committee who were interested to get to know me as a person. Not simply grades and field talent.

That is correct, as a criteria for admission, but once you're admitted, they can't reevaluate and expel you because they're discovering you don't like a certain race or religion. You have to clearly violate their code of conduct, and if it's a public university they're limited.
If universities expelled every student who violated the code of conduct by making lewd jokes, etc etc etc they would be empty of students.

Yup. College is a time for young people to experiment with different things in a free environment, and discover themselves and who they want to be later in life. I bet you half the kids on that bus weren't racists but just wanted to be there to feel what it was like being around openly racist kids. Maybe some of them even sang along for the thrill of it, without actually agreeing.
You can get kicked out of the Army for the same thing and they are a branch of the government

Free speech does not mean no consequences

Whats wrong with calling a black.. ******... when said ******* call each other that, and also call us crackers?

I can wait


Because blacks are allowed to call each other n*gger and whites aren't

Easy isn't it?

So the word is, or is not, an insult depending on who says it??????? are you fricken crazy?

Chris Rock explained it best.....

Two fat girls are allowed to joke about how fat they are .......If a skinny girl does it, its just plain mean
Two poor people are allowed to joke about how poor they are....If a rich person does it, its just plain mean

so you support a double standard in all things, got it. The word ni66er is either an insult or it isn't.

Why of course I do

When we deal with young children we teach them there are good words and there are bad words and they should not use bad words....it is simpler that way

Adults are expected to understand the nuances of our language and how it applies in different social situations

Words appropriate in one situation are not appropriate in another

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