Oklahoma county leaders caught on audio talking about killing reporters and lynching Black people.

Was the recording legally released, because as we've learned from the government leaks, if something is leak illegally we're supposed to ignore then information being leak even if that information reveals crimes and only focus on the crime of the leak.
Smollett? Not much.
Gee, maybe someone should make an untrue statement about you that could result in jail time and see how much you like his lack of power. If you condemn one, condemn all. But that isn't what you racists do, is it? I noticed you didn't even address the injustice that was done to Reginald Denney--that wasn't just a threat--that was the actual physical violence. Try being fair and honest for a change.
So that's what fed up looks like. I forgot.

For all of the partisan smut that will undoubtedly be the theme of the thread, as it is clear that is the only intent, yours is the one post that really gets to the heart of things in a realistic way, whether people accept it or reject it.

The nature of man always comes out when forced. And millions of people feel this way. This is just the reality of things.
Gee, maybe someone should make an untrue statement about you that could result in jail time and see how much you like his lack of power. If you condemn one, condemn all. But that isn't what you racists do, is it? I noticed you didn't even address the injustice that was done to Reginald Denney--that wasn't just a threat--that was the actual physical violence. Try being fair and honest for a change.
I’m just following your example.
Was the recording legally released, because as we've learned from the government leaks, if something is leak illegally we're supposed to ignore then information being leak even if that information reveals crimes and only focus on the crime of the leak.
I’m just following your example.
Please link that. BTW, doesn't the OP require original content? Or do racist assaults in Chicago not rise to the level of racist remarks in OK? Fair and honest. Try it sometime, maybe it will make your life more enjoyable.
And yet they keep insisting racism is ancient history….no wonder Republicans don’t want it discussed in classrooms.

The governor of Oklahoma has called for the resignations of the sheriff and other top officials in a rural county after they were recorded talking about "beating, killing and burying" a father/son team of local reporters — and lamenting that they could no longer hang Black people with a “damned rope.”….

…..Some of the discussion included not only harsh criticism of judges, but also the possibility of assaults on judges here," the newspaper reported.

When the talk turned to who might run for sheriff against Clardy, Jenning recalled how a former sheriff "would take a damned Black guy and whoop their ass and throw them in the cell."

"Yeah," Clardy replied, according to the newspaper. "It's not like that no more."

"I know," said Jennings. "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can't do that anymore. They've got more rights than we've got."
Glad the governor demanded his resignation as he should have, if only he were a Republican.
Please link that. BTW, doesn't the OP require original content? Or do racist assaults in Chicago not rise to the level of racist remarks in OK? Fair and honest. Try it sometime, maybe it will make your life more enjoyable.
What? There is original content.

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