Bernie Calls Police On Reporters For Asking Questions About His Staff Talking About Killing People

It’s pretty clear they want to Take our guns, round us up like Jews, put us in concentration camps and gas us and put us in Ovens.

This Deplorable and Iredeemable HUMAN BEING says come and get it!
What confused you so much?
Are you saying if the White House issues a statement and Trumps in Russia giving Putin a back rub it’s not Trumps responsibility?

I am not confused at all.

Was Trump responsible for Tom Price abusing his position to fly all over creation? Or when Scott Pruitt did the same?

Was Trump responsible for Ben Carson ordering a $31,000 dining set?

You lied, just admit it and move on. It is not like you do not lie in about 50 post a week.

And explain them in your own words. No, we DON'T take your word for it. :nono:

Tim Price...

Federal auditor calls for recouping $341K Tom Price spent on flights

Scott Pruitt

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt's Big Spending Listed All in One Place

Ben Carson

Emails Contradict Ben Carson’s Claims About $31,000 Dining Set for Office

No other word are necessary.
Yes they are. You don't get to just drop links in here and walk away. You got a point here ? State it, specifically.

At least you did answer though.

Sorry, I did not realize you lacked the ability to follow a let me lay it out for your Barney style...

The OP said that Bernie was responsible for the phone call because he is responsible for everything that happens in his campaign after I called out his lie that Bernie called the police himself.

I wanted to know if he applied this same standard across the board so I gave some examples of things happening by those directly under Trump to see if he felt Trump were responsible.

Clearly he did not because he ran away like the pussy that he is and never addressed my post.
I have A LOT of Bernie supporters in my FB feed.

Most are normal folks, but there are a few radicals that talk like what you saw in that video.

One posted this;

Bernie Sanders Leads Donald Trump by Widest Margin of All 2020 Candidates: Election Poll
Bernie Sanders leads Donald Trump by widest margin of all 2020 candidates: Election poll

. . . and the comments underneath were something to the tune off. . .

"if they shaft Sanders again. . . revolution."


"no. . really"


But Trump supporters talk that same way about if the Senate Impeaches Trump. So, par for the course I suppose.
Blah blah blah
View attachment 302353
Blah blah blah

All right. . . let me see if I have this correct.

When you lie and use hyperbole, it's O.K.

BUT, when the other side does it?

Not so much.

. . . . do I have that right? :113:

The Bernie stuff was not hyperbole, they actually are far left extremists. Talking about how they want gulags... that's extremist not hyperbole, and if you believe anything else you are frankly a moron.

Link to me a source, ANY source where Bernie himself has ever talked about, or written about such things.
I have A LOT of Bernie supporters in my FB feed.

Most are normal folks, but there are a few radicals that talk like what you saw in that video.

One posted this;

Bernie Sanders Leads Donald Trump by Widest Margin of All 2020 Candidates: Election Poll
Bernie Sanders leads Donald Trump by widest margin of all 2020 candidates: Election poll

. . . and the comments underneath were something to the tune off. . .

"if they shaft Sanders again. . . revolution."


"no. . really"


But Trump supporters talk that same way about if the Senate Impeaches Trump. So, par for the course I suppose.
Blah blah blah
View attachment 302353
Blah blah blah

All right. . . let me see if I have this correct.

When you lie and use hyperbole, it's O.K.

BUT, when the other side does it?

Not so much.

. . . . do I have that right? :113:

The Bernie stuff was not hyperbole, they actually are far left extremists. Talking about how they want gulags... that's extremist not hyperbole, and if you believe anything else you are frankly a moron.

Link to me a source, ANY source where Bernie himself has ever talked about, or written about such things.

Did I say Bernie was?

Bernie is too weak to keep these far leftists in check. After the comments, they are STILL IN HIS CAMPAIGN.
Pogo is on a rampage tonight. Stomping into religious threads screaming God doesn't exist and now in this thread yelling FAKE THREAD!

Gracie, you know I love you so understand that when I say:

FUCK YOU. Don't sit here and LIE about what I posted. I already corrected your ass IN that thread and I'll correct it as many times as fucking necessary. Dishonesty will NOT be tolerated, understand?
I exaggerated but thats ok. I got my point across.
Rule of thumb: If you don't believe in God, don't go in threads where people DO.
Oh, and fuck you too. I say that with love. lol

"Exaggerated" huh.

Tell you what, let's bring the post in question right here, for everybody. And the OP it addressed.

Just to keep it fair, I won't bring it here --- YOU do it. Bring the post and the OP, in full, and let everybody see exactly what you're doing. Dishonesty won't fly. And don;'t you EVER tell me I can't proffer an opinion, that flies even less.

Gracie, you remember about a million years ago when you chided me for mistreating you, and I thought about it and resolved that you were absolutely right, and I came back and humbly apologized? I remember it, and I'm glad I did the right thing.

Now it's your turn.
Great. Now you can humbly apologize for about 3,000 things you've said that were improper (and stupid). :biggrin:
Who? me?
I have A LOT of Bernie supporters in my FB feed.

Most are normal folks, but there are a few radicals that talk like what you saw in that video.

One posted this;

Bernie Sanders Leads Donald Trump by Widest Margin of All 2020 Candidates: Election Poll
Bernie Sanders leads Donald Trump by widest margin of all 2020 candidates: Election poll

. . . and the comments underneath were something to the tune off. . .

"if they shaft Sanders again. . . revolution."


"no. . really"


But Trump supporters talk that same way about if the Senate Impeaches Trump. So, par for the course I suppose.
Blah blah blah
View attachment 302353
Blah blah blah

All right. . . let me see if I have this correct.

When you lie and use hyperbole, it's O.K.

BUT, when the other side does it?

Not so much.

. . . . do I have that right? :113:

The Bernie stuff was not hyperbole, they actually are far left extremists. Talking about how they want gulags... that's extremist not hyperbole, and if you believe anything else you are frankly a moron.

Link to me a source, ANY source where Bernie himself has ever talked about, or written about such things.

Did I say Bernie was?

Bernie is too weak to keep these far leftists in check. After the comments, they are STILL IN HIS CAMPAIGN.

I agree.

If he is still working with them come the convention, it will mean trouble.

Incidentally, I posted this article to those Bernie supports? Oh boy, talk about triggered. HUGE BLOW out conversation. They thought I was trolling them. :71:

In the end though, they got my point and your point, Boomers in the DNC will never, ever, nominate Bernie at the convention if folks like this are still on his team come the convention. . . . but after that agreement. . they all said. . "but it doesn't really matter, the point is, one way or another, Trump has got to go." :aug08_031:
Pogo is on a rampage tonight. Stomping into religious threads screaming God doesn't exist and now in this thread yelling FAKE THREAD!

Gracie, you know I love you so understand that when I say:

FUCK YOU. Don't sit here and LIE about what I posted. I already corrected your ass IN that thread and I'll correct it as many times as fucking necessary. Dishonesty will NOT be tolerated, understand?
I exaggerated but thats ok. I got my point across.
Rule of thumb: If you don't believe in God, don't go in threads where people DO.
Oh, and fuck you too. I say that with love. lol

"Exaggerated" huh.

Tell you what, let's bring the post in question right here, for everybody. And the OP it addressed.

Just to keep it fair, I won't bring it here --- YOU do it. Bring the post and the OP, in full, and let everybody see exactly what you're doing. Dishonesty won't fly. And don;'t you EVER tell me I can't proffer an opinion, that flies even less.

Gracie, you remember about a million years ago when you chided me for mistreating you, and I thought about it and resolved that you were absolutely right, and I came back and humbly apologized? I remember it, and I'm glad I did the right thing.

Now it's your turn.
Great. Now you can humbly apologize for about 3,000 things you've said that were improper (and stupid). :biggrin:
Who? me?
I was talking to Pogo.
Filing a false police report is a crime.


Jussie Smollett



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