Oklahoma county leaders caught on audio talking about killing reporters and lynching Black people.

And yet they keep insisting racism is ancient history….no wonder Republicans don’t want it discussed in classrooms.

The governor of Oklahoma has called for the resignations of the sheriff and other top officials in a rural county after they were recorded talking about "beating, killing and burying" a father/son team of local reporters — and lamenting that they could no longer hang Black people with a “damned rope.”….

…..Some of the discussion included not only harsh criticism of judges, but also the possibility of assaults on judges here," the newspaper reported.

When the talk turned to who might run for sheriff against Clardy, Jenning recalled how a former sheriff "would take a damned Black guy and whoop their ass and throw them in the cell."

"Yeah," Clardy replied, according to the newspaper. "It's not like that no more."

"I know," said Jennings. "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can't do that anymore. They've got more rights than we've got."
So we have the right to lynch this sheriff? I did not know that.
We’re they chatting about killing people, digging graves, bringing in a contract killer..? A sheriff has a lot of power….Smollett? Not much.

but but but !
I wasn't aware that Smollett was an elected county official with any state authority
Aren't the guilty parties in the OP being held accountable?
No.....the FBI is most likely investigating the illegal recording instead of the contents of the recording..

But the Governor has called on them to resign......so I take it, if the governor can't spin it...it's probably more that we don't know about that is even worse...
White fragility reverting to racism and memories of their “golden age” when they could actually do what they talk about with impunity.
I guarantee you there are a healthy percentage of whites who are racist and bigoted from your views on it who vote Progressive Socialist. And they vote that way for their privilege in anything they can get from government, government contracts, any employment within government or associated with government outlays with strong unions and more.
I guarantee you there are a healthy percentage of whites who are racist and bigoted from your views on it who vote Progressive Socialist. And they vote that way for their privilege in anything they can get from government, government contracts, any employment within government or associated with government outlays with strong unions and more.
I agree....... there are racists on the conservative and liberal side of the spectrum....

But this isn't the point you think you are making....
Not all opposition is lynching black people. Although I have some sympathy for the sentiment. Especially after this weekend in Chicago.
If someone actually did lynch a black kid who was out riding his bike -- because that someone was upset about Chicago...would you have sympathy for that person too? I mean, of course it would be wrong to lynch the kid, but you can sympathize right??

Maybe you would have been one of those people you now try to call "Democrats" - posing for pictures like this and smiling huh? It's almost as if you are just as racist and cowardly as those folks you now try to call "Democrats" were back then....by the way, the red circle in the photo is where the feet of the dead black man is.....you know, the good old days....
Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 10.05.07 AM.png

But Emmitt Till! Lynchings! Dat gift us de rit to destroy. An you'll gotta like it or you be de WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM.

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