Oklahoma Police to Charge Rioters with Terrorism - Treating Them as Such

Charged in two terrorism cases was Isael Antonio Ortiz, 21, of Welch. He is accused of burning an Oklahoma County sheriff's van May 30 and attempting to burn a bail bonds business "along with a large crowd of other individuals."

Charged with him in the terrorism case over the burned van was Eric Christopher Ruffin, 26, of Oklahoma City. Police reported he encouraged the "wanton destruction" and recorded it on Facebook Live. He is quoted from the Facebook video as saying every single one of those that kill Black people need to die and "that's what happens when you got numbers outside."

Also charged with terrorism in the damage to CJ's Bail Bonds was Malachai Davis, 18, of Edmond. He was identified as a suspect from a Facebook video that shows him with brass knuckles on a bloody hand outside the bail bond business. He is accused of breaking the windows.

How do we control the violence without infringing on the peace? ... "peaceful assembly" is a guarantied right ... and the United States has a long history of police initiating the violence ... think water cannons and pepper spray ...

Why are you okay with police chaining someone up and beating them to death? ...
Why are you okay with police putting 57 bullets in a deaf man because he didn't raise his hands when told to? ...

Yes, I know, your police are honest, hard-working and diligent ... a credit to your community ... most of us enjoy such from the "cop on the street" ... but not everybody has this, and THAT'S what is being protested ... that one-in-a-thousand bad cops ... shouldn't we be using what few prison beds we have left for those first? ... or do you "smaller government" Republicans want more prisons? ...

We'd love to protest here where I live ... but police are so damn hard to find ... they stay busy chasing down murderers, rapists and arsonists ... folks blocking the freeway ain't their problem ... not when there's an angry ex-boyfriend shooting up some poor bitch's apartment ...

But hey, your community is made of money ... go ahead and hire all the police, ADA's, judges and build all the prisons you want ... it's your tax dollars, not mine ...
I saw some of the behind the scenes video of the new country in Seattle. They are morons. Dangerous morons. A percentage of them are severely mentally impaired. Attacking people who have no power but clean their laundry is not going to win anything. Having rich entertainers/sports people/media/elites promote this while they themselves pour 500 dollar a bottle champagne to overflow in 4 ounce glasses is insulting. Go after them. See how much they are in with you. At some point this has to stop. Progs social justice in less then 60 years has destroyed America. Why? Because the edge living on the edge of the edge has to be dealt with. And accusations arise from any mention of it.


i hope to god law and order stops letting the fanatics shame them into a corner. they get up, people on all sides should support them and stop the chaos that is taking over. anyone advocating violence as the answer, you're on the wrong side of this line.

stop the violence and lets figure out where we go from here as together as we can be.

This is not terrorism. If it is then the Republicans practice terrorism every day.
I think we should lock up 10,000 liberals, that will get the rest of those lowlife scum in line.

Too late.
Almost 1/3rd of our population has already been indoctrinated.
Cannot afford to lock 'em up.

We organized a massive air drop into Berlin after WWII, lets air lift these liberals and drop them into mainland China :muahaha:
They have a reasonable chance at making the charges stick, but I wonder how they plan to connect the specific actions to their political purposes.
don't care political purpose. they are destroying property and looting at will.

don't really care how they stop them at this point. the rioters are bringing what is about to come on themselves and no amount of cell phone video editing and producing is going to matter. no one is going to give a shit.
Political purpose is fundamental to terrorism charges.

You should care how they stop them. If someone were to violate constitutional principles to “stop them” then they’re no better than the rioters.
Shit happens.

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