Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

Well, some of us prefer contraception to baby killing. You obviously are a fan of the latter. As such, do spare us your feigned outrage over the plight of children because you advocate snatching them from the womb and flushing them down the drain.

If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

Having an unwanted baby or several, isn't a great idea. So don't do it. Don't be a dumb slut. But if you do choose to be a dumb slut, take responsibility for it. Don't demand others pay for your numerous children or killing your babies. Those are your decisions, you need to own them.

And if you do take the cash, don't think you can tell others to just shut up and 'mind their own business' ether. You made it their business the moment you demanded they take care of your children or pay for you killing your baby. Personally, i'd love to mind my own business. But you Entitlement Moochers keep dragging me into your trainwreck lives. I won't just shut up and pay up. You don't like that, don't take my money.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.

They wanna have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they wanna tell people to mind their own business and stay out of their personal lives. But on the other, they wanna force them to be involved by forcing them to pay for their numerous children or killing their babies.

Basically, the Entitlement Moochers just want people to shut up and pay up. Well guess what? Taxpayers are sick of that shite. They are gonna be in their business. And if they don't like it, too bad. They can give the money back and start accepting responsibility for their poor decisions in life.
No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

If you damand others pay for your decisions, then yes, those others do have the right to scream 'Baby Killers, Baby Killers', and demand women 'keep their legs closed.' This ain't no free-for-all. You force your life on others, they do have the right to speak up.
You can speak up all ya want. Tax dollars are still going to feed kids. We don't let kids starve in America.

Then you support some freeloading mother telling you to butt out then making you look like a dumbass by having you pay for a choice she said was none of your business. I choose not to be an idiot. You do.
I choose to not let kids starve, regardless of their parents' decisions. If left to you, there would be homeless kids starving on the streets.

I choose not to be an idiot and let someone tell me what they do is their business then support the choices they made. Apparently you do.

If they are, it's your fault. You think it's OK for someone to tell you to butt out then you're willing to pay for a choice you were told is none of your business. If you think that's OK, prove it by finding all those in that situation and paying them with YOUR money. I don't think it's OK. I, unlike you, am not stupid.
It's about focus.

There's nothing like a hammer to focus the mind of an opponent.

This nothing more than playing with the heads of the liberals, risky as that is to to the point.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

If you damand others pay for your decisions, then yes, those others do have the right to scream 'Baby Killers, Baby Killers', and demand women 'keep their legs closed.' This ain't no free-for-all. You force your life on others, they do have the right to speak up.
You can speak up all ya want. Tax dollars are still going to feed kids. We don't let kids starve in America.

Then you support some freeloading mother telling you to butt out then making you look like a dumbass by having you pay for a choice she said was none of your business. I choose not to be an idiot. You do.
I choose to not let kids starve, regardless of their parents' decisions. If left to you, there would be homeless kids starving on the streets.

I choose not to be an idiot and let someone tell me what they do is their business then support the choices they made. Apparently you do.

If they are, it's your fault. You think it's OK for someone to tell you to butt out then you're willing to pay for a choice you were told is none of your business. If you think that's OK, prove it by finding all those in that situation and paying them with YOUR money. I don't think it's OK. I, unlike you, am not stupid.
Did the Pentagon call you this morning to ask what they should buy with your money? Oh wait, it's none of your fucking business you stupid infant.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.

They wanna have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they wanna tell people to mind their own business and stay out of their personal lives. But on the other, they wanna force them to be involved by forcing them to pay for their numerous children or killing their babies.

Basically, the Entitlement Moochers just want people to shut up and pay up. Well guess what? Taxpayers are sick of that shite. They are gonna be in their business. And if they don't like it, too bad. They can give the money back and start accepting responsibility for their poor decisions in life.

Eventually, you can't push the check onto someone else and expect no push-back. The people are pushing-back. Don't want a kid? Don't have a kid.. I avoided it for 28 years. It's highly doable.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.

They wanna have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they wanna tell people to mind their own business and stay out of their personal lives. But on the other, they wanna force them to be involved by forcing them to pay for their numerous children or killing their babies.

Basically, the Entitlement Moochers just want people to shut up and pay up. Well guess what? Taxpayers are sick of that shite. They are gonna be in their business. And if they don't like it, too bad. They can give the money back and start accepting responsibility for their poor decisions in life.

Eventually, you can't push the check onto someone else and expect no push-back. The people are pushing-back. Don't want a kid? Don't have a kid.. I avoided it for 28 years. It's highly doable.

Spot On. Hey, if a woman wants to be a dumb slut, so be it. That is her business. So i'm perfectly fine minding my own business. But the moment she starts demanding that i pay for her numerous children or killing her babies, she's made it my business. And i will speak up. I won't just shut up and pay up.
Ten posts, constituting a schoolyard fight, have been removed. Any further derailments of that nature will result in thread bans.
How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.

They wanna have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they wanna tell people to mind their own business and stay out of their personal lives. But on the other, they wanna force them to be involved by forcing them to pay for their numerous children or killing their babies.

Basically, the Entitlement Moochers just want people to shut up and pay up. Well guess what? Taxpayers are sick of that shite. They are gonna be in their business. And if they don't like it, too bad. They can give the money back and start accepting responsibility for their poor decisions in life.

Eventually, you can't push the check onto someone else and expect no push-back. The people are pushing-back. Don't want a kid? Don't have a kid.. I avoided it for 28 years. It's highly doable.

Spot On. Hey, if a woman wants to be a dumb slut, so be it. That is her business. So i'm perfectly fine minding my own business. But the moment she starts demanding that i pay for her numerous children or killing her babies, she's made it my business. And i will speak up. I won't just shut up and pay up.

Exactly how many abortions have you paid for?
Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.

They wanna have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they wanna tell people to mind their own business and stay out of their personal lives. But on the other, they wanna force them to be involved by forcing them to pay for their numerous children or killing their babies.

Basically, the Entitlement Moochers just want people to shut up and pay up. Well guess what? Taxpayers are sick of that shite. They are gonna be in their business. And if they don't like it, too bad. They can give the money back and start accepting responsibility for their poor decisions in life.

Eventually, you can't push the check onto someone else and expect no push-back. The people are pushing-back. Don't want a kid? Don't have a kid.. I avoided it for 28 years. It's highly doable.

Spot On. Hey, if a woman wants to be a dumb slut, so be it. That is her business. So i'm perfectly fine minding my own business. But the moment she starts demanding that i pay for her numerous children or killing her babies, she's made it my business. And i will speak up. I won't just shut up and pay up.

Exactly how many abortions have you paid for?

Tax Dollars have been used to kill babies. But it's real simple, you want me out of your business? Don't demand i pay for your numerous children or killing your babies. Because the moment you do that, i will be in your business. Deal with it.
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

Have as many children as you want, okay. You expecting the rest of us to fund it when the one having them can't, not okay. Difference is you don't support those of us making the money keeping more of it. You support someone that didn't earn it getting a portion of it for nothing. Not okay.
I support taxes, they pay for all kinds of shit I don't like, and dealing with reality, like an adult, and dealing rationally with the problems of society including people who have children they can't afford to feed. I've asked you numerous times what should happen to them, they made no choice, and you have no answer, you whine like a child instead.

I told you numerous times that they can come to you if they need to be fed. I don't care whether or not they made the choice. The bitch that had them did and they are her responsibility.

Paying for someone else's choices when they told you the choice was none of you business isn't rational.

Then will you give up your thousands in tax breaks related to your kids?
Too many American Women are being dumb sluts. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is what it is. It's the 21st Century, Contraception is widely available. It's even provided for free.

So you wanna shit 5-6 kids out, take responsiblity for that decision. Or you wanna kill your baby, accept responsibility and pay for it yourself. You made the decision to be a dumb slut. Own it.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

Celibacy can be avoided by the violation of children too. But that doesn't justify the violation against the child . Does it? And yes. . . I certainly did just equate abortions to child molestations.

Not all forms of molestation are sexual, you know.
If having an unwanted baby is such a great idea, why don't you anti's leave it as a choice and just use your brilliant powers of persuasion to spread the word,

of what a great idea it is?

How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

Celibacy can be avoided by the violation of children too. But that doesn't justify the violation against the child . Does it? And yes. . . I certainly did just equate abortions to child molestations.

Not all forms of molestation are sexual, you know.

That's because you're an idiot. You will never get to send women to prison for life for taking the morning after pill so enjoy your misery.
How do you account for the vast majority of us who don't have unwanted children? I don't know if you know this, but children are completely avoidable.

Births are avoidable. By abortion.

And BTW, you're disgusting.

They wanna have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they wanna tell people to mind their own business and stay out of their personal lives. But on the other, they wanna force them to be involved by forcing them to pay for their numerous children or killing their babies.

Basically, the Entitlement Moochers just want people to shut up and pay up. Well guess what? Taxpayers are sick of that shite. They are gonna be in their business. And if they don't like it, too bad. They can give the money back and start accepting responsibility for their poor decisions in life.

Eventually, you can't push the check onto someone else and expect no push-back. The people are pushing-back. Don't want a kid? Don't have a kid.. I avoided it for 28 years. It's highly doable.

Spot On. Hey, if a woman wants to be a dumb slut, so be it. That is her business. So i'm perfectly fine minding my own business. But the moment she starts demanding that i pay for her numerous children or killing her babies, she's made it my business. And i will speak up. I won't just shut up and pay up.

in other words, you're a loser
Too many American Women are being dumb sluts. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is what it is. It's the 21st Century, Contraception is widely available. It's even provided for free.

So you wanna shit 5-6 kids out, take responsiblity for that decision. Or you wanna kill your baby, accept responsibility and pay for it yourself. You made the decision to be a dumb slut. Own it.

The government of the People makes it your business.

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