Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

I hear what you're sayin, but people have to accept responsibility for their own choices in life. It isn't fair to say 'Mind your own business', while at the same time forcing your business on others by way of demanding they pay for your poor decisions. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, i'm completely fine wih that. That is none of my business. You wanna kill your baby, i may despise for you for it, but that's none of my business either.

That being said, the moment you demand i pay for your poor decisions in life, you've made your life my business. Therefore i do then have the right to criticize and pass judgment on you. I didn't ask to be involved with your life, you forced it on me. I'm not just gonna shut up and pay up. The Entitlement folks are just gonna have to start accepting that. You force your lives on others, you'll have to deal with the possible negative consequences.

That's what people like PMH don't get. They say they believe in freedom and choice yet totally go against that when those of us who expected to pay for another person's choice say no.

Spot On. :thup:
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

Have as many children as you want, okay. You expecting the rest of us to fund it when the one having them can't, not okay. Difference is you don't support those of us making the money keeping more of it. You support someone that didn't earn it getting a portion of it for nothing. Not okay.
I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

Instead of expecting women to support the kids they chose to have, you expect the rest of us to pay for HER choice.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

I hear what you're sayin, but people have to accept responsibility for their own choices in life. It isn't fair to say 'Mind your own business', while at the same time forcing your business on others by way of demanding they pay for your poor decisions. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, i'm completely fine wih that. That is none of my business. You wanna kill your baby, i may despise for you for it, but that's none of my business either.

That being said, the moment you demand i pay for your poor decisions in life, you've made your life my business. Therefore i do then have the right to criticize and pass judgment on you. I didn't ask to be involved with your life, you forced it on me. I'm not just gonna shut up and pay up. The Entitlement folks are just gonna have to start accepting that. You force your lives on others, you'll have to deal with the possible negative consequences.

That's what people like PMH don't get. They say they believe in freedom and choice yet totally go against that when those of us who expected to pay for another person's choice say no.

Spot On. :thup:
You are both idiots and Conjob still can't answer why I am paying for schools?

There's a reason, and he doesn't like it, so he's afraid to answer, that would fuck him completely.
The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

I hear what you're sayin, but people have to accept responsibility for their own choices in life. It isn't fair to say 'Mind your own business', while at the same time forcing your business on others by way of demanding they pay for your poor decisions. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, i'm completely fine wih that. That is none of my business. You wanna kill your baby, i may despise for you for it, but that's none of my business either.

That being said, the moment you demand i pay for your poor decisions in life, you've made your life my business. Therefore i do then have the right to criticize and pass judgment on you. I didn't ask to be involved with your life, you forced it on me. I'm not just gonna shut up and pay up. The Entitlement folks are just gonna have to start accepting that. You force your lives on others, you'll have to deal with the possible negative consequences.

That's what people like PMH don't get. They say they believe in freedom and choice yet totally go against that when those of us who expected to pay for another person's choice say no.

Spot On. :thup:
You are both idiots and Conjob still can't answer why I am paying for schools?

There's a reason, and he doesn't like it, so he's afraid to answer, that would fuck him completely.

Ask your state legislature why you pay for schools. They made the choice for you to do it.

There's a reason you won't provide proof the way I said you could and you know it. You won't do it because you're a coward.
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

Have as many children as you want, okay. You expecting the rest of us to fund it when the one having them can't, not okay. Difference is you don't support those of us making the money keeping more of it. You support someone that didn't earn it getting a portion of it for nothing. Not okay.
I support taxes, they pay for all kinds of shit I don't like, and dealing with reality, like an adult, and dealing rationally with the problems of society including people who have children they can't afford to feed. I've asked you numerous times what should happen to them, they made no choice, and you have no answer, you just whine like a child instead saying how unfair it you have have to pay anything to support them.
Are there any abortion proponents who are intellectually honest enough to recognize the fact that the precedent established in our fetal homicide laws is a direct contradiction to the precedent established by the Supreme Court in Roe?

I mean, after all. . . when Roe was being decided, the Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart said. "Well, if it were established that an unborn fetus is a person within the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment, you would have almost an impossible case here, would you not?"

And when the Federal Fetal Homicide law was being passed, then Planned Parenthood President "Gloria Feldt" said; "If they are able to make fetuses people in law with the same standing as women and men, then Roe will be moot"

Since that time - at least 38 States have passed Fetal Homicide laws of their own.

This has not been a coincidence.

it's pretty simple, really... the woman has the right to bear that pregnancy to term, or not.

SCOTUS has consistently reaffirmed that no one but the mother can make that choice.

so, naturally if someone else aborts that pregnancy against the mother's will, that is a crime.

think of that peterson guy who killed his pregnant wife...

his crime killed mom AND aborted her pregnancy.

that is a prime example of the application fetal homicide laws...

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

I'm of the opinion that your life is your business, until the day you force it on me. If you want others to stay out of your life, be responsible for your own decisions in it. Don't demand others get involved and pay for your choices. The moment you demand i get involved, i'm free to express my opinions and make demands of you.

Nothing's really free in this life. You want others to take care of your children and pay for you killing your babies, you'll have to accept that those doing so have the right to be involved in your personal business. You don't get to have it both ways. There's a price to pay for demanding your Freebies.
There's a reason you won't provide proof the way I said you could and you know it. You won't do it because you're a coward.
You know how to use the PM, so do.

And be a man, for once, and answer your own question..

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no?
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

Have as many children as you want, okay. You expecting the rest of us to fund it when the one having them can't, not okay. Difference is you don't support those of us making the money keeping more of it. You support someone that didn't earn it getting a portion of it for nothing. Not okay.
I support taxes, they pay for all kinds of shit I don't like, and dealing with reality, like an adult, and dealing rationally with the problems of society including people who have children they can't afford to feed. I've asked you numerous times what should happen to them, they made no choice, and you have no answer, you whine like a child instead.

I told you numerous times that they can come to you if they need to be fed. I don't care whether or not they made the choice. The bitch that had them did and they are her responsibility.

Paying for someone else's choices when they told you the choice was none of you business isn't rational.
There's a reason you won't provide proof the way I said you could and you know it. You won't do it because you're a coward.
You know how to use the PM, so do.

And be a man, for once, and answer your own question..

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no?

I want everyone to see you're a pussy who asked how to do something, was told, then runs like the little bitch he is because he's afraid.

I asked you the question and you have yet to answer. I'll answer it face to face when you're man enough to quit hiding.
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

I'm of the opinion that your life is your business, until the day you force it on me. If you want others to stay out of your life, be responsible for your own decisions in it. Don't demand others get involved and pay for your choices. The moment you demand i get involved, i'm free to express my opinions and make demands of you.

Nothing's really free in this life. You want others to take care of your children and pay for you killing your babies, you'll have to accept that those doing so have the right to be involved in your personal business. You don't get to have it both ways. There's a price to pay for demanding your Freebies.
I pay into the system, dumbass, like for schools when I don't have kids so honestly, fuck you and your infant "I want" mentality.
I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

If you damand others pay for your decisions, then yes, those others do have the right to scream 'Baby Killers, Baby Killers', and demand women 'keep their legs closed.' This ain't no free-for-all. You force your life on others, they do have the right to speak up.
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

Have as many children as you want, okay. You expecting the rest of us to fund it when the one having them can't, not okay. Difference is you don't support those of us making the money keeping more of it. You support someone that didn't earn it getting a portion of it for nothing. Not okay.
I support taxes, they pay for all kinds of shit I don't like, and dealing with reality, like an adult, and dealing rationally with the problems of society including people who have children they can't afford to feed. I've asked you numerous times what should happen to them, they made no choice, and you have no answer, you whine like a child instead.

I told you numerous times that they can come to you if they need to be fed. I don't care whether or not they made the choice. The bitch that had them did and they are her responsibility.

Paying for someone else's choices when they told you the choice was none of you business isn't rational.
What the military buys, and who they go to war with, is none of your business, jackass. When are you going to grow up, never?
Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

If you damand others pay for your decisions, then yes, those others do have the right to scream 'Baby Killers, Baby Killers', and demand women 'keep their legs closed.' This ain't no free-for-all. You force your life on others, they do have the right to speak up.
No one has shut you up, you just keep repeating the same stupid shit over and over again. You've been told how you can fix this but will you, no, you just want pure fucking magic to happen and only people who can afford them to have children. It ain't never been that way, and it ain't never gonna be that way so Grow The FUCK UP!
They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That depends upon the choice. Get an abortion, which is safe and legal, okay. Beat your kid to death because you think the Bible justifies it, not okay.

I'm of the opinion that your life is your business, until the day you force it on me. If you want others to stay out of your life, be responsible for your own decisions in it. Don't demand others get involved and pay for your choices. The moment you demand i get involved, i'm free to express my opinions and make demands of you.

Nothing's really free in this life. You want others to take care of your children and pay for you killing your babies, you'll have to accept that those doing so have the right to be involved in your personal business. You don't get to have it both ways. There's a price to pay for demanding your Freebies.
I pay into the system, dumbass, like for schools when I don't have kids so honestly, fuck you and your infant "I want" mentality.

Well then, keep your life to yourself. Pay for your own decisions in life. Have all the children you want, and kill all the babies you want. But don't force me to get involved and pay for it.

Because the moment you do, i'm not just gonna shut up and pay up. I will express my opinions. I will be involved in your personal business. I don't want that, but people like you keep forcing it on me.
Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

If you damand others pay for your decisions, then yes, those others do have the right to scream 'Baby Killers, Baby Killers', and demand women 'keep their legs closed.' This ain't no free-for-all. You force your life on others, they do have the right to speak up.
No one has shut you up, you just keep repeating the same stupid shit over and over again. You've been told how you can fix this but will you, no, you just want pure fucking magic to happen and only people who can afford them to have children. It ain't never been that way, and it ain't never gonna be that way so Grow The FUCK UP!

Nah, you Baby Killer Entitlement Moochers need to 'Grow The FUCK UP! And yes, you dirty sluts should keep your legs closed. See, i have the right to get involved with your personal business. You gave me that right the moment you demanded i pay for your poor decisions in life.

It's not all about you Entitlement Moochers. There are others involved. Your endless mooching is being paid for by others. They do have a right to be heard. Y'all are just gonna have to grow up and accept that.
There's a reason you won't provide proof the way I said you could and you know it. You won't do it because you're a coward.
You know how to use the PM, so do.

And be a man, for once, and answer your own question..

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no?

I want everyone to see you're a pussy who asked how to do something, was told, then runs like the little bitch he is because he's afraid.

I asked you the question and you have yet to answer. I'll answer it face to face when you're man enough to quit hiding.

Don't bother, it's an Entitlement Moocher mentality. They truly feel you should just shut up and pay up. They wanna force you to pay for their poor decisions in life, but then wanna tell you that their lives are none of your business. They do wanna have it both ways. And right now, they do. It is what it is.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.
Every attempt has been made to stop legal abortion any way they can, and pretty much the same with free birth control. As usual, you want it both ways. Instead of making rational arguments you scream Baby Killers, Baby Killers, and demand women keep their legs closed as if we live in 1940 still...

If you damand others pay for your decisions, then yes, those others do have the right to scream 'Baby Killers, Baby Killers', and demand women 'keep their legs closed.' This ain't no free-for-all. You force your life on others, they do have the right to speak up.
No one has shut you up, you just keep repeating the same stupid shit over and over again. You've been told how you can fix this but will you, no, you just want pure fucking magic to happen and only people who can afford them to have children. It ain't never been that way, and it ain't never gonna be that way so Grow The FUCK UP!

Nah, you Baby Killer Entitlement Moochers need to 'Grow The FUCK UP! And yes, you dirty sluts should keep your legs closed. See, i have the right to get involved with your personal business. You gave me that right the moment you demanded i pay for your poor decisions in life.

It's not all about you Entitlement Moochers. There are others involved. Your endless mooching is being paid for by others. They do have a right to be heard. Y'all are just gonna have to grow up and accept that.
Go tell all the grandparents on Social Security how to spend their checks, and the military what to buy? Oh wait, you pay up for that but it's none of your fucking business. My bad.

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