Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.

Hey. it's not that complicated. Oklahoma wants dirty sluts to go elsewhere to kill their babies. Oklahomans want them to know that Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. They don't like that, too bad. There's other states that welcome Baby Killers with open arms. They're free to go there.

Those that say this limits abortions are lying. It doesn't prohibit someone from getting an abortion, it says what will happen to them if they choose to do so. It's like laws with about stealing. Just saying someone shouldn't steal doesn't stop them. The laws say what will happen if someone chooses to steal.

I understand what this Senator is doing, but i have to say that i can't support it in the end. I truly despise Abortion, but i have to support the woman's right to it. We already have too many unwanted children that so many have condemned to miserable existences. It's definitely a mixed-emotion thing for me though.

But i think putting tougher restrictions on it can be acceptable. It's ok to let women know that your state is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. It will discourage those types of women from living there. It's ok to send that message.
When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

:lmao:A Communist/Progressive pretending to care about Liberty. Funny stuff.

The one who made that comment will tell you that the person making the choice has every right to expect someone else to help with the costs of it when she can't afford it.

Oh yeah, then it's 'all' your business. Just mind your own business up till the time you're forced to pay for their bad decisions. Pretty bad deal. If you want 5-6 kids, so be it. But be prepared to support them. You wanna kill your baby, don't demand others pay for that either. I'm fine with minding my own business. So don't make it my business.
That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.

It's a typical Entitlement Mooch mentality. They want you to just shut up and pay up. They want you to mind your own business and stay out of their lives, up until the time they damand you pay for their poor decisions. Then they don't mind making it your business. It really is an Entitlement Mooch mentality.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.

It's a typical Entitlement Mooch mentality. They want you to just shut up and pay up. They want you to mind your own business and stay out of their lives, up until the time they damand you pay for their poor decisions. Then they don't mind making it your business. It really is an Entitlement Mooch mentality.

I usually get the "people make mistakes" excuse. I understand that they do. I do. However, that doesn't entitle someone who does to another person's money to pay for it.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.
That's not a choice you get to make. The only options on the table are abortion or have the baby. If she has the baby it's going to cost you money. So which one do you want the abortion or the baby?
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
You are one dumb little ****, not even man enough to answer an obvious question. How about this, try answering your OWN goddamned question:

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no? (and don't tell us that you are such a pussy you can't even answer your own questions!)

I asked YOU and you failed to answer. I didn't ask myself moron.
The above is your question, which you can't even answer, you goddamned pussy...
Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
You are one dumb little ****, not even man enough to answer an obvious question. How about this, try answering your OWN goddamned question:

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no? (and don't tell us that you are such a pussy you can't even answer your own questions!)

I asked YOU and you failed to answer. I didn't ask myself moron.
The above is your question, which you can't even answer, you goddamned pussy...

The above was a question to YOU. You asked me how you could prove something to me and I answered. That's when you ran like a pussy knowing you aren't man enough to do it.
That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

What happens to the children born to adults that can't afford them? I answered. Let them come to you since you think you should fund a choice you were told to butt out of when it was made.

You do want it both ways. You want people to be able to make choices telling you to butt out and you want taxpayers to fund those choices when the one making them can't do it.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

What happens to the children born to adults that can't afford them? I answered. Let them come to you since you think you should fund a choice you were told to butt out of when it was made.

You do want it both ways. You want people to be able to make choices telling you to butt out and you want taxpayers to fund those choices when the one making them can't do it.
What I think is you have to deal with reality, which includes answering questions, and you can't do either. You can't tell me why I should have to pay for schools when I have no children so no one need bother telling you why you have to pay up for the children of others. I sure as fuck do and I'm not being a whiny infant about it,.
The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.
That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

I hear what you're sayin, but people have to accept responsibility for their own choices in life. It isn't fair to say 'Mind your own business', while at the same time forcing your business on others by way of demanding they pay for your poor decisions. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, i'm completely fine wih that. That is none of my business. You wanna kill your baby, i may despise for you for it, but that's none of my business either.

That being said, the moment you demand i pay for your poor decisions in life, you've made your life my business. Therefore i do then have the right to criticize and pass judgment on you. I didn't ask to be involved with your life, you forced it on me. I'm not just gonna shut up and pay up. The Entitlement folks are just gonna have to start accepting that. You force your lives on others, you'll have to deal with the possible negative consequences.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

I hear what you're sayin, but people have to accept responsibility for their own choices in life. It isn't fair to say 'Mind your own business', while at the same time forcing your business on others by way of demanding they pay for your poor decisions. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, i'm completely fine wih that. That is none of my business. You wanna kill your baby, i may despise for you for it, but that's none of my business either.

That being said, the moment you demand i pay for your poor decisions in life, you've made your life my business. Therefore i do then have the right to criticize and pass judgment on you. I didn't ask to be involved with your life, you forced it on me. I'm not just gonna shut up and pay up. The Entitlement folks are just gonna have to start accepting that. You force your lives on others, you'll have to deal with the possible negative consequences.

That's what people like PMH don't get. They say they believe in freedom and choice yet totally go against that when those of us who expected to pay for another person's choice say no.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

What happens to the children born to adults that can't afford them? I answered. Let them come to you since you think you should fund a choice you were told to butt out of when it was made.

You do want it both ways. You want people to be able to make choices telling you to butt out and you want taxpayers to fund those choices when the one making them can't do it.

That is what he or she is saying. It's an Entitlement Moocher 'Just shut up and pay up' mentality.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
I don't want it both ways, which is no abortions and no kids on welfare. If he could answer, he can't, what happens to the children born to parents who can't afford them he would be an adult but all he says is, I don't give a fuck as long as I don't have to pay. In his world it is all about "I". I want, I want, I want, he even starts his posts that way.

What happens to the children born to adults that can't afford them? I answered. Let them come to you since you think you should fund a choice you were told to butt out of when it was made.

You do want it both ways. You want people to be able to make choices telling you to butt out and you want taxpayers to fund those choices when the one making them can't do it.

That is what he or she is saying. It's an Entitlement Moocher 'Just shut up and pay up' mentality.

They believe in freedom and choice until it's a choice they don't agree with.
That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

I don't support murder. However, the choice to spread one's legs was made before any of that every happened.

Hey now, mind your own business.... Until it's time for her to demand you pay for her poor decisions. Only then, is it your business.

Yeah, dirty sluts wanna have it both ways. It's a rigged game for sure.

Exactly. They want the decision then want someone else to pay when they can't.
We all pay for the decisions of others all damn day. You don't want to pay, or you want the cheapest solution, hand out birth control like candy and make abortions as cheap as going to the movies. Problems mostly solved.

No one is denied killing their babies in America. And free birth control has been widely available for many years.

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