Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

Because the "personal business" you're talking about involves the calculated killing of other people (innocent people).
God kills millions of zygotes and fetuses every day around the world.

Women in every country every day have miscarriages which is essentially the same as an abortion and they did nothing to cause it.

Every day millions of women in every country have fetuses that failed to attach to the womb flushed out during their periods. God let those eggs meet with a sperm and get together but he has no qualms about not letting them attach to the uterus and aborting them.

Many do attach but fail to thrive and they die in the womb and that's another God performed abortion.
What's your point?
God must approve of abortion since he does so many of them.
Yeah, well you're not God and you don't have the right to decide who lives and dies.
Pretty sure Oklahomans are fine with you Communists/Progressives leaving. They care about babies. Bye.

smh...they don't give a shit about babies.

I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
Because the "personal business" you're talking about involves the calculated killing of other people (innocent people).
God kills millions of zygotes and fetuses every day around the world.

Women in every country every day have miscarriages which is essentially the same as an abortion and they did nothing to cause it.

Every day millions of women in every country have fetuses that failed to attach to the womb flushed out during their periods. God let those eggs meet with a sperm and get together but he has no qualms about not letting them attach to the uterus and aborting them.

Many do attach but fail to thrive and they die in the womb and that's another God performed abortion.
What's your point?
God must approve of abortion since he does so many of them.
Yeah, well you're not God and you don't have the right to decide who lives and dies.
We are god here, and we do just that.
Because they are authoritarians and love to tell everyone what to do. But they are big on freedom right?

If a woman chooses to have a child instead of an abortion but can't support herself and the child, should the government be able to tell the rest of us that we have to do it? I personally choose no in that case.

What a wonderful world you envision.

Tell me why I should support the result of a PERSONAL choice I was told was none of my business when it was made. I envision a world where those making personal choices while telling others to butt out funding the choices they make. You envision a world where people can make a choice that produces a result they don't like and even if they said butt out when making it, you think it's OK to be told to offset the costs. You and I can both have what we want and the government need not be involved. If you think a woman that told you to butt out has a child she can't afford, write her a check to support her and the child. Since she made the choice, I don't feel it's my responsibility. You get what you want and so do I.

Your view is pure fantasy. You obviously don't have even a basic understanding of human nature. You seem to believe that your ideal world where everyone exercises complete personal responsibility will just appear without putting in any work to change peoples' behavior. It takes generations to elevate even a marginal percentage of the most at risk segments of the populace.
But you just keep on repeating your personal responsibility mantra. Someday you may just conjure your ideal world from the awesome power of your moral superiority.

If you continue to enable people by paying for the bad results of their personal choices, they have no need to change their behavior. That I don't expect others to pay for bad choices I've make proves my moral superiority. That you're willing to continue to enable people hoping they will magically change proves you're an idiot.

I would end all unconstitutional social welfare in 5 years on the national level. It would be up to the States to do it if they so chose according to the 10th Amendment reserved powers. If a State didn't do it to the level you think they should, that's nothing more than an opportunity for you to prove you care as much as you say you care.

Public assistance programs do not in any way enable people to make or continue to make bad decisions. Most recipients receive aid for less than one year. Your understanding of the world is juvenile at best. Like I said just repeat your personal responsibility mantra in it will surely happen.[/QUOTE]

Personal responsibility takes effort, an effort the freeloaders you support have no intention of making. It's easier to say someone else owes it to you.

You're less than one year statement is false and likely the result of a known lie. #5 in the link addresses that lie.

Who’s on Welfare? 9 Shocking Stats About Public Assistance

Seems your understanding is what you WANT to believe not what happens in the real world. Keep repeating it though and look like a liar. You may convince the idiots that want to believe what you say but fooling idiots is easy. Just look at how many voted Obama and will vote Hillary or Bernie.
smh...they don't give a shit about babies.

I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.
I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.
When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
You are one dumb little ****, not even man enough to answer an obvious question. How about this, try answering your OWN goddamned question:

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no? (and don't tell us that you are such a pussy you can't even answer your own questions!)
Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
Yeah, fuckhead, like I'm going to drive to your house with someone living on the street and say Here, tell him I gave you money. Even saying you think like a child is too lofty...
That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
Yeah, fuckhead, like I'm going to drive to your house with someone living on the street and say Here, tell him I gave you money. Even saying you think like a child is too lofty...

You asked how and when told how you could prove it, you cowardly run.
That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

Tell what I didn't fund.

Give it a rest, pussy who asked for how to provide proof then said no when told how he could do it.
You are one dumb little ****, not even man enough to answer an obvious question. How about this, try answering your OWN goddamned question:

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no? (and don't tell us that you are such a pussy you can't even answer your own questions!)

I asked YOU and you failed to answer. I didn't ask myself moron.
smh...they don't give a shit about babies.

I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.

Hey. it's not that complicated. Oklahoma wants dirty sluts to go elsewhere to kill their babies. Oklahomans want them to know that Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. They don't like that, too bad. There's other states that welcome Baby Killers with open arms. They're free to go there.
I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.

Hey. it's not that complicated. Oklahoma wants dirty sluts to go elsewhere to kill their babies. Oklahomans want them to know that Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. They don't like that, too bad. There's other states that welcome Baby Killers with open arms. They're free to go there.

Those that say this limits abortions are lying. It doesn't prohibit someone from getting an abortion, it says what will happen to them if they choose to do so. It's like laws with about stealing. Just saying someone shouldn't steal doesn't stop them. The laws say what will happen if someone chooses to steal.
I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

:lmao:A Communist/Progressive pretending to care about Liberty. Funny stuff.
Do without what, food to feed a child?

When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

:lmao:A Communist/Progressive pretending to care about Liberty. Funny stuff.

The one who made that comment will tell you that the person making the choice has every right to expect someone else to help with the costs of it when she can't afford it.
When she said it was her choice because it was her body and I should butt out, I butted out. After that, not my concern. I did what I was asked to do. Now, it's her turn to do her job as a mother.

Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.
Yes, shut up and mind your own business... Until it's time for you to be forced to pay for their decisions. Then it's all your business. Pretty convenient, right?

That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
That's what they say. When they make the decision, it's butt out. When they can't afford the decision, it's step in.
It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the right are to your contempt for individual liberty.

It's remarkable how oblivious you and others on the left are to your contempt for personal responsibility when decisions are made. I've said before that someone can have as many kids as they want as long as they don't demand I help support them when the person choosing to have them can't do it. I support the liberty to do so. All I expect is the person exercising that liberty pay for the choices they make.
Yeah, like you paid for everything your three kids use? Give it a rest, pussy who can't even answer his own damn questions.

The poster is being reasonable and logical. You are not. If you wanna have 5-6 kids, that's cool. Just don't demand others pay for your choice. You can't say 'it's none of your business' while at the same time demanding it become others' business. You can't have it both ways.

That's the way many of those that respond want it. They want the person making the choice to have the sole choice yet refuse to expect them to take the sole responsibility for that choice.
So you want them to have the abortion and not the baby?

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