Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
They should get over it as a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy has been determined to be Constitutional.

Well it looks like Oklahoma is gonna make it as difficult as possible for you to kill your baby there. It's not a Baby Killer-friendly State. You're encouraged to go elsewhere to kill your child.
Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — In a move that is unprecedented nationwide, an Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that would criminalize abortion as first-degree murder.

Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.

“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” it reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

it's unconstitutional.

and extremists should really stop
That is what you call fantasy land? The land of personal responsibility?

I call what you support as fantasy land. I call expecting people who make personal choices to pay for their choices personal responsibility. You are opposed to those making choices paying for their own choices.

I live in the real world where people are helping the woman with 15 kids. That is the reality and not going to change. So rather than have lots like her I prefer to pay for some birth control, much cheaper.

In the real world, the three that produced those 15 kids with her support her and their kids. Funny how you define helping as coming from a mandate. Helping and sharing is a voluntarily action by the giver not a mandate from the taker. If you give her money, you're enabling her to continue to have little bastards she can't afford.

Like I said, provide her all you want with your money. You feel the need to do so.

If you pay taxes you are too. That is the reality, all your whining doesn't change that.

And it should stop immediately. So sad you are stupid enough to believe someone making a choice they tell you isn't your business should get money. I say let them do without until they can pay.

Well it isn't going to stop so you mine as well join the real world. Your selfish fantasy is just that.
If you think this won't get tossed, especially with no exceptions, you're kidding yourself. This is for show, only.

Maybe? But the message is clear. Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. Folks like you aren't welcome there. Period, end of story.
Folks like me wouldn't stand on the border and piss on the Governor. Not worth the piss.

Pretty sure Oklahomans are fine with you Communists/Progressives leaving. They care about babies. Bye.

smh...they don't give a shit about babies.

I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.

Your whole premise is completely hypothetical.
The gov't doesn't pay for abortions except in three cases. Rape, incest and life of the mother. Lack of funds is not an option. What the gov't should pay for is sterilizations for anyone who wants one.
Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — In a move that is unprecedented nationwide, an Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that would criminalize abortion as first-degree murder.

Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.

“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” it reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

it's unconstitutional.

and extremists should really stop

What should stop is people killing the result because they don't like the one that occurred from a previous choice.

Unconstitutional would involve saying a woman can't have one. That's not what the law says. It doesn't deny.
Maybe? But the message is clear. Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. Folks like you aren't welcome there. Period, end of story.
Folks like me wouldn't stand on the border and piss on the Governor. Not worth the piss.

Pretty sure Oklahomans are fine with you Communists/Progressives leaving. They care about babies. Bye.

smh...they don't give a shit about babies.

I don't give a shit about someone who says what they do is none of my business then demands I, along with others, pay for the results of a choice we were told was none of our business when the person making the choice can't. Here's how it works. You decide, you pay. If you can't, do without and tough shit.

Your whole premise is completely hypothetical.
The gov't doesn't pay for abortions except in three cases. Rape, incest and life of the mother. Lack of funds is not an option. What the gov't should pay for is sterilizations for anyone who wants one.

I didn't say abortion. I said when the choice was to have a child you can't afford.

Taxpayer money shouldn't pay for a single abortion period regardless of the situation.
Those are taxes that no one should pay especially when the choice was hers.
So I shouldn't have to pay for schools when I have no kids, yes or no?

Like I said, I don't care. MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?
Yes or no? Be a fucking man for once.

You got an answer. You don't set the parameters son.

Be a fucking man and prove face/face what you claim you do.
Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — In a move that is unprecedented nationwide, an Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that would criminalize abortion as first-degree murder.

Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.

“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” it reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

it's unconstitutional.

and extremists should really stop

No, baby killing is extreme, and yes, it should stop.
I call what you support as fantasy land. I call expecting people who make personal choices to pay for their choices personal responsibility. You are opposed to those making choices paying for their own choices.

I live in the real world where people are helping the woman with 15 kids. That is the reality and not going to change. So rather than have lots like her I prefer to pay for some birth control, much cheaper.

In the real world, the three that produced those 15 kids with her support her and their kids. Funny how you define helping as coming from a mandate. Helping and sharing is a voluntarily action by the giver not a mandate from the taker. If you give her money, you're enabling her to continue to have little bastards she can't afford.

Like I said, provide her all you want with your money. You feel the need to do so.

If you pay taxes you are too. That is the reality, all your whining doesn't change that.

And it should stop immediately. So sad you are stupid enough to believe someone making a choice they tell you isn't your business should get money. I say let them do without until they can pay.

Well it isn't going to stop so you mine as well join the real world. Your selfish fantasy is just that.

If you want to be stupid, you've proven you don't mind.

Selfish is the tramp that has kids she can't afford then expects others to pay for her choice. I support MY kids.
I will ask you, the other right winger didnt have the nerve to answer. What are you going to do about those frozen embryos?

Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
They should get over it as a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy has been determined to be Constitutional.

Well it looks like Oklahoma is gonna make it as difficult as possible for you to kill your baby there. It's not a Baby Killer-friendly State. You're encouraged to go elsewhere to kill your child.
Those are taxes that no one should pay especially when the choice was hers.
So I shouldn't have to pay for schools when I have no kids, yes or no?

Like I said, I don't care. MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?
Yes or no? Be a fucking man for once.

You got an answer. You don't set the parameters son.

Be a fucking man and prove face/face what you claim you do.
You are one dumb little ****, not even man enough to answer an obvious question. How about this, try answering your OWN goddamned question:

Conservative65 wrote: "MY kids went to private school. Should I get a refund since I didn't use them?"

Well, fuckhead, yes or no? (and don't tell us that you are such a pussy you can't even answer your own questions!)
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Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — In a move that is unprecedented nationwide, an Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that would criminalize abortion as first-degree murder.

Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.

“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” it reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

it's unconstitutional.

and extremists should really stop

What should stop is people killing the result because they don't like the one that occurred from a previous choice.

Unconstitutional would involve saying a woman can't have one. That's not what the law says. It doesn't deny.

that's nice....

read roe v wade.... and planned parenthood v casey....

and now...

Supreme Court blocks Louisiana abortion law - CNNPolitics.com

your personal opinion is irrelevant except to your own choices. now leave everyone else alone.
I live in the real world where people are helping the woman with 15 kids. That is the reality and not going to change. So rather than have lots like her I prefer to pay for some birth control, much cheaper.

In the real world, the three that produced those 15 kids with her support her and their kids. Funny how you define helping as coming from a mandate. Helping and sharing is a voluntarily action by the giver not a mandate from the taker. If you give her money, you're enabling her to continue to have little bastards she can't afford.

Like I said, provide her all you want with your money. You feel the need to do so.

If you pay taxes you are too. That is the reality, all your whining doesn't change that.

And it should stop immediately. So sad you are stupid enough to believe someone making a choice they tell you isn't your business should get money. I say let them do without until they can pay.

Well it isn't going to stop so you mine as well join the real world. Your selfish fantasy is just that.

If you want to be stupid, you've proven you don't mind.

Selfish is the tramp that has kids she can't afford then expects others to pay for her choice. I support MY kids.

You have proven you live in fantasy land. Like republicans you have answers to no problems. You just provide more fantasy. You support a lot more than your kids, and that is reality.
And it should stop immediately. So sad you are stupid enough to believe someone making a choice they tell you isn't your business should get money. I say let them do without until they can pay.
Do without - shelter, food, heat, clothing. Serves her right, right little prick?

SHE made the choice, I didn't.

she did that on her own?

how funny that you don't want men responsible for their "choices"

but punish the harlots.

this is why none of us listen to the wingnut men who think they should make choices for women.

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