Oklahoma/Utah 10th Circuit May Lean To State Choice On Gay Marriage

Logically, which way shoudl the US Supreme Court Decide?

  • States get to choose via consensus, except California

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • All states get to choose via consensus but starting now

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • All states get to choose via consensus but retroactive to nation's founding

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Only federal courts can decide if gay marrriage is legal.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Only legislatures can decide if gay marriage is legal

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Little friend, I am on the side that is winning, the side of reason over irrational fear, the side, literally, of God. You are welcome to go down with the ship but that is what you are doing. Your dogma crashed against the rock of reason, and down it went. Even if you are right, and you aren't, it doesn't matter a damn since to most, you're a nutter, just like those who came before you and lost just as big...
In Junior high when a team knew it was losing it would engage as you are doing now. We called it "psyching out the opponent". People resort to it when they know they have a handicap. Yours is called "Harvey Milk's sex life"..

Pure projection,Silly!
You're arguing for reciprocity where there is none already. There IS reciprocity with a marriage license is there not? If you marry your underage 1st cousin in Alabama, you're married in California. However, my legal marriage license from California is "good" in fewer than half the states, yours all 50. See where there is not being treated equally under the law?

Actually there are only 18 states and territories that do not recognize my CHL, so you want to try that again? As for being treated equally, you are, you can marry any man you want in any state, just like every other woman.

See, you're off on an unrelated tangent again. A CHL isn't treated the same as a marriage license. Reciprocity isn't dependent upon who your consenting adult life partner is. Imagine if my CHL was good in 15 states because it was issued in CA, but because yours was issued in Mississippi it is only recognized in 2?

WOW, talk about a hanging curveball: that IS, in fact, the case! Some state CHL's (I recall Texas, Utah, & South Dakota) are valid in most states...some (I vaguely recall...Nevada?) are valid in only one or two!
And that's even in spite of the fact that the right to bear arms is actually written in the Constitution. The wish to gay-marry is nowhere to be found there. Gay isn't race. Though strong arguments can be made it is a religion..well...a cult anyway to be sure. They evangelize on the media constantly and in schools. They've even got education Czar, reverened Kevin Jennings. teaching the kids how to relax the anus when someone is trying to fist you. And they punish heretics...Duck Dynasty, Kirk Cameron, The Mozilla Guy, Chick Fil-A President, Piers Morgan, Anne Heche...the list of "sudden turnarounds" of people formerly opposed to gay marriage suggesting blackmail...etc.

They even have a messiah, Harvey Milk, serial sodomizer of vulnerable teen homeless boys who were addled on drugs and mentally ill.

They're working this 14th Amendment thing all wrong. They're never going to qualify as a race. They really need to shoot for what they are: a religion.. In fact their aggression, rabid intent and inquisition-mentality very closely parallels Scientology. Fun fact: one of the main instigators of the gay agenda back in the 1980s was a guy who knew and was involved with early scientologists
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And that's even in spite of the fact that the right to bear arms is actually written in the Constitution. The wish to gay-marry is nowhere to be found there. Gay isn't race. Though strong arguments can be made it is a religion..well...a cult anyway to be sure. They evangelize on the media constantly and in schools. They've even got education Czar, reverened Kevin Jennings. teaching the kids how to relax the anus when someone is trying to fist you. And they punish heretics...Duck Dynasty, Kirk Cameron, The Mozilla Guy, Chick Fil-A President, Piers Morgan, Anne Heche...the list of "sudden turnarounds" of people formerly opposed to gay marriage suggesting blackmail...etc.

They even have a messiah, Harvey Milk, serial sodomizer of vulnerable teen homeless boys who were addled on drugs and mentally ill.

They're working this 14th Amendment thing all wrong. They're never going to qualify as a race. They really need to shoot for what they are: a religion.. In fact their aggression, rabid intent and inquisition-mentality very closely parallels Scientology. Fun fact: one of the main instigators of the gay agenda back in the 1980s was a guy who knew and was involved with early scientologists
Your version of homophobia really needs professional treatment. It's actually quite insane and that's how rational people think of you, as Insane.
States should make their own decisions on Abortion and Gay Marriage. And absolutely no Taxpayer-Funding for Abortion. You wanna kill your baby, do it with your own money. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for it.
Your version of homophobia really needs professional treatment. It's actually quite insane and that's how rational people think of you, as Insane.

Rule of thumb or gay bag of tricks #459.2: "If you cannot argue the points, argue the man instead".

Only thing is that ad hominems are not allowed here. You have been reported...again..
Your version of homophobia really needs professional treatment. It's actually quite insane and that's how rational people think of you, as Insane.

Rule of thumb or gay bag of tricks #459.2: "If you cannot argue the points, argue the man instead".

Only thing is that ad hominems are not allowed here. You have been reported...again..
Your "arguments" are completely insane, which is why I posted on that fact and not in response to them.

Tell me, when gay marriage is legal all over the US, and it soon will be, what are your plans then? Will you just write off the nation as one entirely bound for Hell?
Your version of homophobia really needs professional treatment. It's actually quite insane and that's how rational people think of you, as Insane.

Rule of thumb or gay bag of tricks #459.2: "If you cannot argue the points, argue the man instead".

Only thing is that ad hominems are not allowed here. You have been reported...again..
Your "arguments" are completely insane, which is why I posted on that fact and not in response to them.

Tell me, when gay marriage is legal all over the US, and it soon will be, what are your plans then? Will you just write off the nation as one entirely bound for Hell?
No, you post ad hominems as a habit and constitently offer no substance to back your position. You've been warned about this here before and it's why many people have you on ignore.

Gay marriage will be legal all over the US if and when states decide to do that. The word "soon" in your sentence may be a relative term or a complete mirage. So far only 3 states have legal gay marriage. 47 is a long long way to go once the word gets out to voters in each state about Harvey Milk's sex life...
Rule of thumb or gay bag of tricks #459.2: "If you cannot argue the points, argue the man instead".

Only thing is that ad hominems are not allowed here. You have been reported...again..
Your "arguments" are completely insane, which is why I posted on that fact and not in response to them.

Tell me, when gay marriage is legal all over the US, and it soon will be, what are your plans then? Will you just write off the nation as one entirely bound for Hell?
No, you post ad hominems as a habit and constitently offer no substance to back your position. You've been warned about this here before and it's why many people have you on ignore.

Gay marriage will be legal all over the US if and when states decide to do that. The word "soon" in your sentence may be a relative term or a complete mirage. So far only 3 states have legal gay marriage. 47 is a long long way to go once the word gets out to voters in each state about Harvey Milk's sex life...
Your obsession with HM is truly disturbing, the sign of a very unhealthy mind, and that's not an attack, that's truth. And he was murdered decades ago, also by someone with a deranged mind, and no one, but you, cares.

As for your views of where gay marriage is actually legal, you are incorrect. This is not an issue the people should get to vote on. Their opinion is moot, as it is on most rights, even if they are, incorrectly, offered a chance to vote.
And that's even in spite of the fact that the right to bear arms is actually written in the Constitution. The wish to gay-marry is nowhere to be found there. Gay isn't race. Though strong arguments can be made it is a religion..well...a cult anyway to be sure. They evangelize on the media constantly and in schools. They've even got education Czar, reverened Kevin Jennings. teaching the kids how to relax the anus when someone is trying to fist you. And they punish heretics...Duck Dynasty, Kirk Cameron, The Mozilla Guy, Chick Fil-A President, Piers Morgan, Anne Heche...the list of "sudden turnarounds" of people formerly opposed to gay marriage suggesting blackmail...etc.

They even have a messiah, Harvey Milk, serial sodomizer of vulnerable teen homeless boys who were addled on drugs and mentally ill.

They're working this 14th Amendment thing all wrong. They're never going to qualify as a race. They really need to shoot for what they are: a religion.. In fact their aggression, rabid intent and inquisition-mentality very closely parallels Scientology. Fun fact: one of the main instigators of the gay agenda back in the 1980s was a guy who knew and was involved with early scientologists

That' just it, Sil: you defy reality. No one is working the 14th as race but as equal rights before the law. There is no "cult" of marriage equality. And who cares about scientology any more than evangelicalism in this debate: religion has no bearing on the issue.
States should make their own decisions on Abortion and Gay Marriage. And absolutely no Taxpayer-Funding for Abortion. You wanna kill your baby, do it with your own money. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for it.

So you are OK with your legislature saying to you "no hand guns".
Your version of homophobia really needs professional treatment. It's actually quite insane and that's how rational people think of you, as Insane.

Rule of thumb or gay bag of tricks #459.2: "If you cannot argue the points, argue the man instead". Only thing is that ad hominems are not allowed here. You have been reported...again..

ad hom is permitted all the time if it is in relationship to the OP. PMH's response is in relations to the OP, because it defies your nonsense about homophobia.

Your malarkey about a cult of LGBT is ad hom.
Si projects with, "you post ad hominems as a habit and constitently offer no substance to back your position."
That' just it, Sil: you defy reality. No one is working the 14th as race but as equal rights before the law. There is no "cult" of marriage equality. And who cares about scientology any more than evangelicalism in this debate: religion has no bearing on the issue.

Two questions:

1. Where in the Constitution does it guarantee that each and every breathing person may legally marry anyone of their choosing? and

2. Where in the Constitution or more recently in its interpretation in Windsor is it said that feds get to decide who may marry, outside of Loving v Virginia...which was about race and NOT sexual behaviors?

Bear in mind that polygamy and incest are also sexual behaviors/orientations. If this Supreme Court forces Utah to embrace polygamy, I'm thinking all hell will break loose. But who knows? You may be right after all. I wouldn't hold my breath though..
Sil doesn't understand that tradition, and her irrational fears, doesn't trump equality.

Right, equality, women that want to be treated like men and men that want to be treated like women, according to you, treating them as the people they are is mistreating them. Sorry, that's bullshit.
Bullshit is not understanding what Equal Before the Law means. In this case two consenting adults versus two other consenting adults.

Actually men are being treated equal and women are being treated equal, are you saying single sex bathrooms and locker rooms are discrimination?
Two questions:

1. Where in the Constitution does it guarantee that each and every breathing person may legally marry anyone of their choosing?
Within reason. We ended the practice of 65-yo's marrying 14-yo's, but the Ninth Amendment guarantees everyone the right to marry who they want.
Ninth Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute


2. Where in the Constitution or more recently in its interpretation in Windsor is it said that feds get to decide who may marry, outside of Loving v Virginia...which was about race and NOT sexual behaviors?
The Constitution says that the Federal government and the Church may not decide who can and cannot marry because the Federal government is forbidden by the US Constitution from discriminating against Americans over non-criminal reasons and the Church is forbidden from having outdated dogma instituted as American law. Polygamy is not a sexual behavior. Having multiple sexual partners is a sexual behavior, but marrying multiple partners brings increased legalities into the equation that are unnecessary for the success of the institution of marriage. Polygamy is a strictly religious establishment and therefore cannot be made into law according to the First Amendment.
That' just it, Sil: you defy reality. No one is working the 14th as race but as equal rights before the law. There is no "cult" of marriage equality. And who cares about scientology any more than evangelicalism in this debate: religion has no bearing on the issue.

Two questions:

1. Where in the Constitution does it guarantee that each and every breathing person may legally marry anyone of their choosing? and

2. Where in the Constitution or more recently in its interpretation in Windsor is it said that feds get to decide who may marry, outside of Loving v Virginia...which was about race and NOT sexual behaviors?

Bear in mind that polygamy and incest are also sexual behaviors/orientations. If this Supreme Court forces Utah to embrace polygamy, I'm thinking all hell will break loose. But who knows? You may be right after all. I wouldn't hold my breath though..

Go follow the reasoning, because yours has failed.
You're arguing for reciprocity where there is none already. There IS reciprocity with a marriage license is there not? If you marry your underage 1st cousin in Alabama, you're married in California. However, my legal marriage license from California is "good" in fewer than half the states, yours all 50. See where there is not being treated equally under the law?

Actually there are only 18 states and territories that do not recognize my CHL, so you want to try that again? As for being treated equally, you are, you can marry any man you want in any state, just like every other woman.

See, you're off on an unrelated tangent again. A CHL isn't treated the same as a marriage license. Reciprocity isn't dependent upon who your consenting adult life partner is. Imagine if my CHL was good in 15 states because it was issued in CA, but because yours was issued in Mississippi it is only recognized in 2?

I'm married, legally, to a woman. I don't want to marry a man. I'm not in love with a man and I'm never going to be.

Do you know what they said to people that wanted to marry outside their race? Pretty much what you just told me..."marry within your race".

Actually the CA CHL is recognized in about half the states because they refuse to honor many other states. And talk about unrelated tangents, race has nothing to do with this, it's all about biology.
Sil doesn't understand that tradition, and her irrational fears, doesn't trump equality.

Right, equality, women that want to be treated like men and men that want to be treated like women, according to you, treating them as the people they are is mistreating them. Sorry, that's bullshit.

What? That doesn't make any sense. You think gay people want to be "treated" like the opposite gender than what they are? What does it mean to you to treat a woman like a man or a man like a woman? See, under the law there should be no difference in the way I'm "treated" regardless of gender.

So I should be able to use the womens facilities without repercussions? There are many social restrictions on gender are they all discriminatory?

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