Oklahoma voters kick out local official tied to white nationalist groups

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its rare to report good news from Oklahoma but this is great.
It seems that the good people turned up and kicked his white supremacist arse down the road.

Its pretty much a rule of thumb over here that any area with white supremacists is a shithole. They are bad for house prices and businesses will not open there.

Maybe these people just wanted a better image for their town ?

Its rare to report good news from Oklahoma but this is great.
It seems that the good people turned up and kicked his white supremacist arse down the road.

Its pretty much a rule of thumb over here that any area with white supremacists is a shithole. They are bad for house prices and businesses will not open there.

Maybe these people just wanted a better image for their town ?
First you call him a white nationalist and now you say he’s a white supremacist

Why dont you cut to the chase and and admit you dont like him just for being white?

Its rare to report good news from Oklahoma but this is great.
It seems that the good people turned up and kicked his white supremacist arse down the road.

Its pretty much a rule of thumb over here that any area with white supremacists is a shithole. They are bad for house prices and businesses will not open there.

Maybe these people just wanted a better image for their town ?
Too bad you can’t kick out your white nationalist, inbred royal family, huh?

Oklahoma > England.
Its pretty much the same thing. Im not in the movement like you so the nuances of Klan life are a bit of a mystery.

To clear it up, DemoKKKrats created, funded, and continue to maintain the KKK to this day.

Anyone who votes for or supports the DemoKKKrat party supports the KKK.

Blevins was ousted with a recall election. Shouldn't the same be done with Biden? After all, Biden said these things:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American [obama] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said.
Biden said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

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