Oklahoma voters kick out local official tied to white nationalist groups

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris combined are responsible for imprisoning hundreds of thousands of young black men for things like possessing 1/10 of an ounce of marijuana, "loitering", shoplifting, etc.
It just shows agendas on so many levels. One of them being the comfortable way Progs change them. Then of course maybe they did it as part of a long-term strategy.
Biden has already been cuckolded. In fact so many of you whites have that yes, we're down to cuckolding city aldermen in Oklahoma but don't you worry, we'll learn every single one you whites yet until you're all acting right. :itsok: :funnyface:

"Acting right" for you DemoKKKrats is this:

It just shows agendas on so many levels. One of them being the comfortable way Progs change them. Then of course maybe they did it as part of a long-term strategy.
Whute supremacy is never right. They are well rid of this shit. Dry your eyes.
Where did he say that?
Oh, I see you’re out of the loop. Surprising.
Little bird needs to be fed.

This Oklahoma city elected a commissioner with white nationalist ties. Will voters recall him from office?​

Republicans don't like White Nationalists but sure do love Jewish Nationalists. White people need to understand that both parties hate us. Democrats are explicit about it, but since its founding the GOP has been taking anti-White stances.
Seems like you should cut to the chase and just admit that you support white supremacists.
I dont support white suprematists anymore than you support anyone-but-white supremacists

Are you a white-replacement lib?

Its rare to report good news from Oklahoma but this is great.
It seems that the good people turned up and kicked his white supremacist arse down the road.

Its pretty much a rule of thumb over here that any area with white supremacists is a shithole. They are bad for house prices and businesses will not open there.

Maybe these people just wanted a better image for their town ?
The winner campaigned on a “return to normalcy”

Trumpers must hate her

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