Oklahoma voters kick out local official tied to white nationalist groups

Oh, I see you’re out of the loop. Surprising.
Little bird needs to be fed.

This Oklahoma city elected a commissioner with white nationalist ties. Will voters recall him from office?​

I need a quote, loopster.
First you call him a white nationalist and now you say he’s a white supremacist

Why dont you cut to the chase and and admit you dont like him just for being white?
Yeah, don’t even engage with them. They’re of the mindset that all “whitey righties” are white supremacists. They get it from their daily dose of hate from their favorite lefty pundit.
I’m saying thats what guilt-ridden white libs think about other white people

White liberals aren't "guilt ridden". Why do you keep telling others what they think. Because you're always wrong - by a wide shoot. Why don't you focus on yourself, and what you think?
Do you think l’m going to form an instant opinion based on what libs say about him?

Dupe yourself, asshole
The entire story is there. Including photos of the loser at the rally, dupe.
Your reluctance to denounce this fact tells the readers that you most likely sympathize with his views.
The entire story is there. Including photos of the loser at the rally, dupe.
Your reluctance to denounce this fact tells the readers that you most likely sympathize with his views.
When you conflate white nationalism with white supremacy your argument fails miserably

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