Old and Busted: Let’s Roll! New and Hot: Let’s Roll Tape!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
My friend Tom Burnett and at least 3 others came close to retaking Flight 93 on 9-11.

Today our feminized young ‘males’ stand around setting up a perimeter while they hear the gunfire of children being slaughtered.

Lessons to be learned:
Government is not a solution. It may, emphasis may, be a tool used for a specific outcome.

We are seeing the fruits of the participation trophy, tide pod eating, feminized, safe space seeking alphabet soup mental illness generation created by the drug addled Left.

As we saw occur in Virginia last year, we must retake our schools and political offices if we are to once again raise a generation to be proud of.
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Related material on the young generation:
She walked up to a wild Buffalo. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Bison fatally gores 25-year-old woman, tosses her 10 feet into air at Yellowstone National Park​

A few years ago when I was there I overheard a millennial say the animals aren’t dangerous, they wouldn’t let them in the park if they were.

Sorry about your buddy but at least he went down swinging.
In a mass shooting incident when every second counts, the police are hiding.
Most youngsters have never even been in a real fistfight. They can't be counted on.
Trying to piggyback new & useless gun controls on top of this incident where the police were no help is a failing strategy.
Related material on the young generation:
She walked up to a wild Buffalo. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Bison fatally gores 25-year-old woman, tosses her 10 feet into air at Yellowstone National Park​

A few years ago when I was there I overheard a millennial say the animals aren’t dangerous, they wouldn’t let them in the park if they were.

This is not a new event and not only happening to the "young generation". This has been happening to idiots for the last 100 years
This is not a new event and not only happening to the "young generation". This has been happening to idiots for the last 100 years
Since Columbine there’s been two failures of the government to follow procedures to stop a mass murder.

Both led by Leftards.

Tell me, do honestly see 17-23 year olds walking into a death trap to help people they don’t know?
Tell me, do honestly see 17-23 year olds walking into a death trap to help people they don’t know?

I see very few people of any age in our country today that would do what those people did. We are no longer the country of Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. We are now "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" and "you are not in my party thus you are the enemy that must be destroyed.".

I honestly no longer think even a 9/11 style attack would bring the country together as it did 20 years ago. Now each side would just use it as an excuse to attack the other side even more.
Sorry about your buddy but at least he went down swinging.
In a mass shooting incident when every second counts, the police are hiding.
Most youngsters have never even been in a real fistfight. They can't be counted on.
Trying to piggyback new & useless gun controls on top of this incident where the police were no help is a failing strategy.
Thanks. If you’re old enough to remember that day there was nothing but confusion. Especially about some plane crashing in PA in a field. When I got the call that afternoon that Tom was on it I knew immediately what happened, he was that type of guy. And as I understand so we’re the other 3 we know about.

None of those 4 were supposed to have been on that flight, they all rebooked at the last minute. God works in mysterious ways. God? your thinking. Where was God? Again, mysterious ways. Tom was a Jesus freak and had a vivid dream the year before that he was going to die and it involved a lot of people. So vivid he maxed out his life insurance. And as we know, the world is on a new course since that day. A course God has a plan for.
My friend Tom Burnett and at least 3 others came close to retaking Flight 93 on 9-11.

Today our feminized young ‘males’ stand around setting up a perimeter while they hear the gunfire of children being slaughtered.

Lessons to be learned:
Government is not a solution. It may, emphasis may, be a tool used for a specific outcome.

We are seeing the fruits of the participation trophy, tide pod eating, feminized, safe space seeking alphabet soup mental illness generation created by the drug addled Left.

As we saw occur in Virginia last year, we must retake our schools and political offices if we are to once again raise a generation to be proud of.
Those Children in that school died because of Liberalism, BLM, and Defund The Police which exists solely in The Democrat Party.
Rumor has it that the shooter was an Atheist God Hating Liberal who was on Puberty Blockers.

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