Old Bailey court hears how Luton Muslim preachers left football fan covered in blood


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's sad how these preachers don't know how to act civilized when they are living in the West. Perhaps they would feel more comfortable in a Muslim country.

Published: 17/06/2014 17:06 - Updated: 17/06/2014 17:23

Old Bailey court hears how Luton Muslim preachers left football fan covered in blood after attacking him in London

A FOOTBALL fan was left covered in blood and cowering on the floor after he was attacked by a ten-strong gang of Luton Muslim preachers, a court heard today (June 17).

Andrew White was set upon as he walked along Oxford Street in London’s West End, the Old Bailey was told.

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Old Bailey court hears how Luton Muslim preachers left football fan covered in blood after attacking him in London | Daily News for Luton & Dunstable | News Headlines & Breaking Stories | Luton on Sunday

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