Old dude charged with Assault at a Trump Ralley and Security goes after the guy punched

Donald Trump's suggestion, or what some may interpret as a veiled request, to punch a protester in the face was finally fulfilled when a Trump supporter punched a protester in the face.
This appears to be breaking news at this posting. Will post a link as soon as one becomes available if someone else doesn't do it first.
My only complaint is that he didnt knock the bastard out cold. But he is a 78 year old, what can you expect.

Redneck deserves to go to jail. That was bullshit and I applaud the black guy for not retaliating.

That said...he had a pretty good right for an old man. Punches harder than DontTazeMeBro.
Your sounding kinda judgmental there, Buc. The old dude was only expressing his free speech with hand sign language.
Cool. Maybe the fucking asshole has learned something. Too stupid to figure out shutting down others' rights is wrong but maybe he'll understand via pain compliance.
And there you have it, "Two Wrongs Make The Right."
Wrong. "You want to smear your shit around, don't expect to walk away smelling like a rose."

I still haven't figured out what the guy's blackness has to do with anything. That seems to be the main subject with anybody black these days.
Cool. Maybe the fucking asshole has learned something. Too stupid to figure out shutting down others' rights is wrong but maybe he'll understand via pain compliance.
And there you have it, "Two Wrongs Make The Right."
Wrong. "You want to smear your shit around, don't expect to walk away smelling like a rose."
And there it is yet again, any violence by the CON$ervoFascist Right can be rationalized as justified, just as Trump rationalized his violence tainted rallies as patriotic American "passion."
Cool. Maybe the fucking asshole has learned something. Too stupid to figure out shutting down others' rights is wrong but maybe he'll understand via pain compliance.
And there you have it, "Two Wrongs Make The Right."
Wrong. "You want to smear your shit around, don't expect to walk away smelling like a rose."
And there it is yet again, any violence by the CON$ervoFascist Right can be rationalized as justified, just as Trump rationalized his violence tainted rallies as patriotic American "passion."
You never tire of being a dumb lying asshole. It must be like a drug for you. I said nothing of the kind, my point was that you interupt others' right to speech you deserve what you get. A 7 year old could have understood it.
Cool. Maybe the fucking asshole has learned something. Too stupid to figure out shutting down others' rights is wrong but maybe he'll understand via pain compliance.
And there you have it, "Two Wrongs Make The Right."
Wrong. "You want to smear your shit around, don't expect to walk away smelling like a rose."

I still haven't figured out what the guy's blackness has to do with anything. That seems to be the main subject with anybody black these days.

You think they always ignore an assault and arrest the person being assaulted is what you're saying?

Thats hilarious
Fat black guy gets his ass kicked by a man nearly 80 years old. He's never going to live that down.

You apparently didn't watch the video, because the person who was hit was a skinny black dude. It was the guy behind him that was hefty.

And................have YOU ever been sucker punched? How about hit by an elbow (because elbows are more effective close up, as you can deliver more force)?

When you get sucker punched (and I have before), there is a short period of time where you are stunned and trying to figure out what happened.

Shit.................ANYONE can take down just about anyone else if you sucker punch them, because they don't see it coming and don't have any defenses up.
I have never been sucker punched because i have never been in a situation where I thought I was secure enough that no one would sucker punch me.

This is multicultural Los Angeles. Everyone on the street is a likely attacker. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and keep one hand on a weapon always.
Fat black guy gets his ass kicked by a man nearly 80 years old. He's never going to live that down.

You apparently didn't watch the video, because the person who was hit was a skinny black dude. It was the guy behind him that was hefty.

And................have YOU ever been sucker punched? How about hit by an elbow (because elbows are more effective close up, as you can deliver more force)?

When you get sucker punched (and I have before), there is a short period of time where you are stunned and trying to figure out what happened.

Shit.................ANYONE can take down just about anyone else if you sucker punch them, because they don't see it coming and don't have any defenses up.
I have never been sucker punched because i have never been in a situation where I thought I was secure enough that no one would sucker punch me.

This is multicultural Los Angeles. Everyone on the street is a likely attacker. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and keep one hand on a weapon always.

A 'likely attacker'? I don't think likely means what you think it means. If that were the case, then roughly every other person that you passed would attack you.

Watch this old guy punch this other dude for no reason in front of security and security goes "Keep it moving....now get that guy who got punched! Get him good"

Looks to me like the Trumpf supporters are nothing but thugs that don't know about "freedom of speech" - I can just imagine Trump giving an order for someone to punch Putin in the face because he doesn't agree with him.......that's what our country is going to look like if that buffoon makes it to the top.
Cool. Maybe the fucking asshole has learned something. Too stupid to figure out shutting down others' rights is wrong but maybe he'll understand via pain compliance.
And there you have it, "Two Wrongs Make The Right."
Wrong. "You want to smear your shit around, don't expect to walk away smelling like a rose."

I still haven't figured out what the guy's blackness has to do with anything. That seems to be the main subject with anybody black these days.

You think they always ignore an assault and arrest the person being assaulted is what you're saying?

Thats hilarious
Reminds me of the time I was at work and this white guy took a swing at me because he thought I wasnt going to do anything. Anyway after I knocked a couple of his teeth out he called the cops and the cop tried to tell me he was making a citizens arrest on me even though my crew had called the cops to have the jack ass removed.
Old guy rocked him good :D
Nope. The protester kept walking...until he was dogpiled by the police.

The old inbred Kluxxer would have been in a world of hurt if the protester had hit him back. A broken hip at the very least.
Fat black guy gets his ass kicked by a man nearly 80 years old. He's never going to live that down.

You apparently didn't watch the video, because the person who was hit was a skinny black dude. It was the guy behind him that was hefty.

And................have YOU ever been sucker punched? How about hit by an elbow (because elbows are more effective close up, as you can deliver more force)?

When you get sucker punched (and I have before), there is a short period of time where you are stunned and trying to figure out what happened.

Shit.................ANYONE can take down just about anyone else if you sucker punch them, because they don't see it coming and don't have any defenses up.
I have never been sucker punched because i have never been in a situation where I thought I was secure enough that no one would sucker punch me.

This is multicultural Los Angeles. Everyone on the street is a likely attacker. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and keep one hand on a weapon always.

Sorry, but I don't live every day in fear and paranoia, viewing everyone and every thing around me as a threat.

Why? I'm not a republican.
Old guy rocked him good :D
Nope. The protester kept walking...until he was dogpiled by the police.

The old inbred Kluxxer would have been in a world of hurt if the protester had hit him back. A broken hip at the very least.
Thats why he was brave enough to do it. He was betting he was too old to get hit back.

Actually, I think he was counting on the cops to stop the black man before he could retaliate. There was one cop 2 people behind him, and a couple of cops at the top of the stairs.

I think the old white dude was counting on the cops going after the black dude and leaving him alone. WAIT!!!! That's exactly what happened.

At least, until the video recording of the incident went viral and the cops finally had to do something about it.
I'm laughing at all the racist white guys living vicariously through the old geezer. They wish they could do the same thing and not get beat down. :laugh:

Watch this old guy punch this other dude for no reason in front of security and security goes "Keep it moving....now get that guy who got punched! Get him good"

Looks to me like the Trumpf supporters are nothing but thugs that don't know about "freedom of speech" - I can just imagine Trump giving an order for someone to punch Putin in the face because he doesn't agree with him.......that's what our country is going to look like if that buffoon makes it to the top.
You are very confused. Freedom of speech applies to everyone, not just the asshole that wants to have his way. Freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to say anything you want, wherever you want, when ever you want. That's the thinking of a spoiled 5 year old.
Fat black guy gets his ass kicked by a man nearly 80 years old. He's never going to live that down.

You apparently didn't watch the video, because the person who was hit was a skinny black dude. It was the guy behind him that was hefty.

And................have YOU ever been sucker punched? How about hit by an elbow (because elbows are more effective close up, as you can deliver more force)?

When you get sucker punched (and I have before), there is a short period of time where you are stunned and trying to figure out what happened.

Shit.................ANYONE can take down just about anyone else if you sucker punch them, because they don't see it coming and don't have any defenses up.
I have never been sucker punched because i have never been in a situation where I thought I was secure enough that no one would sucker punch me.

This is multicultural Los Angeles. Everyone on the street is a likely attacker. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and keep one hand on a weapon always.

Sorry, but I don't live every day in fear and paranoia, viewing everyone and every thing around me as a threat.

Why? I'm not a republican.
It does explain why you were sucker punched.

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