Old dude charged with Assault at a Trump Ralley and Security goes after the guy punched

Wait, it gets better, Trump's campaign manager is being accused of assaulting a reporter. It was a Breitbart reporter. His excuse was that he did not know she was with Breitbart. He thought she was from one of those other news sources. The reporter was asking Trump a question about some negative statements he had made about Anthony Scalia.

That story appears to have legs as well:

Michelle Fields: In Her Own Words - Breitbart

Trump campaign manager gets rough with Breitbart reporter

Sources: Trump Campaign Manager Admits to Assaulting Reporter Michelle Fields, Left Her Bruised

Here is a picture of the bruise:

Reporter Posts Photo Of Bruise After Saying Trump Campaign Manager ‘Yanked Me Down’
I agree that assault is assault, but perhaps the guy we saw getting assaulted was also guilty of misbehavior or a crime. I would like to know the full story. There maybe more to the story than just the video.

This should help shed some light on the discussion:

Trump protester sucker-punched at North Carolina rally, videos show

Caught on Video: Protester Punched in the Face at Trump Rally, Man Charged With Assault

Trump Supporter Who Punched Protester: 'Next Time, We Might Have To Kill Him' - Inside Edition

i know people who were there and saw it, trump attracts the lowest form of humaity

Watch this old guy punch this other dude for no reason in front of security and security goes "Keep it moving....now get that guy who got punched! Get him good"

Hey, thats what happens when you go to a Trump rally and start spewing racist shit at the crowd. Throw the old man in jail, but dont feel sorry for that dumbass trouble maker.
Cool. Maybe the fucking asshole has learned something. Too stupid to figure out shutting down others' rights is wrong but maybe he'll understand via pain compliance.
And there you have it, "Two Wrongs Make The Right."
i grew up in this area.....the police are so damned corrupt that they at one disbanded by the feds....spring lake police department.....spring lake was turned over to the county.....no improvement there...they now have their own force again but corruption is just sop
There sure are a lot of leftists stirring up trouble. I wonder what they expect to accomplish.


I see a right cross. Know your left from your right?

People are growing tired of the left wing bullshit.
Lame excuse for sucker punching a person. Cowardly in any circumstance.

Il' boy got his was whipped by an old man. Why didn't he fight back? Because he's a punk bitch, anyway? Little pussy probably couldn't handle a one-on-one fight.

Actually, the reason the black dude didn't fight back is because after he was knocked to the ground, cops jumped on him and put him in handcuffs.

It was only after the video of the incident went viral on the internet that they decided to arrest the right person.
look at the remarks the sheriffs office rep makes...swain......damn this is gonna be good.....i have seen the blacks in that area riot....they do a fucking good job of it....
Fat black guy gets his ass kicked by a man nearly 80 years old. He's never going to live that down.
Fat black guy gets his ass kicked by a man nearly 80 years old. He's never going to live that down.

You apparently didn't watch the video, because the person who was hit was a skinny black dude. It was the guy behind him that was hefty.

And................have YOU ever been sucker punched? How about hit by an elbow (because elbows are more effective close up, as you can deliver more force)?

When you get sucker punched (and I have before), there is a short period of time where you are stunned and trying to figure out what happened.

Shit.................ANYONE can take down just about anyone else if you sucker punch them, because they don't see it coming and don't have any defenses up.
There sure are a lot of leftists stirring up trouble. I wonder what they expect to accomplish.


I see a right cross. Know your left from your right?

People are growing tired of the left wing bullshit.
Lame excuse for sucker punching a person. Cowardly in any circumstance.

Il' boy got his was whipped by an old man. Why didn't he fight back? Because he's a punk bitch, anyway? Little pussy probably couldn't handle a one-on-one fight.

Actually, the reason the black dude didn't fight back is because after he was knocked to the ground, cops jumped on him and put him in handcuffs.

It was only after the video of the incident went viral on the internet that they decided to arrest the right person.

He didn't fight back, because he was scared.

I see a right cross. Know your left from your right?

People are growing tired of the left wing bullshit.
Lame excuse for sucker punching a person. Cowardly in any circumstance.

Il' boy got his was whipped by an old man. Why didn't he fight back? Because he's a punk bitch, anyway? Little pussy probably couldn't handle a one-on-one fight.

Actually, the reason the black dude didn't fight back is because after he was knocked to the ground, cops jumped on him and put him in handcuffs.

It was only after the video of the incident went viral on the internet that they decided to arrest the right person.

He didn't fight back, because he was scared.

Watch the video. As soon as the black dude hit the floor, there was a cop on his back, putting him in cuffs.

No, it was because he was in custody, not because he was scared.

But then again, you're the idiot that thinks DEP personnel who are attached to the Marine Corps Inactive Reserve need to have a courts martial rather than an Entry Level Separation (which is an administrative function) if they are told they can't join the military.

And, take the advice from Tropic Thunder, never go full retard.

Too bad you passed that point a long time ago.
People are growing tired of the left wing bullshit.
Lame excuse for sucker punching a person. Cowardly in any circumstance.

Il' boy got his was whipped by an old man. Why didn't he fight back? Because he's a punk bitch, anyway? Little pussy probably couldn't handle a one-on-one fight.

Actually, the reason the black dude didn't fight back is because after he was knocked to the ground, cops jumped on him and put him in handcuffs.

It was only after the video of the incident went viral on the internet that they decided to arrest the right person.

He didn't fight back, because he was scared.

Watch the video. As soon as the black dude hit the floor, there was a cop on his back, putting him in cuffs.

No, it was because he was in custody, not because he was scared.

But then again, you're the idiot that thinks DEP personnel who are attached to the Marine Corps Inactive Reserve need to have a courts martial rather than an Entry Level Separation (which is an administrative function) if they are told they can't join the military.

And, take the advice from Tropic Thunder, never go full retard.

Too bad you passed that point a long time ago.

Wow! Name calling! I'm shocked!
There sure are a lot of leftists stirring up trouble. I wonder what they expect to accomplish.


I see a right cross. Know your left from your right?

People are growing tired of the left wing bullshit.

So lemme get this straight....

A right cross sucker punch on a stranger walking by is..... 'leftist'?

You support incitement of violence at Trump events. Don't acted shocked when that's exactly what happens.

Oh I do huh. Izzat a fact.

....................... Link?
Redneck deserves to go to jail. That was bullshit and I applaud the black guy for not retaliating.

That said...he had a pretty good right for an old man. Punches harder than DontTazeMeBro.

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