Old dude charged with Assault at a Trump Ralley and Security goes after the guy punched

Watch this old guy punch this other dude for no reason in front of security and security goes "Keep it moving....now get that guy who got punched! Get him good"

Looks to me like the Trumpf supporters are nothing but thugs that don't know about "freedom of speech" - I can just imagine Trump giving an order for someone to punch Putin in the face because he doesn't agree with him.......that's what our country is going to look like if that buffoon makes it to the top.
You are very confused. Freedom of speech applies to everyone, not just the asshole that wants to have his way. Freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to say anything you want, wherever you want, when ever you want. That's the thinking of a spoiled 5 year old.

You're full of crap. I've been to Hillary's rallies....there are always a bunch of protestors spewing their memorized conservative lies....nobody throws them out, nobody punches them in the face. Your party has become the party of thugs and here you are defending it....Bwahahahaha!
I don't have a party, you puffed up anus. No one throws out protesters at Hillary rallies? Yeah, right, she let's them talk right over her. That must be why there's no video, she just sits back until they get hungry and leave? Bwaha back atcha.

Oh, so that's your excuse....there is no video?:badgrin:

And FYI, ignoramus, Trump is running as a Republican, so if you support him you support the wrong-wing......deal with it!
George Soros will choose our president by interfering with and shutting down the campaigns of those he hasn't chosen.

I think you meant to say "The Koch Brothers".........:badgrin: And, the lemmings have already signed a pledge that they will support whoever is the nominee....no matter who chooses it...because that is what Republicans do.......:badgrin:
This morning, I listened to Cruz being interviewed on Meet the Press, and when he was asked if he would support Trump if Trump is the nominee, he said he would, but only because he signed a pledge.

Republicans are party over country, and this proves it.

Was kinda funny to hear him say that, especially after he stated he's the only one that can beat Trump.

Five Deputies Disciplined for Actions at Rump Rally

>>Five North Carolina Sheriff's deputies have been disciplined over their behavior at a rally for Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump where a white supporter sucker punched a black protester, officials said on Wednesday.

"The actions of the deputies and their failures to act in situations such as that which occurred during the Trump rally at the Crown Coliseum have never been and will not ever be tolerated under the policies of this office," Sheriff Earl "Moose" Butler said.

All five of the deputies were admonished for their behavior and have been placed on probationary status for the next 12 months, the Sheriff's Office statement said.

Sheriff's officials on Monday decided against criminally charging Trump or his campaign with "inciting a riot" at the rally. <<

Happy ending. Maybe in the future they'll be more fucking observant.

Five Deputies Disciplined for Actions at Rump Rally

>>Five North Carolina Sheriff's deputies have been disciplined over their behavior at a rally for Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump where a white supporter sucker punched a black protester, officials said on Wednesday.

"The actions of the deputies and their failures to act in situations such as that which occurred during the Trump rally at the Crown Coliseum have never been and will not ever be tolerated under the policies of this office," Sheriff Earl "Moose" Butler said.

All five of the deputies were admonished for their behavior and have been placed on probationary status for the next 12 months, the Sheriff's Office statement said.

Sheriff's officials on Monday decided against criminally charging Trump or his campaign with "inciting a riot" at the rally. <<

Happy ending. Maybe in the future they'll be more fucking observant.

Next the idiot with the pony-tail that suckered punch the protestor will bring his "big" gun to a rally and shoot someone....this is the new great America Trump supporters are dreaming of.

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