Old Testament Prophesy...LOL Post a verse you think was a prophesy and I will explain why it BS.

I was raised atheist and graduated from a top university and now I follow the Old Testament. I consider all members of modern culture to be complete morons, so I rarely post to forums like this one since it is infested with such morons. Anyway, here is some pretty good prophesy (which basically means insight):

Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 said:
What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Can one say about anything,
“Look, this is new”?
It has already existed in the ages before us.
There is no remembrance of those who came before;
and of those who will come after
there will also be no remembrance
by those who follow them.
Correct, ECCLESIASTES is describing how history repeats and has resemblances which is what the sages knew in forming prophetic view of the 3 layers
1)historical description
2)the repeat history
3)the spiritual resemblance

Interesting enough it also describes the same description as the Burning Bush story. The name used was a verb, therefore it's not I Am that I Am, it's actually
I Am "What will Be", especially when you remember olam habah= the world to come (heaven) is future tense=future "will be" where "messaging" will overcome & blur the line between linear and non linear time.

We can already send sound faster then light and light itself through laser can be =
holograph. =bush that looks on fire, but never burns is no different then Snout turning on the cozy fireplace channel on his monitor or TV yet it never burns his furniture. Since everything has a process, miracles are merely those processes not figured out yet. Silly Stasist always forget abput that one factorn that these strange things are coming from the advanced distant future, one which will have figured out the processes. Snout has yet to keep up with this concept of evolution and our progressing and involvment with these things. Irony is the atheist evolutionist, like Snout, don't even get their own beliefs that we will progress to "what will be".

Secrets of the way things are scroll:
4Q418 Frag. 77 2[ Understand or Seek? ] the secret of the way things are, and learn the nature of man and gaze at the faculties [ and workings or realities for] 3[ What ] has made him. Then you will understand the nature of mortal man and the weight of [ . . . ] 4his spirit, and learn the secret of the way things are, the weight of eras and the measure of [..TIME or works?..]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7when years begin and when eras end [ . . . ] 3everything that has happened in it, why it was and what will be in [ . . . ] 4His era that He revealed to the ears of those who understand the secret of the way things are [ . . . ] 3you are one who understands, when you observe all these things [ . . . ] 6by its hand is the weighing of your deeds with the era [ . . . ]
4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7Whatever He leaves with you, guard carefully [ . . . ] The sage asserts that his teaching comes from God.

"Sapiential Work" (4Q413)
"....I will teach you (Knowledge)and wisdom. And understand the ways of man and the works of Sons of Man......"
4Q4L7 Frag. 2 (+ 4Q418) Col. 1 1[ . . . ] you are one who understands [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the wonderful secrets [ . . . fearful things you will master . . . ] 3[ . . . **why things are and how they are*** . . . ] 4[ . . . why] 5[things are and why they continue to be ] 6[ . . . through Night meditate on the secret] of why things are and investigate it at all times, and then you will know truth and evil, wisdom 7[and falsehood . . . Consider the wicked in al1 their ways, with all their punishments throughout the world eras and the eternal punishment 8and then you will know the difference between good [and evil] deeds, for the God of knowledge is the confidant of Truth, and in the secret of the way things are 9He has made plain its basis [ . . . ] what is its nature and the governing principle of its deeds 10for every [ . . . ] He kas made plain to the mind of every [man] how to live by 11the nature of His understanding; and He has made plain [ . . . ] and by the faculty of understanding [He revealed] the enigmas of His purpose with blameless conduct [in all] His deeds. Inquire into these things at all times, give careful thought to al1 13their effects, and then you will know [eternal] glory with His wonderful secrets and His mighty deeds.
4Q413 Frag. 1 1Discipline [and insight] and wisdom I shal1 teach you. Now consider the ways of humanity and the activities of 2the human race. [ . . . ] a man. He enlarged his share in the knowledge of God's truth, and to the degree that that man loathes 3everything evil, [his judgment] shall not be affected by what his ears hear and what his eyes see.
And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. (Isaiah 11:12)
our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds
and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.

We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

So what season is this abundance?

Psalm 16:7-11 has the answer:7: "I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel; yea, in the NIGHT
(Evening Star=Shalem)seasons, my reins instruct me."

Remember MIA Jesus is claimed the thief and Nemesis of the Night (Shalem).
A OT prophecy servers the following purposes;

1) a near realization for the prophet to confirm his message at hand, but can be a prediction of a far event (say end time)
in this case, the near realization is only for the prophet himself to reckon it as a prophecy. Outsider may not fully understand what it is

2) a far realization to mark an era and to strengthen the faith of those believers
in this case, the prophecy only makes sense to the believers

3) to further push away the unbelievers

Matthew 25:29 (NIV2011)
For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

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