Oliver Stone Interviews Putin

For most of the Obama administration, Putin was seen as somewhat of a friend by the Democrats and the Liberals. (especially by the Clintons)

But right before the Russians hosted the olympic games in Sochi.

Putin outlawed Faggot Pride Parades, and refused to legalize Homo pretend marriages.

That sent the Democrats and looney left into a crazed frenzy of rabid hatred towards Putin and Russia that continues today. .... :cool:
Putin knows that the leadership of the Globalists is mainly comprised of Jews.

Basically the same type of Bolshevik jews who enslaved the Russian people with Marxist communism at the start of the last century for 70 years.

They are the people Putin has had to wrestle against to take back Russia and restore its culture and place in the world.. .... :cool:

I don't think you quite understand how the globalists work.

I too am not going to watch this whole thing in one sitting, but it is a good piece to get inside the globalists mindset.

It is important to know, that Oliver Stone is more than likely a CIA propagandist. It is important to know, that Putin himself is a globalist.

If you aren't aware, Snowden is probably a honeypot, intended to dupe people, he is intended to make Americans know that they live in a global police state and that they are always under surveillance. Having folks live in fear is the best way for the police state to control them.

The original reason Stone was in Moscow was to do work on his Snowden movie.

Folks that were really paying attention to the first hour would have caught the fact that Putin was bragging about how in tune Moscow is with the international banking cabal.

The Hegelian Dialectic that goes on between nation states in the community of the banking cabal is the main attraction, or should we say. . . distraction? lol Unless one of the leaders seriously steps out of line or they need a punching bag to distract from economic collapse via war, then none of them seriously dislikes any of the others, we already live in a NWO. Right now, House Rothschild has not considered anything so serious. Putin is in on all of these games, and Stone is a propagandist.

This is largely PR for the coming world order which Russia will be a part of.
Putin imprisoned or exiled many of the countries oligarchs, most who where billionaire Jews.

This action thwarted the Globalist agenda, and set Russia on a collision course with Europe and the west. ..... :cool:
Putin imprisoned or exiled many of the countries oligarchs, most who where billionaire Jews.

This action thwarted the Globalist agenda, and set Russia on a collision course with Europe and the west. ..... :cool:

The oligarchs he encountered when first in power had to brought to heel because they were looting the country in the vacuum of the Soviet collapse. From what I understand from the interviews he gave them the what-for and those who ignored him got hosed. He stole most of their holdings for himself.....this is not an admirable guy. He once stole a Super Bowl ring the Pats' owner was showing him....just walked away with it and it was never returned. I admit I have an inherent hatred of Russia for the cold war and the hot war in Vietnam. I remember how frightened my mother was for us during the Cuban missile crisis and hated them for scaring her. As to the interviews, I was impressed with how civilized Putin seemed through them, until the very end when he looked at Stone like he was about to murder him. At the very end he asked Stone "have you ever been beaten?" and Stone looked terrified for a moment and then said yes "in a artistic way" or something. Putin then regained his suave demeanor but I checked to make sure Stone got out of Moscow unharmed (he did).
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