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Oliver Stone’s Left-Wing Agitprop

This one is funnier:

And this one:

And this:

And this:


By: Humberto Fontova
3/11/2014 09:17 AM

Famous foe of imperialism Oliver Stone recently premiered his documentary Mi Amigo Hugo (“My Friend Hugo”) in the Cuban colony of Venezuela. As the title suggests, the film honors Hugo Chavez, Cuba’s late Venezuelan viceroy. The film was released amidst lavish celebrations on the first anniversary of Chavez’ death and broadcast on the Cuba-run TV channel of the Cuban viceroyalty of Venezuela. For the occasion, Raul Castro himself graced his South American dominion with a visit.

“Venezuela today is a country that is practically occupied by the henchmen of two international criminals, Cuba’s Castro brothers,” recently declared Luis Miquilena, who served as Hugo Chavez’ Minister of Justice for three years before finally resigning in disgust. “We are in the hands of a foreign country. This is the darkest period in our history.”


Oliver Stone: filmmaker to the Commies
You can't use terms like "wee weed up" and still expect to be taken seriously.

Using terms like "agitprop" doesn't make you sound smart. No one actually cares what Oliver Stone says because he makes movies. His films don't change history. He is unimportant. You should focus on something that is important.


By: Humberto Fontova

Oliver Stone’s recent visit to Venezuela to premiere his Castro/Chavez infomercial “My Friend Hugo” has brought him under fire in social media. Exasperated beyond endurance by the onslaught, Stone recently lashed back with (apparently) the most hateful insult his inflamed mind could conjure.

You people are: ”Similar to the right-wing Florida Cuban exiles who’ve helped keep the US in a dungeon of ignorance!” he raved.

For leftists its “right-wing lunatics spreading a dungeon if ignorance!” For normal folks it’s: “people who have actually experienced communism trying to circumvent communist propaganda as disseminated by a media-Hollywood axis—and one not always completely honest about their motives.”

Not that it always requires blackmail to get Hollywood folks of mainstream talking heads to parrot Castroite propaganda, but here’s a few clues to some of it:

“My job was to bug their hotel rooms,” disclosed high-ranking Cuban intelligence defector Delfin Fernandez, “with both cameras and listening devices.

“When word came down that models Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss were coming to Cuba, the order was a routine one: 24-hour-a-day vigilance. Then we got a priority alert,” recalls Fernandez, “because there was a rumor that they would be sharing a room with Leonardo DiCaprio. The rumor set off a flurry of activity and we set up the most sophisticated devices.”

“Delfin Fernandez has not only met some of the most famous men in the world,” says a story in the London Daily Mirror about the Cuban intelligence defector, “he’s also spied on them and been witness to some of their most innermost secrets.”

“Fidel Castro is a source of inspiration for me!” gushed Campbell while concluding her “press conference.” “It is a great pleasure to be in Cuba. I’ve really enjoyed myself.”

“Fidel Castro is a genius!” said Jack Nicholson after a visit with El Lider Maximo that same year. “We spoke about everything,” the actor rhapsodized. “Castro is a humanist. Cuba is simply a paradise!”

“The American actor Jack Nicholson was another celebrity who was bugged and taped thoroughly during his stay in Havana’s Hotel Meliá Cohiba,” revealed Fernandez, the man in charge of the bugging. “We bugged his room thoroughly. Most people have no idea they are being watched while they are in Cuba.

But their personal activities are filmed under orders from interestingly (and tragically) the ECPAT Network – (End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism). A study titled “Child Prostitution and Sex Tourism in Cuba,” reports that: “In Cuba, the link between tourism and prostitution is perhaps more direct than in any other country that hosts sex tourists.”


Oliver Stone?s most vicious insult | Human Events
Damn, I'm so disappointed, I don't waste money on Showtime so I'll never get to see his commie propaganda. Bummer. :D:D:D

I tried to watch an episode or two and just couldn't do it. You know, it's not even whether this "man" is even right or wrong (he's wrong) but the way he presents this propaganda is simply infuriating. Another America hater of the highest order.

My Wife reminded me that she hadn't seen me that mad since I happened to watch 5 minutes of Bill Maher on HBO before wanting to beat that "man" over the head with my cane. That's when it hit me...

This BS that Stone is pushing on Showtime is simply their answer to that BS that Bill Maher is peddling over at HBO. I called Comcast today and cancelled both.

The Bourne Ultimatum - a vile and libelous attack against the Bush Administration and the war on terrorism."...a liberal fantasy, where the bad CIA leaders get punished for .. waterboarding, "experimental interrogations," "rendition" and the manipulation of American soldiers' minds ..." Anthony Kauffman Huffingtron Post

2000 - The Contender - Pro-Al Gore propaganda film by leftist studio executives .

2004 Fahrenheit 9/11 - A Michael Moore movie {Need I say Moore ?}, warped view of how the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in the US were manipulated by then President Bush to initiate wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Michael Moore is devious leftist manipulator , his tactics have been exposed by Dr. Kelton Rhoads, they include Omissions, Contextualization, Ingroup/Outgroup Manipulations, Cynicism, Traps, Manipulating Cause & Effect, Modeling the Convert Communicator, Pacing and Distraction, Associations, Numeric Deceptions,"Shutting Down the Opposition" See:Dr. Kelton Rhoads Propoganda Tactics and Farenheit 9/11

2004 - Motorcycle Diaries - Glorifies the Homicidal Communist Che Gueverra "The Butcher of La Cabaña".

2005 - V for Vendetta promotes socialism, communism and homosexuality -

2008 Milk- pro-gay bio of gay activist homosexual politician Harvey Milk. Sean Penn

2008 Recount HBO movie re: 2000 Presidential elections . Claims the Republicans stole the election. Republicans as usual are portrayed as villanous, treachorous and devious. Warren Christopher and James Baker state the film’s portrayals are ridiculously false.

2007 Redacted Anti-Iraq War fiction film . The film is blamed for inspiring a terror attack that killed two U.S. soldiers in Germany. Funded by lunatic leftist entrepreneur Mark Cuban . An Islamist propaganda video was posted {long since deleted} on YouTube. The German-language version was under the title "American Soldiers Rape our Sisters! begins with footage taken from Redacted, depicting G.I.s invading a family's home and raping a young girl. Gunfire can be heard and a soldier on camera says: "I f-----g killed them all." The footage in reality comes from Redacted. This trash fromBrian DePalma was made to look as if it was being filmed by an amateur cameraman/soldier - it was pure malarkey.

2010 Fair Game - Another attack on George Bush -Sean Penn

2012 Game Change is a poorly executed politically charged assault on Sara Palin. HBO, when it released the film claimed "{Game Change} is a balanced portrayal of the McCain/Palin campaign." In reality it is a rabid character assassination against a woman the Democratic establishment has tremendous fear of, she is a highly intelligent, well spoken, extremely competent leader who bats for the right wing - not Liberalism - this they find intolerable. Any non Liberals are portrayed in a negative light. "... the McCain/Palin rallies depict unhinged men yelling "terrorist" and "he's a Muslim" at the mention of Obama's name." Top Ten Lies Game Change Many of the same tactics described by Dr Kelton Rhoads {See Farenheit 9/11 above} are used in this film , but not as brilliantly.

2012 Zero Dark Thirty Glorifies Obama, almost completely ignores the significant role Bush had in the assassination of Osama Bin Laden.

2013 Elysium is a Sci-Fi thriller set in a not so utopian futuristic society where the ruling class has fled for a space station named Elysium. The Earth has deteriorated to a point that it is only marginally inhabitable. The evil wealthy venture to the Earths surface only to oversee their corrupted corporations and wreak havoc among the masses.
You can't use terms like "wee weed up" and still expect to be taken seriously.

Using terms like "agitprop" doesn't make you sound smart. No one actually cares what Oliver Stone says because he makes movies. His films don't change history. He is unimportant. You should focus on something that is important.

Movies alter perceptions of reality in the mass mind, Hollywood Leftists have been planting suggestions and distortions in the mass mind for decades and until recent years they have done so unchallenged.

The Butler- for instance, released last year depicts a Black American who worked as the White House Butler from the Truman till the Reagan Administration. It turns out the film was 90% fiction 5% fact and 5% debatable. Like most of the tripe Hollywood has produced in the last several decades it was Left Wing Propaganda. Red attempts to rewrite and invent History to suit their Agenda .

AS far as your comment "His films don't change History " - beg to differ - Stone[d] and others like him try very hard to change History, they do alter perceptions of History - which in effect alters the future course of History.
Director Oliver Stone Touts Putin's 'Popularity,' Blames Bush Sr. for Mistreating Russia

By Scott Whitlock | March 18, 2014


In a Facebook posting on Monday, far-left director Oliver Stone touted the "popularity" of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the wake of the move against Crimea. Stone credulously hyped, "The Crimean Referendum now going on, and seems clear more than 90% of Crimeans consider themselves Russian."

The filmmaker proceeded to shift the blame onto George H.W. Bush for his actions after the fall of the Soviet Union: "The entire world would be a far more peaceful place now if Bush father had any vision or generosity like Roosevelt or Kennedy, but instead he turned out to be another Truman in his time."

In 2013, Stone produced a documentary series called the Untold History of the United States. In it, he echoed a similar theme, crediting Gorbachev and slamming Ronald Reagan:

OLIVER STONE: As far as Reagan’s much-vaunted role in winning the Cold War, the lion’s share of credit goes to Mikhail Gorbachev -- a true visionary and, it turns out, the real democrat.


Read more: Director Oliver Stone Touts Putin's 'Popularity,' Blames Bush Sr. for Mistreating Russia | NewsBusters
You can't use terms like "wee weed up" and still expect to be taken seriously.

Using terms like "agitprop" doesn't make you sound smart. No one actually cares what Oliver Stone says because he makes movies. His films don't change history. He is unimportant. You should focus on something that is important.

Movies alter perceptions of reality in the mass mind, Hollywood Leftists have been planting suggestions and distortions in the mass mind for decades and until recent years they have done so unchallenged.

The Butler- for instance, released last year depicts a Black American who worked as the White House Butler from the Truman till the Reagan Administration. It turns out the film was 90% fiction 5% fact and 5% debatable. Like most of the tripe Hollywood has produced in the last several decades it was Left Wing Propaganda. Red attempts to rewrite and invent History to suit their Agenda .

AS far as your comment "His films don't change History " - beg to differ - Stone[d] and others like him try very hard to change History, they do alter perceptions of History - which in effect alters the future course of History.

How do they try to change history?
You can't use terms like "wee weed up" and still expect to be taken seriously.

Using terms like "agitprop" doesn't make you sound smart. No one actually cares what Oliver Stone says because he makes movies. His films don't change history. He is unimportant. You should focus on something that is important.

Movies alter perceptions of reality in the mass mind, Hollywood Leftists have been planting suggestions and distortions in the mass mind for decades and until recent years they have done so unchallenged.

The Butler- for instance, released last year depicts a Black American who worked as the White House Butler from the Truman till the Reagan Administration. It turns out the film was 90% fiction 5% fact and 5% debatable. Like most of the tripe Hollywood has produced in the last several decades it was Left Wing Propaganda. Red attempts to rewrite and invent History to suit their Agenda .

AS far as your comment "His films don't change History " - beg to differ - Stone[d] and others like him try very hard to change History, they do alter perceptions of History - which in effect alters the future course of History.

How do they try to change history?

I had thought that would be self evident , that by altering current perceptions and opinions with false data - you influence current events which in effect alters future history.
Oliver Stone does not effect current or future events. Oliver Stone could make a movie about JFK and Marilyn Monroe having sex on a UFO at Area 51 and say that it's based on a true story, but it doesn't change history or real facts in reality.

Oliver Stone does not effect current or future events. Oliver Stone could make a movie about JFK and Marilyn Monroe having sex on a UFO at Area 51 and say that it's based on a true story, but it doesn't change history or real facts in reality.


Hey kOOk, you went to the same schools obongo did, didn't ya.

you influence current events which in effect alters future history.

Here is a gift for you, enjoy...:D
Venezuela's Bumbling Socialist Government Battles Social Upheaval
Maduro government turns to stealing currency from its impoverished citizens.
December 21, 2016
David Paulin


'Tis the season to be jolly, and for Venezuela's bumbling socialist government this means fighting hyperinflation by essentially stealing currency from its impoverished population and, at the same time, handing out free Christmas toys – toys stolen from retailers in the oil-rich yet impoverished South American nation.

The toy giveaway was targeted at the usual enemies of Venezuela's socialist project: greedy merchants who were supposedly “hoarding” toys to jack up their prices. The Robin Hood-style initiative, however, was not enough to tamp down a social uprising and widespread looting over the weekend triggered by President Nicholas Maduro's bumbling efforts to cope with hyperinflation. Last week, President Maduro's issued a royal edict: Venezuelans had 72-hours to turn in the country's largest banknote, the 100 Bolivar bill -- now worth only 2 U.S. cents. Long lines formed at banks where Venezuelans had expected to exchange the notes for new bills with larger denominations. But as it turned out, larger banknotes were unavailable -- so when the 72-hour deadline expired to turn in the bills, Venezuelans suddenly found themselves holding totally worthless currency: banks couldn't exchange it and retailers wouldn't accept it. It was a theft on par with Cuba's confiscation of business in the name of socialist social justice.

That's when all hell broke loose. Hundreds of banks and stores were looted or vandalized in what witnesses called scenes of anarchy. Some of the worst looting -- according to accounts in mainstream media outlets and social media -- occurred in El Callao and Ciudad Bolivar, cities in the southern state of Bolivar named after Venezuelan independence hero Simón Bolivar. Business groups reported some 350 businesses were ransacked, including 90 percent of food outlets. Stores owned by Chinese merchants were targeted. Police reportedly arrested more than 300 people, including leaders of opposition parties. Speaking on state television, President Maduro declared: "Don't come and tell me they are political prisoners ... They are the two parties of the 'gringos' in Venezuela."

As the looting spread, President Maduro backed down and issued a new edict: the $100 Bolivar bill would be good after all, at least for the time being. But according to some reports, many merchants were unwilling to accept them, leaving Venezuelans with few options in the run-up to Christmas. Some Venezuelans nevertheless tweeted a novel solution for what to do with the currency – and that was to use the 100 Bolivar notes as toilet paper. Toilet paper is among the basic goods in short supply in Venezuela along with food and medicines.


Venezuela's misery is yet another example of socialist regimes that turned into a living hell. The humanitarian crisis now unfolding will pose a vexing problem for the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump.

Venezuela's Bumbling Socialist Government Battles Social Upheaval
Oliver Stone does not effect current or future events. Oliver Stone could make a movie about JFK and Marilyn Monroe having sex on a UFO at Area 51 and say that it's based on a true story, but it doesn't change history or real facts in reality.

At the fear of sounding sophomoric myself let me say that anyone not familiar with that scenario would ever believe any of that ever actually happened...ever
Stone makes the Russian strongman a star, casts USA as the villain.
June 13, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

While Democrats and their media allies demonize Vladimir Putin, and anybody who might have talked to him, filmmaker Oliver Stone has been hanging out with the Russian strongman. “The Putin Interviews,” Stone’s four-part series, launched on Monday and according to Showtime:

“Oliver Stone was granted unprecedented access to Russian president Vladimir Putin during more than a dozen interviews over two years, with no topics off-limits. This remarkable four-part documentary series provides intimate insight into Putin’s personal and professional lives, from his childhood under communism, to his rise in power, his relations with four U.S. presidents and his surprising takes on U.S.-Russian relations today. Witness the most detailed portrait of Putin ever granted to a Western interviewer.”

Showtime compares “The Putin Interviews” to David Frost’s interview of Richard Nixon in 1977. The documentary emerges amidst accusations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, but Oliver Stone surprisingly refutes those claims.

“That’s a path that leads nowhere to my mind,” Stone told Gary Maddox of the Sidney Morning Herald. “That’s an internal war of politics in the U.S. in which the Democratic party has taken a suicide pact or something to blow him up; in other words, to completely de-legitimize him and in so doing blow up the U.S. essentially.” And for the director of the conspiratorial JFK, “What they’re doing is destroying the trust that exists between people and government. It’s a very dangerous position to make accusations you cannot prove.”


As Stone tells Putin, when it comes to spying and such, Americans believe the Russian government is as “bad” as the United States. Putin replies, “I think you are a cunning person,” and coming from a KGB veteran that is high praise indeed.

Putin autocracy or Stalinist dictatorship, Oliver Stone will always cast the USA as the bad guy.

Showtime for Putin and Oliver

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