Olympic gold medalist takes issue with transgender athletes' participation in girls and women's sports

I was a competive female athlete in my youth. I was mother to a competitive athlete in her youth, and I am friends with female athletes in multiple sports. I have a pretty fair idea what the big issues really are for this group.

The thing that you completely fail to understand, Norm, is that transgendered athletes are no threat whatsoever to women who were born with ovaries.

There are fewer than 100 trans athletes in all of the NCAA. You can count on the fingers of one hand, how many of them can be considered “elite”.

20 states in the USA have passed laws banning fewer than dozen people from competing as women. In the alternate universe, where Republicans live, this is what passes for “protecting women’s sports”.

Female athletes need better funding, better access to your training, facilities and high-level coaching. See facilities, training areas and equipment for basketball players at March Madness.

Some female sports leagues require women to compete in skimpy bikinis, while men wear baggy shorts.

US Women’s Soccer had the best program in the world and their federation destroyed it because the female athletes, who brought in most of the revenue, wanted funding parity with the men.

In the meantime, twice impeached, thrice indicted, sexual predator ex-president poured hate and scorn on the US women’s soccer team for their early exit from the women’s World Cup. America First?????

So much for wanting to support women’s sports.

None whatsoever, except in championships? You are a traitor to your gender
What about the transgendered competing in mens sports? It does happen and it's probably more likely than the other way around.
So what? Do you assume that having been born a biological female gives a trans “male” any particular physiological advantages?
Actual men should be able to participate in women's sports if they identify as woman, forget about the transgenders. I want to see someone like Brock Lesner wrestling against a normal woman and see who wins.
Actual men should be able to participate in women's sports if they identify as woman, forget about the transgenders. I want to see someone like Brock Lesner wrestling against a normal woman and see who wins.
Please tell me you aren’t related to basquebrotard.

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