Omar listen up, how to to turn a Trump tweet into pure gold!!

by taking away their guns? A note of interest----a very important point of SHARIAH LAW is that kaffirin cannot own or use weapons. When muslims
rule kaffirin are COMPLTELY DISARMED ------that includes swords and daggers
and the vehicles of war-----camels and horses. Muslims consider being unarmed
tantamount to NUDITY -----they are very sensitive about their array of decorative
daggers and, more lately, belts of guns and grenades. If the minions of
Clinton disarmed the MUSLIMS <gasp> he INSULTED ALLAH in the name of
the Christians and Jews. No wonder Omar is pissed
She was still a baby back then.
She just your typical Somali that never learned how to do anything other than talk. They never controlled their children. Their kids were in rags, up all night running around getting in trouble. That was their idea of good parenting.

does not matter that the terrible insult happened when she was a baby----
muslims are STILL fighting over whether the son-in-law of muhummad and his DESCENDANTS should rule the world. Good parenting for muslims is transmission of the words of the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling----including the feces flung at the USA Christians , jews etc etc etc
Which is why she never should have been a member of congress. It's called sleeping with the enemy.
Nevermind the fact that many Muslims cannot be trusted for shit. They lie like the rest of us drink coffee. It's what they do religiously.
Trump is a traitor, a cheat, a liar, corrupt, is hated by every motherfuckin body on the planet, but dictators, murderers, rednecks and you

Should you run for re election.......I would take those "send her back" racist chants and use it as background cheers in your campaign and to add insult to injury, I would say, even Trump supporters want me back in Washington, just listen.....and then play that send her back shit in their face...girl, this would be the perfect fuck you to these racist rednecks Turn that shit around on they white ass ho's and keep it moving!!

Soooo... PMSNBC doesn't even try to make any pretense of actually being a news channel at all? Just a propaganda arm for the Left?

Dude, you got Fox calling Trump on the fuckin phone, do me a favor, fuck off and Bye

I wouldn't know. But you must watch a LOT of Fox to know that!

SPEAKING OF WHICH-----since I never watch "fox news" can someone tell me WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?

It's the least sucky news channel out there, they actually dare taking a pro-American slant to the news like the news used to have! But last I saw of them, they too had gone downhill a lot since they lost or fired most of the best people.
by taking away their guns? A note of interest----a very important point of SHARIAH LAW is that kaffirin cannot own or use weapons. When muslims
rule kaffirin are COMPLTELY DISARMED ------that includes swords and daggers
and the vehicles of war-----camels and horses. Muslims consider being unarmed
tantamount to NUDITY -----they are very sensitive about their array of decorative
daggers and, more lately, belts of guns and grenades. If the minions of
Clinton disarmed the MUSLIMS <gasp> he INSULTED ALLAH in the name of
the Christians and Jews. No wonder Omar is pissed
She was still a baby back then.
She just your typical Somali that never learned how to do anything other than talk. They never controlled their children. Their kids were in rags, up all night running around getting in trouble. That was their idea of good parenting.

does not matter that the terrible insult happened when she was a baby----
muslims are STILL fighting over whether the son-in-law of muhummad and his DESCENDANTS should rule the world. Good parenting for muslims is transmission of the words of the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling----including the feces flung at the USA Christians , jews etc etc etc
Which is why she never should have been a member of congress. It's called sleeping with the enemy.
Nevermind the fact that many Muslims cannot be trusted for shit. They lie like the rest of us drink coffee. It's what they do religiously.
Trump is a traitor, a cheat, a liar, corrupt, is hated by every motherfuckin body on the planet, but dictators, murderers, rednecks and you

Should you run for re election.......I would take those "send her back" racist chants and use it as background cheers in your campaign and to add insult to injury, I would say, even Trump supporters want me back in Washington, just listen.....and then play that send her back shit in their face...girl, this would be the perfect fuck you to these racist rednecks Turn that shit around on they white ass ho's and keep it moving!!

Soooo... PMSNBC doesn't even try to make any pretense of actually being a news channel at all? Just a propaganda arm for the Left?

Dude, you got Fox calling Trump on the fuckin phone, do me a favor, fuck off and Bye

I wouldn't know. But you must watch a LOT of Fox to know that!

SPEAKING OF WHICH-----since I never watch "fox news" can someone tell me WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?

It's been taken over by foreign owners and dressed up as a conservative news station.....but it uses the same journalists they have at CNN and MSNBC......they just swap them periodically.
So in between screaming “racist” why don’t you tell us if you think Omar lied when she said the US killed thousands of her Somali countrymen?
Willow, the one thing you right wing nuts no longer have credibility on, is who's a liar and who's not. You ignorant racist ass ho's are NOT, I REPEAT, NOT gonna hold up a morality meter on liberals, while you validate and rubber stamp, the most corrupt, lying orange bastard ever to grace the white house...YOUR PARTY CAN LONGER WHINE ABOUT DEFICITS, MORALITY, BUDGETS, RELIGION AND WHO'S A LIAR AND WHO'S NOT....IN SHORT, DROP DOA!!
We can do whatever we want and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Now was the bitch lying or wasn’t she?
Clinton started it.

by taking away their guns? A note of interest----a very important point of SHARIAH LAW is that kaffirin cannot own or use weapons. When muslims
rule kaffirin are COMPLTELY DISARMED ------that includes swords and daggers
and the vehicles of war-----camels and horses. Muslims consider being unarmed
tantamount to NUDITY -----they are very sensitive about their array of decorative
daggers and, more lately, belts of guns and grenades. If the minions of
Clinton disarmed the MUSLIMS <gasp> he INSULTED ALLAH in the name of
the Christians and Jews. No wonder Omar is pissed
She was still a baby back then.
She just your typical Somali that never learned how to do anything other than talk. They never controlled their children. Their kids were in rags, up all night running around getting in trouble. That was their idea of good parenting.

does not matter that the terrible insult happened when she was a baby----
muslims are STILL fighting over whether the son-in-law of muhummad and his DESCENDANTS should rule the world. Good parenting for muslims is transmission of the words of the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling----including the feces flung at the USA Christians , jews etc etc etc
Which is why she never should have been a member of congress. It's called sleeping with the enemy.
Nevermind the fact that many Muslims cannot be trusted for shit. They lie like the rest of us drink coffee. It's what they do religiously.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake us all up, when that lying sack of shit Trump becomes a real man and stop throwing mfs under the bus, like he did his chanting supporters and stop lying like a rabid dog
But you noticed that they doesn't go after or discuss about his crowds at these rallies for chanting ,"Lock her up!".. They just look the other way, acting as if nothing is going on.

The OP must be hitting the sauce pretty hard. Omar is in deep doo-doo over marrying her brother, then committing polygamy, immigration fraud, and tax fraud at the state and federal levels. Her 9% approval in her own district means she's likely going to be sitting in a prison cell instead of the House after next year.

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