OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Note that I "thanked" soggy's comment and then he bites the hand that patted him.

soggy, I know you are unhappy, but this means nothing as far as the election goes.
great picture of soggy

I had no idea how much alike you two look
Jakey, remove all dangerous items from your shack immediately! Call a friend if you have any and ask him to stay with you for a few days or check yourself back into your institution.
FBI is saying they do not know if these emails mean anything of significance.

FBI is now also look for the hackers and supporters of the Russian effort to influence the election.

Heavens help any Americans the FBI catches.
This is such Poetic Karma.

Breaking news is that the new evidence is from Anthony Weiner's "device" as part of the investigation into his sexting scandal.

Muggeridge's Law Strikes Again!

Hillary Reportedly Joining Ex-Campaign Worker In Russia, Asks Putin For Asylum To Escape Prosecution...

...Putin Says, 'NYET' - Hands Her a 'RESET' Button!

Note that I "thanked" soggy's comment and then he bites the hand that patted him.

soggy, I know you are unhappy, but this means nothing as far as the election goes.
great picture of soggy

I had no idea how much alike you two look
Jakey, remove all dangerous items from your shack immediately! Call a friend if you have any and ask him to stay with you for a few days or check yourself back into your institution.
meathead, I know you think all of this means something. It is nothing more than the final tremors of the political death of the far and alt right twitching, twitching, twitching, not twitching
Another subversive free thread?....Come on, leftists, where is the spin...waiting for DNC instructions?

Shows how hard up the GOP is. General Flynn needs to be investigated.
I bet he did, it was an inside job, someone leaked emails and he would be the one, intel used to be a Dem til he was shoved out and then became buddy buddy with Russia. He needs to be investigated. Perhaps he and Trump belong in the slammer together.
Jesus Christ, how much tinfoil did it take to wrap that around your head?
The OP is a LIE!

The Clinton e-Mail investigation was never closed. Therefore it is not going to be re-opened.

The e-mails are from Anthony Weiner's computer. James Comey informed congressional leaders on it's ongoing investigation about possible additional material contained in Wiener's emails.

No big deal. Just saw Clinton freely give a un-rattled campaign speech without handcuffs.
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Note that I "thanked" soggy's comment and then he bites the hand that patted him.

soggy, I know you are unhappy, but this means nothing as far as the election goes.
great picture of soggy

I had no idea how much alike you two look
Jakey, remove all dangerous items from your shack immediately! Call a friend if you have any and ask him to stay with you for a few days or check yourself back into your institution.
meathead, I know you think all of this means something. It is nothing more than the final tremors of the political death of the far and alt right twitching, twitching, twitching, not twitching

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