OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

A senior law enforcement official separately told Fox News the FBI decision is not linked to WikiLeaks messages or any hack, and the newly discovered emails did not come from the Clinton server – but from another device from another government official.

Goodlatte Statement on the FBI’s Decision to Reopen the Clinton Investigation - House Judiciary Committee

“The FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Secretary Clinton reinforces what the House Judiciary Committee has been saying for months: the more we learn about Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the clearer it becomes that she and her associates committed wrongdoing and jeopardized national security.

“Now that the FBI has reopened the matter, it must conduct the investigation with impartiality and thoroughness. The American people deserve no less and no one should be above the law.”
Groper? lie with no evidence, hater dupe.
Kinda like saying the Russians are doing the hacking? Shutup partisan hater dupe
The Russians ARE doing the hacking.

Prove it. You all keep spewing it but so far nobody has proven a damn thing
I'll go with our intelligence community and executive over the big orange con man, dupe.
So you will just go with the wind even though they have ZERO evidence? BBBAAAAAHHHHHH
There's evidence

How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History
MSNBC can stick its head in the sand if it wants to.....but the fact is:

The Wicked Witch is dead, as a Cancer on the American Way of Life.
Naw, if she wins she still has four years to damage the country and encourage our enemies.
No mention of it on MSNBC's website, even two hours after the news breaks.
Their big story: Hillary is considering Crazy Uncle Joe Biden for her cabinet if she wins.
Maybe there have been so many heads exploding over at MSNBC, that there was no one left to write the web article. :biggrin:
Do you ever stop making shit up? There's no evidence anyone had a "heads up" this was coming
That was a joke stupid. Man Rush is right Liberals have no sense of humor what so ever. I know it's a bad day for you but you have an even worse day ahead of you next week. So you had better toughen up buttercup...LMAO
Like you were just "joking" about how this was spurred by wikileaks, or that Clinton cancelled her rally today -- right?
A senior law enforcement official separately told Fox News the FBI decision is not linked to WikiLeaks messages or any hack, and the newly discovered emails did not come from the Clinton server – but from another device from another government official.

Wrong it came from he is the hacker not the Russians. He hates Obama and the Obama admin.
Hopefully this isnt Comey just putting on a show to try and save face and repair his image along with the FBI's.
Groper? lie with no evidence, hater dupe.
Kinda like saying the Russians are doing the hacking? Shutup partisan hater dupe
The Russians ARE doing the hacking.

Prove it. You all keep spewing it but so far nobody has proven a damn thing
I'll go with our intelligence community and executive over the big orange con man, dupe.
So you will just go with the wind even though they have ZERO evidence? BBBAAAAAHHHHHH
You think they are positive the Russians are behind this with no evidence, dupe? lol
Kinda like saying the Russians are doing the hacking? Shutup partisan hater dupe
The Russians ARE doing the hacking.

Prove it. You all keep spewing it but so far nobody has proven a damn thing
I'll go with our intelligence community and executive over the big orange con man, dupe.
So you will just go with the wind even though they have ZERO evidence? BBBAAAAAHHHHHH
There's evidence

How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History

An opinion piece from Esquire magazine is not proof
FBI re-opens Hillary case - Google Search

The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.

Where did you get that info?
Well expect a trump surge last week or so and this race to go to the house

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