OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Comey: Hmmm these new emails say Classified/Top Secret. Appears there's no wrong doing here. Lets wrap this one up guys!!!
FBI: Yes sir...hey whats for lunch?
exactly or,
well, the classified stamp is not at the exact 22.4° angle it is supposed to be at so I can understand how she might not know.
Watergate didn't involve Nixon but the Watergate cover up did. Hillary is dirty on the front end and the cover up end. Much worse than what Nixon did. Much much worse.
Trump.... Hillary must not be allowed to bring her criminal enterprise into the Oval Office...
Watergate was over a few minutes of tape, this is over 33,000+ emails.
true but this is all the sheep have, its the old , Hey, your guy did it too...
But lets go along with him on this.
Our guy excused himself from office, he realized that it made him appear unfit to lead the nation and did the right thing.
Why wont the whore do the same? Nixon would have never let something like this go this far. He would have dropped out of the race in time for someone else to step in and have a chance of winning.
But see, hillary does not care about the country, or the citizens, hillary cares about hillary and it makes me wonder, what exactly is in it for her that makes her refuse to do the right thing...
Maybe my bumper sticker will come true. Hillary for prison 2016
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
It has nothing to do with wikileaks. Where did you get that information?

Pas de CNN/not from CNN, you understand ?

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I understand the news, including CNN, is not reporting this has anything to do with wikileaks. What part of that do you need explained to you in your first language?
The government media shitheads are freaking out trying to explain this one.
Actually, they haven't 'reopened' the case.

It was never closed

They're bringing in new information to the old case
This is what I was talking about in CK's "biggest fuck you" thread....thought it would hit on Monday....seems the FBI is still doing Friday least this one didn't hit at 5pm.
None of that says anything about wikileaks. Your own link doesn't even state that. So where'd ya get that from?
Jason Chaffetz tweet the FBI contacted his office this morning to confirm the case is open again.
Nothing about wikileaks. Sorry, ram.
Lying again jakey? I do agree however that you are sorry. Your whore is toast!
Nothing about wikileaks. Let me know when that happens.

This reopening is based on emails from an unrelated case.

Jake, does this hurt her chances in Utah?

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