OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Huma's emails on a shared device, dope.

You are NOT supposed to share TS or Classified with anyone (w/o clearance). I would doubt Wieners ankle bracelet would allow him to go to 7-11 let alone read military secrets.

Work emails are all captured and SAVED (by work) when you use work equipment. You don't get to DELETE and choose what to keep.

If you want personal email on work use another site (Yahoo or Gmail).

Who said there was classified information on Wieners server? They are taking this investigation into Huma--Clinton's aid--FORMER wife of Weiner, now X-wife. Huma was Clinton's aid that made her daily schedules up for her, and emailed her like a personal assistant with a to do list of schedules, meetings etc., not classified information. It's well noted that Huma informed the FBI that she forwarded emails to her home address to print out. It says nothing about Classified information.

"Abedin’s lawyers believe many of the 7,000 emails are likely just Clinton schedules or other types of automatic notices that have both of their emails on a distribution list together, not direct communications."
Hillary email probe turns to Huma

Furthermore, these emails may be duplicates of ones the FBI has already looked at.

And if Clinton is demanding that they be released to the public NOW, they're probably nothing to get excited about. It's just read meat--that Comey threw out, and he's clearly in a lot of hot water over it. With the below statement--they're getting ready to hang Comey out to dry.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy
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Huma's emails on a shared device, dope.

You are NOT supposed to share TS or Classified with anyone (w/o clearance). I would doubt Wieners ankle bracelet would allow him to go to 7-11 let alone read military secrets.

Work emails are all captured and SAVED (by work) when you use work equipment. You don't get to DELETE and choose what to keep.

If you want personal email on work use another site (Yahoo or Gmail).

Who said there was classified information on Wieners server? They are taking this investigation into Huma--Clinton's aid--FORMER wife of Weiner. Huma was Clinton's aid that made her daily schedules up for her, and emailed her like a personal assistant with a to do list of schedules, meetings etc., not classified information. It's well noted that Huma informed the FBI that she forwarded emails to her home address to print out. It says nothing about Classified information.

"Abedin’s lawyers believe many of the 7,000 emails are likely just Clinton schedules or other types of automatic notices that have both of their emails on a distribution list together, not direct communications."
Hillary email probe turns to Huma

Furthermore, these emails may be duplicates of ones the FBI has already looked at.

And if Clinton is demanding that they be released to the public NOW, they're probably nothing to get excited about. It's just read meat--that Comey threw out, and he's clearly in a lot of hot water over it.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy
Another Clinton insider. What are all you Clinton insiders wasting your time here? You should be out registering graveyard occupants and homeless people.
Clinton Banks the Early Vote
October 29, 2016

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks.

An estimated 19 million Americans have voted so far in the election, accounting for as much as 20 percent of the electorate.

An early report from a pollster in two swing states saw no impact from the letter on voters.
Why would I cry when Trump wins?

The truly sad part is that we have enough brainwashed rags in this country that would vote for someone under a 2nd federal criminal investigation in 6 months.

Brainwashed? Think how many millions of Americans did your role model brainwashed.
Even Marco Rubio here in Florida cannot even admit or say that your nazi con is a role model.
That pure disgusting don't go think? Think how many of his own GOPs disgusted with this dude.
For him to restart an investigation 10 days from a presidential election it has to be HUGE.
He Hasn’t Seen The Emails!...

this was his letter yesterday to FBI workers

"...At the same time, however, given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression. In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood,..."
Link to that bs? lol. You know all the conspiraceeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!

Not a conspiracy. It's well known, you just have to look.

Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe | New York Post

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.
So proven money being move to those that could have sunk hillary is less of a conspiracy than the money that the left made up about Trump getting from Russia?
Once again, hillary proven, no problem.
A lessor situation not proven for Trump, big problem.
Putin lover lol. Hiary's all investigated: NADA. Trump god knows...
The ‘new’ Clinton emails might all be duplicates

The FBI hasn’t looked at them yet
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
roflmao, you are an ignoramus.

Spilling secrets costs us the lives of our service people and harms the interest of our country, all things that probably excite you and give you belly laughs anyway.

You are being dishonest as always..... Cost us lives of our service people. Like what and who?

If you lost your wallet because you are being careless. Then they stole your identity...... Is that mean you are a bad person?
Hillary admitted and apologized of her private server......... Then hacked by your comrade Putin. But no hacking on GOP or your Putin puppet server.......... That's bullshit don't you think?
FBI Director Comey ambushed Hillary with innuendos - not facts! Plus, that ignorant partisan bastard ruined my 70th birthday yesterday. I will never forgive him...
you dont have many left...thats good
As you know, Bush didn't destroy 22 million. They were there the whole time. It mislabeled them. You have been corrected before. Quit lying.
Probably not Rush or Sean lol. Hilarious.
I doubt that you understand the difference in clearance levels and compartmentalization nor the violations of the classified storage laws involved.

But you will still pick a booger and laugh while eating it like its a treat for you morons, and I guess it is.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
The last investigation took over a year and it was a farce from the beginning. Assuming this one is actually real, I imagine it could take quite a while.
IT was a farce because the agent overseeing the investigation had take $675k for his wifes "Campaign" for the state senate; i.e. a bribe to look the other way.
Link to that bs? lol. You know all the conspiraceeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!

Why is it that liberals never know the most basic facts on any subject?

They make certain that they only know their side....
...which explains why conservatives eat their lunch in debate, and why they do their best to silence the opposition rather than engage same.
BS propaganda is great! You live on another planet, dupes. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"...
FBI Head Under Fire For Clinton Email Scrutiny Days Before Election
Reports: Emails Had Nothing to Do With Clinton
Daily Beast - ‎56 minutes ago‎

The emails that Donald Trump has claimed will bring down Hillary Clinton are not quite the bombshell that he thinks, reports said Saturday. The revelation about new emails related to Hillary Clinton came out Friday, after FBI Director James Comey sent ...

Given that he got a recommendation... we can assume they are worse than bad.

But funny how they claim that the emails had nothing to do with Clinton, and that they haven't seen them at the same time. Deny, deflect! Deny, deflect!
As you know, Bush didn't destroy 22 million. They were there the whole time. It mislabeled them. You have been corrected before. Quit lying.
Probably not Rush or Sean lol. Hilarious.
I doubt that you understand the difference in clearance levels and compartmentalization nor the violations of the classified storage laws involved.

But you will still pick a booger and laugh while eating it like its a treat for you morons, and I guess it is.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
The last investigation took over a year and it was a farce from the beginning. Assuming this one is actually real, I imagine it could take quite a while.
IT was a farce because the agent overseeing the investigation had take $675k for his wifes "Campaign" for the state senate; i.e. a bribe to look the other way.
Link to that bs? lol. You know all the conspiraceeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!

Why is it that liberals never know the most basic facts on any subject?

They make certain that they only know their side....
...which explains why conservatives eat their lunch in debate, and why they do their best to silence the opposition rather than engage same.
BS propaganda is great! You live on another planet, dupes. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"...

I believe I've warned you about using the term 'dupe,' as you've never read any books.....especially this one:


Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century

Now, don't make me have to warn you again!!!
FBI Head Under Fire For Clinton Email Scrutiny Days Before Election
Reports: Emails Had Nothing to Do With Clinton
Daily Beast - ‎56 minutes ago‎

The emails that Donald Trump has claimed will bring down Hillary Clinton are not quite the bombshell that he thinks, reports said Saturday. The revelation about new emails related to Hillary Clinton came out Friday, after FBI Director James Comey sent ...

Given that he got a recommendation... we can assume they are worse than bad.

But funny how they claim that the emails had nothing to do with Clinton, and that they haven't seen them at the same time. Deny, deflect! Deny, deflect!

well they all came off her unsecured server

so she responsible for everyone of them

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