OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

It's clear this is nothing more than another political right wing dog & pony show, with FBI Director Comey who is a Republican that is in tow.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

Could you possible be more of a blithering babbling moron?
FBI Director Comey ambushed Hillary with innuendos - not facts! Plus, that ignorant partisan bastard ruined my 70th birthday yesterday. I will never forgive him...
POLITICAL PAYBACKS ARE HELL. While we have Trump supporters foaming at this mouth over Comey's incompetence, and complete failure to obey standard FBI & DOJ protocol of not releasing this kind of information within a 60 day period of an election. They conveniently forget a lot of things.

You better dam well hope that Democrats don't take over the house, or you'll be up to your email eyeballs in investigations and scandals over Colin Powell's emails when he was Secretary of State:

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Then of course House Democrats are already calling for an FBI investigation into Trump's ties with Russia.
Democrats ask the FBI to investigate Trump advisers’ Russia ties

And the New York State Attorney Generals office has ordered a cease and desist order on the Trump foundation. They actually have two cancelled checks in the amount of $258,000 in charitable donations that he used to settle two non related legal claims and purchase two full sized self portraits of himself.

Then those 3,500 civil law suits, mainly coming from small business contractors that were never paid by Trump for work completed.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Then Trump University that is already scheduled on the court docket, and I imagine this woman will be the 1st witness for the Plaintiff.

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The emails are not from Hillary, not from her server.....which is the issue of investigating the chic, but from others discussing the weenie guy?????? As voiced, the FBI had better come up with more shit to put out or else as TRUMP HIMSELF HAS SAID REPEATIVILY, THE FBI IS CORRUPT...LOLOLOLO

Should this effect the election, which it shouldn't because if your down with Hillary as with Trump, nothing will effect your vote. The only thing it's gonna do is energize those to push even harder for their candidate.


The investigation was reopen because of newly discovered evidence. i know you don't care about the law and believe everything Clinton has done and will do is just perfectly fine, but I prefer the FBI to do their damn job and not be influenced by President Obama or Bill Clinton...

So let them investigate and let see what they find but I am sure if they find something you will proclaim it is bogus and claim it is some witch hunt because you're the typical partisan nutter that believe those like Clinton can do no wrong...

Check the years when Trump made his comment about his daughter because the one I know about is not when she was ten you sick disgusting fucktard!

Not true in any way.
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.
Gold prices up. Stocks down. We'll have to see what happens Monday :(.

I'm going to start investing in a little gold across the board in case Clinton wins and ends up going to jail before January. How is her case not like Watergate? Do we have another election then? This is unprecedented.

Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward says Hillary Clinton's deleted emails remind him of the NIXON TAPES: 'What's on those emails? ... The answers are probably not going to be pretty
Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward says Hillary Clinton's deleted emails remind him of the NIXON TAPES: 'The answers are probably not going to be pretty' | Daily Mail Online
her case was not like watergate because watergate did not pose a possible breach of security to the U.S.
Watergate was one party illegally digging up information on another party.
Considering both parties are supposed to work together anyway, it was a crime that carried much less threat to the United States.
How is Tyron shooting Respus over a gram of crack any different than someone shooting the president over a policy they disagree with. Both are the exact same right? neither one should be tried or punished differently than the other?

What's like Watergate is the emails are reacted like whole pages are redacted. We already know this from some in the media. We won't know what is actually on the emails, just like Nixon's tapes, until decades from now. What's troubling is thousands of these emails were available to Anthony Weiner and possibly others. The news was a shock to the pubs just like the dems. Then we find out it's Anthony Weiner who could be forced to testify on what he knows. He could be Deep Throat. That's how bizarre this is.

There are some theories floating around about Comey already according a conservative blog:

1. "He might be seeking to restore his badly damaged reputation, recognizing that the damage he has inflicted on the FBI is substantial. Three days ago, American Thinker published an open letter from a retired FBI Agent, Hugh Galyean, that laid out some of the damage Comey has inflicted on the institution he leads. There is little doubt that this reached many in the FBI family, putting in print what people have only whispered about. If those silenced voices start speaking out, Comey could face a serious loss of face. In this scenario, he is heading off a staff rebellion, possibly including mass resignations."

2. "Rush Limbaugh today discussed an alternative theory, that by announcing an FBI Investigation resuming, Comey is putting a lid on further attention to Wikileaks. I guess this means that Clinton forces will argue we must wait for the investigation to be complete (after the election) before speaking about what the evil Russians are planting into our politics."

3. "It is possible that something so dramatic came up in the pertinent emails that postponing a public reaction by not announcing the reopening of the investigation would, be regarded as political interference by covering up a smoking gun until after the election. In this scenario, Comey is assuming the evidence cannot be suppressed, and that he would be held accountable after it comes out. This scenario also indicates that we could be headed for a constitutional crisis, involving the possible indictment of a president-elect before an election. Or the evidence being turned over to the House of Representatives for impeachment hearings."

The big thing to me is the Clinton Foundation. It's being treated like a charity foundation from the dems, but there's much more going behind the scenes that regular voters do not trust Clinton and think she is corrupt and has been for some time. I wanted Clinton to go to jail before this, but now that the possibility is good, then the best case has to be made against her. She and the Clinton Foundation need to be exposed to proper scrutiny.
It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it?

That corrupt bitch really needs to be sitting in a Federal Women's Correctional Institution.

Clinton’s State Department: A RICO Enterprise

She appears to have used her official powers to do favors for major Clinton Foundation donors.

Felony mishandling of classified information, including our nation’s most closely guarded intelligence secrets; the misappropriation and destruction of tens of thousands of government records — these are serious criminal offenses. To this point, the Justice Department and FBI have found creative ways not to charge Hillary Clinton for them. Whether this will remain the case has yet to be seen. As we go to press, the stunning news has broken that the FBI’s investigation is being reopened. It appears, based on early reports, that in the course of examining communications devices in a separate “sexting” investigation of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, the bureau stumbled on relevant e-mails — no doubt connected to Huma Abedin, Mr. Weiner’s wife and, more significantly, Mrs. Clinton’s closest confidant. According to the New York Times, the FBI has seized at least one electronic device belonging to Ms. Abedin as well. New e-mails, never before reviewed by the FBI, have been recovered.

The news is still emerging, and there will be many questions — particularly if it turns out that the bureau failed to obtain Ms. Abedin’s communications devices earlier in the investigation, a seemingly obvious step. As we await answers, we can only observe that, whatever the FBI has found, it was significant enough for director James Comey to sense the need to notify Congress, despite knowing what a bombshell this would be just days before the presidential election.

Read more at: Hillary Clinton Corruption: Foundation Was the Key | National Review
She and Huma looked pretty scared yesterday on her plane.

That wasn't scared that was ANGRY--and the punch back is going to be fierce. Comey has had an entire year to do an investigation, he came too a conclusion 3 months ago, and he reopened a case with a statement that "there may not be anything significant to this" 10 days before an election.

You can bet his head is going to roll. Already he is being accused of trying to sway a National election. He himself broke standard DOJ & FBI protocol by releasing this information within 60 days of an election.
It's clear this is nothing more than another political right wing dog & pony show, with FBI Director Comey who is a Republican that is in tow.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

Could you possible be more of a blithering babbling moron?

Ya know she could of learned from Al Capone you can get away with a bunch of things but don't keep trying your luck playing with fire because it will come back and burn your ass
She and Huma looked pretty scared yesterday on her plane.

That wasn't scared that was ANGRY--and the punch back is going to be fierce. Comey has had an entire year to do an investigation, he came too a conclusion 3 months ago, and he reopened a case with a statement that "there may not be anything significant to this" 10 days before an election.

You can bet his head is going to roll. Already he is being accused of trying to sway a National election. He himself broke standard DOJ & FBI protocol by releasing this information within 60 days of an election.

Yup he did so it must be something that is going to stick to hillary that not even lynch could ignore.


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