OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
roflmao, you are an ignoramus.

Spilling secrets costs us the lives of our service people and harms the interest of our country, all things that probably excite you and give you belly laughs anyway.

You are being dishonest as always..... Cost us lives of our service people. Like what and who?

If you lost your wallet because you are being careless. Then they stole your identity...... Is that mean you are a bad person?
Hillary admitted and apologized of her private server......... Then hacked by your comrade Putin. But no hacking on GOP or your Putin puppet server.......... That's bullshit don't you think?
What kind of Kool Aid you drinkin', sheeple?
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.
Whatever they found, Lynch and Obama gave the green light to go public with it 11 days before the election.

No they didn't. Read the link.

Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns -
FBI Head Under Fire For Clinton Email Scrutiny Days Before Election
Reports: Emails Had Nothing to Do With Clinton
Daily Beast - ‎56 minutes ago‎

The emails that Donald Trump has claimed will bring down Hillary Clinton are not quite the bombshell that he thinks, reports said Saturday. The revelation about new emails related to Hillary Clinton came out Friday, after FBI Director James Comey sent ...

Given that he got a recommendation... we can assume they are worse than bad.

But funny how they claim that the emails had nothing to do with Clinton, and that they haven't seen them at the same time. Deny, deflect! Deny, deflect!
If the E-mails had nothing to do with Clinton why did the FBI reopen her case? That's what the Liberal Pukes won't even admit. And everyone of them act like they're looking over Comey's shoulder. The Liberal press is scurrying like cockroaches to protect the sow.
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

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Actually, Comey didn't say much to cause all this hubbub. Media going nuts as usual. Where are the foreign correspondents and offices? Real news?

So right hfw... I would like to see more investigation into the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe/Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe $675,000.00 contribution to Jill McCabe, wife of Andrew McCabe for a unsuccessful run for Congress in Va. Please pull some of your strings to get someone working on this appearance of impropriety...

Well your next investigation will be about Trump's ties to Russia, which House Democrats have already called for.
Democrats ask the FBI to investigate Trump advisers’ Russia ties

Then the New York State attorney General's office has already opened up an investigation in the Trump Foundation.

Bring it on cookie... Let the sunshine in...
"DOJ concerns" = getting Hillary and other Dems elected, that's the ONLY "concern" Lynch and Holder have had...
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

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In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

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and now the left hates him and the right still has no faith in him.
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk
The hell he was. He can't keep his big New BS GOP mouth shut...
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
Well you see, Bunkie, Comey was made an offer he couldn't refuse. From both sides. It is apparent he decided to go with the right side. Arrivederci, Cankles.
You mean other than the fact the ones coming forward have nothing to gain by it? Or that he even said to Little Billy Busy that he can touch them int he puss y and they won't do anything about it because he's famous? You did him say that right? He hasn't denied it. That fact you are giving him a free pass is of no surprise. He could rape a nun at this stage and you guys would give him a free pass.

And what about the emails? Did they put the US in danger? No evidence.

She did something stupid. That's not corrupt. That's not me saying that. That's US law.
Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was "A Real Bombshell"

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...

No--that's not correct. Comey has been accused by many, including Trump of being a junk yard dog to Hillary Clinton. He has got to be the most incompetent agent out there, as he was well aware that Huma was forwarding emails to her server in order to print them out. IOW--he could have easily had access to all these emails one year ago, in fact they could have been sitting on his desk, as far as anyone knows, and he now decides to make a statement about them, 10 days before a National Election.

That is AGAINST standard protocol for the DOJ & FBI to release that kind of "vague" information within 60 days of an election.

No clarity, except for a statement that these emails may not be significant to anything. I imagine his head is going to roll on this one.

Funny. In July Comey was a hero to the left.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

In July the RWnuts around here wanted him shot for treason.
and if this time he finds reason to prosecute, then its obvious he hid the facts last time, and if he still does not find reason then he is still trying to cover up.
either way he has proven to be a traitor only following orders from the obama administration
E-MAILS!!!!!! bfd, dupes...
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison
Tryonecumslopper may need an intevention....Help Him Fakey Jakey

What made you say that? I'm still new here but I found it more of these called themselves conservative but are fake like Jimbowie or airplanemechinic just to name a few that are dishonest.
Just because Trump say it's good is good. Just because Trump say it's rigged it's rig. Just because Trump say it's bad it's bad. This is becoming a norm.

1. Trump called all these polls rigged because he is behind ...... His followers say it's rigged....... Then he is ahead by 2 points here in Florida. He is bragging that he is winning. It's not rigged...His followers say it's not rigged.
2. Trump hiring foreign workers. When these foreign workers taking over American jobs. And that's okay. At the same time bitchin about illegals taking over jobs.
3. Russian has always been the enemy.... For some reason Trump followers it's okay to kiss Putin ass. And being called puppet. And that's okay too.
4. His foreign policy sucks, his economy policy sucks but that's okay.
5. Russian hacking into American enterprises..... His followers denied it and that's okay.
6. Using his power to just grab pussy and that's okay.
That is fucking ridiculous.

Maybe I can bring this up also that Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Schedule to appear in court Dec. 16/16 in NY. Let see if this is also acceptable.

Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old
Last edited:
Tryonecumslopper may need an intevention....Help Him Fakey Jakey

What made you say that? I'm still new here but I found it more of these called themselves conservative but are fake like Jimbowie or airplanemechinic just to name a few that are dishonest.
Just because Trump say it's good is good. Just because Trump say it's rigged it's rig. Just because Trump say it's bad it's bad. This is becoming a norm.

1. Trump called all these polls rigged because he is behind ...... His followers say it's rigged....... Then he is ahead by 2 points here in Florida. He is bragging that he is winning. It's not rigged...His followers say it's not rigged.
2. Trump hiring foreign workers. When these foreign workers taking over American jobs. And that's okay. At the same bitchin about illegals taking over jobs.
3. Russian has always been the enemy.... For some reason Trump followers it's okay to kiss Putin ass. And being called puppet. And that's okay too.
4. His foreign policy sucks, his economy policy sucks but that's okay.
5. Russian hacking into American enterprises..... His followers denied it and that's okay.
6. Using his power to just grab pussy and that's okay.
That is fucking ridiculous.

Maybe I can bring this up also that Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Schedule to appear in court Dec. 16/16 in NY. Let see if this is also acceptable.

Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old

1. The polls are rigged, oversampling democrats completely unrealistically.
2. Did Trump somewhere say that he should not be able to hire foreign workers?
3. Russia has always been the enemy... so NUKE THEM? Yeah I think not...
4. His foreign and economic policies of peace and prosperity are a win of epic proportions.
5. There is no evidence of Russia hacking into anything, except maybe for the DNC leaks. He hasn't denied anything...
6. Yes, the women wanted that, because Trump is a successful, famous, tall, alpha male. Everything you aren't.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
roflmao, you are an ignoramus.

Spilling secrets costs us the lives of our service people and harms the interest of our country, all things that probably excite you and give you belly laughs anyway.

You are being dishonest as always..... Cost us lives of our service people. Like what and who?

If you lost your wallet because you are being careless. Then they stole your identity...... Is that mean you are a bad person?
Hillary admitted and apologized of her private server......... Then hacked by your comrade Putin. But no hacking on GOP or your Putin puppet server.......... That's bullshit don't you think?
What kind of Kool Aid you drinkin', sheeple?

Did JimB sent you to help him? Aside from being sarcastic........ and anything to contribute I suggest just take your meds and go take a nap.

Maybe you have not noticed jimb got NOTHING NOTHING to counter act because he is just a bullshit like everyone else.
1. Trump called all these polls rigged because he is behind ...... His followers say it's rigged....... Then he is ahead by 2 points here in Florida. He is bragging that he is winning. It's not rigged...His followers say it's not rigged.
I have been saying it was going to be rigged for Hillary since the very start, even before the election process began, she was promised and it will be hers. I did not have to wait for Trump to tell me it was rigged. I knew it was rigged 8 years ago.
2. Trump hiring foreign workers. When these foreign workers taking over American jobs. And that's okay. At the same bitchin about illegals taking over jobs.
Although most of the workers were supposedly A-1 visa holders, I completely disagree with Trump or anyone else hiring the illegals. But there is a difference between a foreign worker with the right to work here and the common illegal that sneaks across the border. I hold him in contempt for hiring them when Americans need work. Again, I fail to fall into your preconceived perception.
3. Russian has always been the enemy.... For some reason Trump followers it's okay to kiss Putin ass. And being called puppet. And that's okay too.
Russia has been less of an enemy than the left likes to admit. I would say that with the right diplomatic conversations, Russia was in a place to be who they want while we maintain our way of government and still work together to rid the world of terrorists. Hillary made a huge mistake when she ran her mouth and reopened the cold war.
4. His foreign policy sucks, his economy policy sucks but that's okay.
He really has little in the way of a foreign policy, he is more concerned with our own economy and getting the U.S working and supporting itself again. At this point I tend to agree with him. We can not help others if we are not in good shape ourselves. The economic policies of this country have not worked to our favor since Bush 1 was in office. Clinton might have looked good, but that was due to the tech bubble that he had during his term. Once that collapsed, everything else went with it. He should not have based our total economy on something as voltile as what one might consider a passing phase.
5. Russian hacking into American enterprises..... His followers denied it and that's okay.
Maybe they did hack in, and that is something that needs to be addressed, however the fact that there were faults in our security only makes the actions of moving classified documents to an unsecured server. hillary showed a great lack of judgement when she did this. The fact still remains that she did move information to unprotected storage, she made it easy and tempting for others to hack in and take that info.
6. Using his power to just grab pussy and that's okay.
That is fucking ridiculous.
Again with this one. Crude talk yes, but anyone that is honest with themselves can think back through their life and recall conversations that they might have had that could be considered less than appropriate, maybe it was telling a racial joke, or a sexual joke, maybe it was as simple as talking about how hot that new secretary is.
Ive had those conversations, although I honestly have to joked about raping anyone, I have made comments that could have been taken wrong if said in certain mixed circles.
His saying this is not proof that he did it.

Maybe I can bring this up also that Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Schedule to appear in court Dec. 16/16 in NY. Let see if this is also acceptable.
If Trump is convicted of raping a 13 year old girl and it is obvious that the proof is reliable, then I will be one of the first ones to suggest he be executed for his actions. At this current time, I again am prone to think that this is another bullshit charge brought up by the DNC to discredit him.

I am not the typical supporter that you seem to think fits everyone that supports Trump.

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