OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

Pretty sure the FBI WON'T produce any classified material for all to see either.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

This does not refute the argument that she is under serious investigation... are you starting to get it yet? Does it register?

She is? And if she was, so what? Has the Gestapo taken over?

So what indeed.

This person's IQ must be less than 60.

Trump is under investigation for raping a 13 year old.
if you want to see a dupe, look in the mirror.
Some guy trying to outbrag another guy joking around about women is more critical to you than National Security?
clintons future, BFD. I would love to see her rot in a maximum security prison

Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.
baseless accusations like those that the left is currently employing when referring to Trump.
Lets just start with his being in Russia's pocket.

So now you confess that your accusations are baseless.
I did no such thing.
my accusations are not baseless. Unless of course you are finally admitting that you really have nothing substantial against Trump. Which, it almost sounds like you are.
See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

Pretty sure the FBI WON'T produce any classified material for all to see either.


lol, they will have to show it to someone if they plan legal action. Goddam how much you people sound like the birthers now is amazing.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?
you stated it as proof, all we are asking is where this proof is.
Please show us.
and just like Trumps taxes, to date nothing has been proven to indicate the kenyan is a citizen.

See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

God you are not an intelligent person kid.

"My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

THAT is your declarative statement dumbass, you don't get to move the goalposts kid.
My observation stands, you are a dumbass.
Can we at least get beyond the RWnut wild accusation phase before we start talking about National Security?

Some of us remember eight years of birtherism, led, eventually, by the GOP nominee for president,

cheered on by his legion of nutty followers.

How is this relevant?

Oh, it isn't... deflect, deflect...

It's relevant because people like you think your baseless accusations count as substantive factual evidence.
baseless accusations like those that the left is currently employing when referring to Trump.
Lets just start with his being in Russia's pocket.

So now you confess that your accusations are baseless.
I did no such thing.
my accusations are not baseless. Unless of course you are finally admitting that you really have nothing substantial against Trump. Which, it almost sounds like you are.

lol, you said your accusations were like the baseless accusations the left is currently employing when referring to Trump.

That was your OWN identification, by comparison, of your accusations as being baseless.
See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?
you stated it as proof, all we are asking is where this proof is.
Please show us.

It's beyond him, he simply says stupid shit and then cannot believe when he gets called on it.
See what I mean? Goddam it's too easy to win an argument around here.

Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

God you are not an intelligent person kid.

"My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

THAT is your declarative statement dumbass, you don't get to move the goalposts kid.
My observation stands, you are a dumbass.

Well, show me the email(s) then.
Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

This does not refute the argument that she is under serious investigation... are you starting to get it yet? Does it register?

She is? And if she was, so what? Has the Gestapo taken over?

So what indeed.

This person's IQ must be less than 60.

Trump is under investigation for raping a 13 year old.

False... There is a baseless lawsuit against him... anyone can make a lawsuit. Deflect, deflect!
Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

Pretty sure the FBI WON'T produce any classified material for all to see either.


lol, they will have to show it to someone if they plan legal action. Goddam how much you people sound like the birthers now is amazing.
yes, they will have to show it to someone. but that someone is not going to be any of us here posting on this site.
That someone will hold a clearance high enough to evaluate the documents that are found.
the most we will know is that they did find something. And that wont come out for some time after they find it. In the meantime, we just sit here and guess.
Unless you can provide that proof.
Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?
you stated it as proof, all we are asking is where this proof is.
Please show us.

It's beyond him, he simply says stupid shit and then cannot believe when he gets called on it.

Show me the emails you're claiming you've seen.
Dude, I think you are a bit out of your league, you can't even MAKE an argument.

My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

God you are not an intelligent person kid.

"My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

THAT is your declarative statement dumbass, you don't get to move the goalposts kid.
My observation stands, you are a dumbass.

Well, show me the email(s) then.

Does ignorance run in your family?
YOU made a declarative statement, YOU have to prove it.
You already look stupid here, just walk away.
My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

This does not refute the argument that she is under serious investigation... are you starting to get it yet? Does it register?

She is? And if she was, so what? Has the Gestapo taken over?

So what indeed.

This person's IQ must be less than 60.

Trump is under investigation for raping a 13 year old.

False... There is a baseless lawsuit against him... anyone can make a lawsuit. Deflect, deflect!

And no investigation ever goes into the adjudication of a lawsuit? Oh, and btw, no one is investigating Trump University?
View attachment 95661
Vladimir Putin


View attachment 95662
Julian Assange



^ Applauds foreign intervention in our electoral process.

Aplauds a secrete corrupt government
She and Huma looked pretty scared yesterday on her plane.

That wasn't scared that was ANGRY--and the punch back is going to be fierce. Comey has had an entire year to do an investigation, he came too a conclusion 3 months ago, and he reopened a case with a statement that "there may not be anything significant to this" 10 days before an election.

You can bet his head is going to roll. Already he is being accused of trying to sway a National election. He himself broke standard DOJ & FBI protocol by releasing this information within 60 days of an election.

Yup he did so it must be something that is going to stick to hillary that not even lynch could ignore.


NOPE--Comey's aids advised him NOT to do this.

"Senior Justice Department officials warned the FBI that Director James B. Comey’s decision to notify Congress about renewing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was not consistent with long-standing practices of the department, according to officials familiar with the discussions.

The bureau told Justice Department officials that Comey intended to inform lawmakers of newly discovered emails. These officials told the FBI the department’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation. And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election,” said one Justice Department official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the high-level conversations.

“Director Comey understood our position. He heard it from Justice leadership,” the official said. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

In essence the DOJ & probably the State Department is getting ready to hang Comey out to dry on this one.

Lmao they cant
My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

God you are not an intelligent person kid.

"My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

THAT is your declarative statement dumbass, you don't get to move the goalposts kid.
My observation stands, you are a dumbass.

Well, show me the email(s) then.

Does ignorance run in your family?
YOU made a declarative statement, YOU have to prove it.
You already look stupid here, just walk away.

I don't have to prove the non-existence of something. You think Hillary Clinton is going to be convicted of felonies with non-existent emails as the evidence? Fuckinay.
My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton.

Go ahead, refute that.

Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?
you stated it as proof, all we are asking is where this proof is.
Please show us.

It's beyond him, he simply says stupid shit and then cannot believe when he gets called on it.

Show me the emails you're claiming you've seen.

Now you want to put words in my mouth?
Does this kind of thing generally work for you?
YOU made a statement.....

""My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

You get to prove it.
You don't get to move the goal posts.
Yu don't get to put words in mouth.
You get to prove your assertion.
See how this works in the real world?
Dumbass the burden falls to you to PROVE that.
God you Lefty's are an ignorant bunch.

I have to prove that the FBI has not produced one incriminating email off that laptop?

lol, where the fuck did you go to school?

God you are not an intelligent person kid.

"My argument at this point is, there is not ONE email found on Huma's laptop incriminating Hillary Clinton."

THAT is your declarative statement dumbass, you don't get to move the goalposts kid.
My observation stands, you are a dumbass.

Well, show me the email(s) then.

Does ignorance run in your family?
YOU made a declarative statement, YOU have to prove it.
You already look stupid here, just walk away.

I don't have to prove the non-existence of something. You think Hillary Clinton is going to be convicted of felonies with non-existent emails as the evidence? Fuckinay.

First of all, you do.
You made a declarative statement that told the world you must have some kind of "inside" knowledge.
You've been bitch slapped.

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